There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
book JS (Library) - sag
UserScript XHR Hook Framework JS (Library) - This script is intended to work with @require only. Once required this can be used to listen for XHR events using window.UserScript.OnXHR.addEventListener((event) => {});
Tampermonkey Meta JS (Library) - 油猴头部信息解析工具
CKWebDavStorage JS (Library) - Simple WebDAV storage provider
mono JS (Library) - For browser video download
资源库专搜索脚本 JS (Library) - 点击展开目录即可将全部展开,然后Ctrl+F组合键搜索就可以了
blive_room_info_api JS (Library) - 简单封装一些信息
CSSAT JS (Library) - 用于将网页改编为响应式设计的工具函数
zip3 JS (Library) - run
zip2 JS (Library) - run
Lost Mod for moo JS (Library) - working Lost Mod
OLCore2 JS (Library) - Core functions for (OFA)
Lost Modv3 JS (Library) - all my mods in one script!
Lost Modv2 JS (Library) - all my mods in one script!
TwiiterHelper JS (Library) - ツイートからIDや名前などの情報を取得しやすくする
MooMoo search JS (Library) - How to use: click house icon, enable gui, connect bots, search.
Lost Mod JS (Library) - all my mods in one script!
zip JS (Library) - run
butonclick JS (Library) - click
profitrunesfenix JS (Library) - run
nextrun-1 JS (Library) - 654
TSLibrary - Generic (Archive) JS (Library) - A resource JS library file providing common useful functions to be used by other scripts
betodds-1 (b to a) JS (Library) - run
js-copy JS (Library) - copy
betodds+1 JS (Library) - run
betodds-1 JS (Library) - run
PoopJs JS (Library) - Dimava's library for simplifying userscripting
gdysxh_auto_videos_source JS (Library) - 省医药协会_继续教育_我的课程
profitrunes JS (Library) - run
zyys_gdfda_org_auto_play_videos JS (Library) - 用于[公需课] 刷课脚本
WF Global Lib JS (Library) - Global library for all scripts that need it. Primary purpose, to serve Exolium's WazeForum scripts, but can be used by those who need it.
bibln12e2 JS (Library) - n12e2
nextrun JS (Library) - 456
bibln+2 JS (Library) - n+2
MonkeyConfig Modern Reloaded JS (Library) - Easy configuration dialog builder for user scripts
Bkdkdkdkdkd JS (Library) - F
UserScript Automated Element Text Notifier JS (Library) - This script is intended to work with @require only. Provides class AutomatedElementTextNotifier
UserScript Notification Framework JS (Library) - This script is intended to work with @require only. Exposes an instance of the Notifications class of this script to window.UserScript.Notifications
pub-functions JS (Library) - 公共函数库
GifPlayer JS (Library) - GifPlayer Control
i18nISOCountries JS (Library) - A browserified bundle of
E-Code JS (Library) - Evades Coder
WorkerTimer JS (Library) - Needs to setInterval/setTimeout times working normally
bibl2e2 JS (Library) - 2e2
bibln+1 JS (Library) - n+1
GitHub zh-CN JS (Library) - GitHub 中文
CWSS JS (Library) - Complete WebSocket Sniffer
Online IDE Support JS JS (Library) - Injects elements into a codepen IDE for demonstration purposes
Evolvenooo JS (Library) - try to play hte game
DoubanSearch JS (Library) - RT
Html Entities Decode JS (Library) - A bundled function (heDecode) to decode html entities
Douban Info Class JS (Library) - Parse Douban Info
dirty-json JS (Library) - A bundle of dirty-json in browser environment
库 JS (Library) - 自用
arras JS (Library) - Force the use of AMC( Modified client)
BilibiliAPI_mod JS (Library) - BilibiliAPI,PC端抓包研究所得,原作者是SeaLoong。我在此基础上补充新的API。
atcoder-problems-api JS (Library) - library for API provided by AtCoder Problems
WykopObserve JS (Library) - API WykopObserve dla dodatków na - daje API, które robi pętlę z callbackiem, po wpisach z filtrowaniem wedłów różnych kryteriów.
扇贝单词随身听辅助库 JS (Library) - 该脚本是,扇贝单词自动听词助手 的一个辅助库
miller JS (Library) - mac
wenku8+ loader entry JS (Library) - load wenku8+ temporarily (entry)
wenku8+ loader JS (Library) - load wenku8+ temporarily
sekiro JS (Library) - 自用
libWasmHash JS (Library) - WebAssembly实现的Hash
libBilibiliToken_copy JS (Library) - 哔哩哔哩cookie获取token
tesseract-fast.min.js JS (Library) -
frColorPicker JS (Library) - frColorPicker 拾色器专供Font Rendering使用。
FRHD Animator JS (Library) - Make FRHD animations easily
html_docx_Lib_douban JS (Library) - html_docx library
wasm_patcher JS (Library) - WebAssemblyのbufferにパッチを当てる
gamer nipps JS (Library) - idk
ab站背景更改css脚本 JS (Library) - ab站背景更改css样式表
common_function JS (Library) - 为脚本提供公共执行方法
mylib JS (Library) - 我的工具
PriateLib JS (Library) - 自用
lib42class JS (Library) - 青骄第二课堂禁毒知识竞赛2022版题库
Comic Fuz Downloader Protobuf Message JS (Library) - Comic Fuz Downloader Protobuf Message for Comic Fuz Downloader
crypto-js-fid JS (Library) - crypto-js
Tính tiền mày lun :) (deobfuscated) JS (Library) - Unkillable Script (unless dumb sync or lag)
GM_config (Konf fork) JS (Library) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
libCtxtMenu JS (Library) - Simple adapter for adding legacy browsers rightclick menu commands.
GitHub 中文化插件 - 中文词库规则 JS (Library) - 中文词库规则
html2canvas.132 JS (Library) - html2canvas 1.3.2
ResizeObserver polyfill JS (Library) - For ancient browsers
Ultra mod JS (Library) - THis is not mine, I just needed to switch the keybinds
常用油猴函数 JS (Library) - 自用
MouseUI JS (Library) - A simple style library for Author own use.
[OUTDATED] ESP; Library Version (clean) JS (Library) - Simple ESP script for (Library Version, Clean)
SEU examsafety Question Bank JS (Library) - A question bank to f**k
xfgryujk's bliveproxy JS (Library) - 从xfgryujk哪里抄来的,忽略了一个报错的地方
layerjs-gm-with-css JS (Library) - layer.js 带有css样式
UglifyJS JS (Library) - UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit.
Esprima JS (Library) - Esprima Parser
babelParser JS (Library) - Babel Parser
Select2_pinyin JS (Library) - Select2库with拼音select
emojies JS (Library) - List of emojies
个人常用的一些简单函数,勿安装 JS (Library) - 个人常用的一些简单函数,勿安装,详情查看代码中的函数说明
diepAPI JS (Library) -
Spectrum JS (Library) - The No Hassle jQuery Colorpicker