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mTurk HIT Fullscreen Crosshair CSS (as Userscript) JS - Userscript adapatation (and improvement) of code found at - applied to mTurk.
Show Character Codes JS - Display a dialog showing the character code(s) of the selected character(s). This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:scc_ujs()
html5 videos: Click To Play JS - Make "video" elements click to play
Save Selected Text To File JS - Save selection into file as text or HTML code. The selected text or HTML code will be previewed and can be edited before it is saved. The file will be presented as a file download. This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:ssttf_ujs()
informoTVBoT JS - Bot
Link & Form Field Navigation Shortcuts JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts for focusing: previous form field (ALT+1), next form field (ALT+2), previous link (ALT+3), and next link (ALT+4).
No more “Read more...” JS - Prevent websites injecting a “Read more:” into the copied content
Faris Handy Webdev JavaScript functions JS - A bunch of useful JavaScript functions
F JS - Userscript to retrieve archived versions of dead links
Shrug Inserter JS - Appends the shrug emoji to the currently-focused input. No jQuery.
Pixel Art Zoom JS - Add-on that allows the user to scroll images so they can view pixel art in browser
Solved Media JS - Autocompletion for Solve Media image CAPTCHAs.
HTTP Request Sniffer JS - log http requests made with javascript in the console.
Disable Spellcheck Globally JS - disables nasty spellcheck that Edge refuses to disable
[Global] Image Zoomer JS - Allows zooming into images without changing pages. Hold Ctrl+Shift (Cmd+Shift on MAC) when clicking on an image to load it with the extension.
imgur to imgurp JS - replace imgur urls with imgurp
Force Justify JS - In modern times there really is no reason not to use justified text alignment always!
Disable Notifications API JS - Disable Notifications API where sites may show popup notifications message at bottom-right of the web browser. Any sites which require Notifications API may cause the web browser to ask user for a permission to display notifications. This script disables both the notifications and the permission prompt. It is intended for users who find them annoying.
Chrome JS & CSS Highlighter JS - Highlight's CSS and JS code in tab
Search Selected text on Amazon .ca JS - Im Mahi , and this script helps people to select and search a product by name without having to download any new Search extension, with single click | Saves lot of time for e-commerce employees. CANADA version
HTML5 Video Frame Screenshot JS - Adds ability to take a screenshot from the current frame of a HTML5 video element and be saved to a file named "video_frame.jpg" or "video_frame.png" (image format is configurable). This script is intended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:hvfs_ujs()
Cookie clicker hacks. JS - loads o fun
WebBot to View 2 Sites Statically inputted JS - will be a bot and get you hits
Show Cangjie Codes Using Ruby Annotation JS - Display Cangjie Codes Automatically
FC_Research Tool EU JS - Im Mahi, and this script helps people to select and seacrh EU-Bin ID Bin Research single click | Saves lot of time for VBI employees.
YoutubeVR JS - YoutubeVR Plugin
colorDate JS - "Set date color according to date 根据网页上日期的新旧程度, 给日期进行着色, 比如说已经是5年前的一个日期会成为红色, 以便提醒阅览者,注意信息可能过于陈旧。"
Hola Mundo JS - does nothing, just writes a welcome message to the console. a very simple userscript that illustrates the use of the GM_config library, remote resources, themes and some common userscript mechanics
informo.ty (BoT) JS - Bot
Active Tab Arrow Display JS - Display an arrow on the title of the currently active tab
Vidpaw Downloader JS - The script assist Vidpaw to convert video links.
External link newtaber JS - opens external links in a new tab on all sites (now can work with dynamic link lists, such as search results)
Automatic URL Decoder JS - It decodes all percent-encoded links on current page.
Avengers: Infinity War Spoiler Blocker JS - Notifies the user if any keywords related to Infinity Wars are detected on the page.
替代新时代为后现代 JS - try to take over the world!
AnimalQueryJS JS - Tries to speedup browsing by disabling JS (jQuery) animations
Shaniqua - Big Ol' Butts in your Projects JS - Latest update: Updates for Qualtrics.
SokBar JS - Search bar selection by key shortcut.
E-mail reply highlighting (manual) JS - Highlights e-mail replies with different colours per quotation level in lines preceded by ">", ">>" etc.
Auto Scroll Mouse [fork] JS - No mousewheel? No problem! This script will scroll the page if you place your mouse near the top or bottom of the window and wiggle it.
DevTools Anti-Detector JS - Simple tool to temporarily prevent site from using popular methods of DevTools detection. Do not leave enabled!
Remove HTML5 Audio/Video and Flash JS - Remove HTML5 Video (and optionally Audio too) and Flash from any web page. This is somewhat an aggresive measure to disable audio, video and Flash when there's no other option is available.
Image Proxier JS - Replaces images from certain websites with a proxied version.
Case converter JS - swap the case of the selected text
Highlight non-native (resized) pictures JS - Draws an outline around img elements, which have been resized by the browser
MLG Web Design JS - Turn websites you visit in a hypnotic mess only true 360° quickscopers can use.
Reverse TinEye Image Search JS - Dragging any image allows you to do a TinEye image search.
自用 JS - 自用1.0
YouTube Embedder JS - Convert links and optionally URL text which points to a YouTube video, into embedded YouTube frame. For URL text, it can be converted to a link only. The main function can be configured for on-demand-only for slow computers. If enabled, the main function can be executed via bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:yte_ujs()
Text to URL JS - Converts url-like text into clickable url.
DOGGO JS - Replace all images on a page with dogs
CATTO JS - Replace all images on a page with cats
White background replacer JS - Replaces the background white color with a darker one in order to decrease eye strain
Office Online Viewer JS - View office documents in your browser with Microsoft Office Online. Previously made by ogzergin
NativeScript JS - LoremLoremLorem.
Custom media url JS - Open media in html in ONE click!
Firefox Hide Scrollbars JS - Hide Scrollbars in Firefox
Insert Lorem ipsum JS - Input l or lorem followed by p for paragraphs, s for sentences or w for words followed by a number (max 4) then press right arrow. e.g. l s 2 → (gives you two sentences)
Debrid Download Helper JS - Downloads files, copies URLs and queues magnet links.
select text by middle button JS - select the text by middle button
Accented Character Input JS - Add functionality to input accented characters for non accented keyboards when the current input focus is on a text input element, or a content-editable element.
Console.Global.Varibles.Infos JS - Show globale variables declared in window object
A11y JS - Test for assessibility problems
HighlightSelected JS - Highlight selected text on doubleclick
Test 1 JS - Adds link to original size below each image
MS-Word DOCX Reader JS - Adds Microsoft Office Word DOCX document viewing functionality without using or involving any third party website. To view a Word document, use the mouse shortcut to click the link on a web page which points to a DOCX file. By default, the mouse shortcut is Alt+LeftClick, and it's configurable in the script.
Felix Test JS - try to take over the world!
Replace Numbers on Webpages JS - Apply a math function of your choice to all numbers from 0-99 on a webpage. Inspired by JoeSimmons' "Replace Text On Webpages".
Closing Confirmation JS - Prevents the page from being closed without your consent
Hiragana and Katakana learning JS - Teach the alphabet...
Adapt to Screen JS - Make the computer version of the webpage use the phone
MathJax compiler and decompiler JS - Ctrl-m compiles LaTeX code with inline math delimiters $ ... $ and [; ... ;], and display math delimiters $$ ... $$ and [(; ... ;)]. Ctrl-, decompiles.
- embed JS - Replace YouTube embeds with embeds.
银杏 JS - Quick copy & send magnet links
Optimize Browser JS - Have a better experience to use browser.
Mediawiki <br> adder JS - Adds a button to add <br> in mediawiki form
Mastoshare Replacer JS - Replace Mastoshare Links to Your Instance Share Form.
Add view port mobile meta to all pages JS - Add view port mobile meta to all pages (mobile enable) - Install on FF Mobile
Use My Amazon Affiliate Code JS - Puts your own Amazon affiliate ID in Amazon links
Mturk Group IDs JS - Adds group ID to mturk hit frames
Google Recaptcha Dark Theme Night Mode JS - Google Recaptcha Dark Theme Night Mode - currently undergoing build
Slightly darken all website BG-color - Body/HTML #ccc JS - Slightly darken all website BG-color - Body/HTML #ccc build
網頁國名糾錯插件 JS - 糾正錯誤的國家名
- JS - A simple way to save objects as .json files or to save blobs as files from the console.
Filter Out Rotten Tomatoes JS - Removes links, images, and text which refer to Rotten Tomatoes or its website, on any website.
Amazon Multi-Country Check JS - Check amazon products in multiple other countries.
JIRA Subtask Move Plugin JS - Plugin to allow moving of sub-tasks in JIRA
Comments Everywhere JS - Pissed about media outlets that choose on what news you can or not comment? No more, this script will put a small "C" button on all pages footers, upon clicking on it you'll gain the ability to comment and read comments from other people on any page!
HTTP Request/Response logger JS - Listen to all ajax http requests and responses and renders a button on screen that allows it's download (groups by request). Exports in mockserver format.
urzednicza remover JS - try to take over the world!
Pony Party JS - You left your computer unlocked!
WizHelper JS - Add a button for all websites which can save webpage to Wiz.
Scroll to empty text box JS - Press F2 to scroll to an empty text box and focus it
Video Volume Control JS - Adds volume control with mouse scroll on page video.
Simple HTML5 video player JS - Replaces any default HTML5 player with custom controls
巴哈廣告欄位刪除 JS - try to take over the world!
CSS Prefer Dark Mode JS - Tells CSS in all pages to use the new CSS "prefers-color-scheme: dark" mode.
AutoClickPagerize JS - just click more-load or next-page button
Tab-Input JS - Switch to input by Tab button.