Extra Search Bar + Deep Web

Grants access to deep web links even in regular browsers and adds various alternative search engine options to Google. Press CTRL+SPACE to view.

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v1.8 2024-05-05

    ~ correction of SearchX and addition of the Refseek search engine.

  • v1.7 2024-04-18

    ~ add Brave

  • v1.6 2024-03-06

    ~ Melhorias gerais

  • v1.5 2024-02-17

    ~ Hide bar options

  • v1.4 2024-02-17

    ~ icon

  • v1.3 2024-02-17


  • v1.2 2024-02-17

    ~ adding the deep web and style adjustments

  • v1.1 2024-02-15

    ~ correção de bugs e melhorias

  • v1.0 2023-11-15