Discogs - Sort by Total Price in Marketplace

Sort by the italicized 'total' price on a Discogs release page instead of pre-shipping price

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.4 2023-04-18

    Support Prev/Next links when not using extension to add infinite scrolling

  • v1.3 2023-03-13

    Work on /sell/ and /seller/ pages

  • v1.2 2023-03-11

    Strip all periods and commas from prices as there are always 2 decimal places anyway (fixes sorting of items >= $1,000)

  • v1.1 2023-03-10

    Fix for different language URLs, treat commas in prices like periods

  • v1.0 2023-03-10

    Treat the 'In Cart' btn like the 'Add to Cart' btn

  • v0.9 2023-03-09


  • v0.8 2023-03-09

    Update name

  • v0.7 2023-03-09

    Only push unavailable items to bottom in ascending order

  • v0.6 2023-03-09

    Link to script in namespace

  • v0.5 2023-03-09

    Errant spaces

  • v0.5 2023-03-09

    Sort unavailable listings to the bottom

  • v0.4 2023-03-09

    Greasyfork namespace

  • v0.3 2023-03-09