Rai Play video download

This script allows you to download videos on Rai Play

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Hi, I have succesfully get a link with a _5000.mp4 name end... normally I can save it right-clicking on it, but this time this appears... "Video playback aborted due to a network error"... it is not a DRM problem... so I thought you could help me... thanks in advance.

Posted: 2023-03-01

Please provide a link to the web page of the program and also a link to MP4 file, thank you.

no problem, here:
Program (this episode for example): https://www.raiplay.it/video/2021/01/Che-Dio-ci-aiuti-S6E1-E-tu-sei-pronto-b4b77f3a-0496-4c99-95ab-097034450b02.html
MP4 link (from that problematic episode): http://creativemedia6-rai-it.akamaized.net/podcastcdn/teche_root/YT_ITALIA_TECHE_HD_multiaudio/13838144_5000.mp4

I have actually all links from all seasons, and some did not have this problem... only a few tagged with the _5000.mp4

Posted: 2023-03-01

OK, I have seen the link. You are correct that it is not protected by DRM.

Unfortunately the file is simply corrupt and cannot be downloaded from the server.

So, I understand there's no way I can dl the 5000.mp4 tagged one... Thank you anyways...
I will dl an inferior quality one.
Have a nice day!

Posted: 2023-03-01

Have a nice day as well!

Posted: 2023-05-17

Out of curiosity, I tested with the 11.4 version and a file on a different server is provided:


This file seems OK.

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