// ==UserScript==
// @name RBR Czech - Class Addendum
// @namespace RBRCzechScripts
// @author Łukasz Demolin "Maggot"
// @version
// @date 2016-08-24
// @icon https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10106549/e-rajdy/richard_burns_rally.ico
// @description Adds omitted class links on rbr.onlineracing.cz
// @description Also adds missing tracks on the "Ranks" and "Record" pages everywhere. Added dropdown-menu with stage select on stagerec/stagerank pages.
// @description Unfortunately, the times and car names are not displayed (major hurdle).
// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.0.0.js
// @include http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
// Populating a handy faux-dictionary with classes and their correct ids (to avoid messing up and hardcoding).
var classesDict = { "WRC legacy": 1,
"N4" : 3,
"S2000" : 13,
"S1600" : 2,
"A8" : 4,
"A7" : 5,
"A6" : 6,
"A5" : 7,
"N3" : 8,
"H" : 11,
"GT" : 14,
"RC1" : 101,
"RC2" : 102,
"RGT" : 103,
"RC3" : 104,
"RC4" : 105,
"RC5" : 106,
"WRC" : 111,
"H/B" : 107,
"H/A" : 108,
"H/4" : 109,
"H/2" : 110
// A dictionary of sorts to assign all the countries correctly (sorts the duplicates like CZ/Czech Republic and mistakes like Sweeden). Preparing for CSS classes (avoiding spaces -> using the international 2-digit codes).
var countriesDict = { "Finland" : "FI",
"Great Britain" : "GB",
"Rally School" : "GB",
"Rally school" : "GB",
"Australia" : "AU",
"France" : "FR",
"Japan" : "JP",
"USA": "US",
"CZ" : "CZ",
"Czech Republic" : "CZ",
"Netherlands" : "NL",
"Germany" : "DE",
"Ireland" : "IE",
"Slovakia" : "SK",
"Lithuania" : "LT",
"Poland" : "PL",
"Spain" : "ES",
"Montekland" : "Montek",
"Sweeden" : "SE",
"Sweden" : "SE",
"Argentina" : "AR",
"Estonia" : "EE",
"Italy" : "IT",
"Itally" : "IT",
"Slovenia" : "SI",
"Switzerland" : "CH",
"Swiss" : "CH",
"Ukraine" : "UA",
// An array of helpful data related to sorting and subtitling the stages and countries.
var countriesSortOrder = [["FI", "Finland", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/FI.gif"],
["SE", "Sweden", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/SE.gif"],
["GB", "Great Britain", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/GB.gif"],
["IE", "Ireland", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/IE.gif"],
["AU", "Australia", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/AU.gif"],
["FR", "France", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/FR.gif"],
["JP", "Japan", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/JP.gif"],
["US", "USA", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/US.gif"],
["CZ", "Czech Republic", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/CZ.gif"],
["SK", "Slovakia", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/SK.gif"],
["PL", "Poland", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/PL.gif"],
["DE", "Germany", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/DE.gif"],
["NL", "Netherlands", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/NL.gif"],
["LT", "Lithuania", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/LT.gif"],
["EE", "Estonia", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/EE.gif"],
["SI", "Slovenia", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/SI.gif"],
["UA", "Ukraine", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/UA.gif"],
["ES", "Spain", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/ES.gif"],
["IT", "Italy", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/IT.gif"],
["CH", "Switzerland", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/CH.gif"],
["AR", "Argentina", "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/images/flgs/AR.gif"],
["Montek", "Montekland", ""],
// An array or array with data of all the stages available on the site.
var stagesDict = [[10,"Kaihuavaara","Finland","Snow","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[11,"Mustaselka","Finland","Snow","7.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[12,"Sikakama","Finland","Snow","10.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[13,"Autiovaara","Finland","Snow","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[14,"Kaihuavaara II","Finland","Snow","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[15,"Mustaselka II","Finland","Snow","7.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[16,"Sikakama II","Finland","Snow","10.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[17,"Autiovaara II","Finland","Snow","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[20,"Harwood Forest","Great Britain","Gravel","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[21,"Falstone","Great Britain","Gravel","6.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[22,"Chirdonhead","Great Britain","Gravel","7 km","Yes","Open"],
[23,"Shepherds Shield","Great Britain","Gravel","4.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[24,"Harwood Forest II","Great Britain","Gravel","5.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[25,"Chirdonhead II","Great Britain","Gravel","6.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[26,"Falstone II","Great Britain","Gravel","6.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[27,"Shepherds Shield II","Great Britain","Gravel","4.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[30,"Greenhills II","Australia","Gravel","6 km","Yes","Open"],
[31,"New Bobs","Australia","Gravel","10.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[32,"Greenhills","Australia","Gravel","6 km","Yes","Open"],
[33,"Mineshaft","Australia","Gravel","8.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[34,"East-West","Australia","Gravel","9.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[35,"New Bobs II","Australia","Gravel","10 km","Yes","Open"],
[36,"East-West II","Australia","Gravel","9.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[37,"Mineshaft II","Australia","Gravel","8.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[41,"Cote D'Arbroz","France","Tarmac","4.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[42,"Joux Verte","France","Tarmac","7.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[43,"Bisanne","France","Tarmac","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[44,"Joux Plane","France","Tarmac","11.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[45,"Joux Verte II","France","Tarmac","7.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[46,"Cote D'Arbroz II","France","Tarmac","4.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[47,"Bisanne II","France","Tarmac","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[48,"Joux Plane II","France","Tarmac","11.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[50,"Sipirkakim II","Japan","Gravel","8.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[51,"Noiker","Japan","Gravel","13.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[52,"Sipirkakim","Japan","Gravel","8.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[53,"Pirka Menoko","Japan","Gravel","6.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[54,"Tanner","Japan","Gravel","3.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[55,"Noiker II","Japan","Gravel","13.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[56,"Tanner II","Japan","Gravel","4 km","Yes","Open"],
[57,"Pirka Menoko II","Japan","Gravel","6.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[60,"Frazier Wells II","USA","Gravel","5 km","Yes","Open"],
[61,"Fraizer Wells","USA","Gravel","5 km","Yes","Open"],
[62,"Prospect Ridge","USA","Gravel","7.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[63,"Diamond Creek","USA","Gravel","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[64,"Hualapai Nation","USA","Gravel","8.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[65,"Prospect Ridge II","USA","Gravel","7.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[66,"Diamond Creek II","USA","Gravel","6.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[67,"Hualapai Nation II","USA","Gravel","8.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[70,"Prospect Ridge II A","USA","Gravel","7.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[71,"Rally School Stage","Rally school","Gravel","2.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[90,"Rally School Stage II","Rally school","Gravel","2.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[94,"Stryckovy okruh","CZ","Tarmac","9.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[95,"Sumburk 2007","CZ","Tarmac","12.4 km","No","Open"],
[96,"Sosnova","CZ","Tarmac","7.1 km","No","Open"],
[105,"Sosnova 2010","CZ","Tarmac","4.2 km","No","Restricted"],
[106,"Stryckovy - Zadni Porici","CZ","Tarmac","6.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[107,"PTD Rallysprint","Netherlands","Gravel","5.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[108,"Osli - Stryckovy","CZ","Tarmac","10.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[125,"Bergheim v1.1","Germany","Tarmac","8 km","Yes","Open"],
[131,"Lyon - Gerland","France","Tarmac","0.7 km","Yes","Restricted"],
[132,"Gestel","Netherlands","Tarmac","7.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[139,"RSI slalom Shonen","Ireland","Tarmac","1 km","Yes","Open"],
[140,"RSI slalom gegeWRC","Ireland","Tarmac","1.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[141,"Mlynky","Slovakia","Tarmac","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[142,"Mlynky Snow","Slovakia","Snow","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[143,"Peklo","Slovakia","Tarmac","8.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[144,"Peklo Snow","Slovakia","Snow","8.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[145,"Versme","Lithuania","Gravel","3.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[146,"Peklo II","Slovakia","Tarmac","8.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[147,"Peklo II Snow","Slovakia","Snow","8.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[148,"ROC 2008","Great Britain","Tarmac","2 km","Yes","Open"],
[149,"Sieversdorf V1.1","Germany","Tarmac","8 km","Yes","Open"],
[152,"RP 2009 Shakedown","Poland","Gravel","4.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[153,"RP 2009 Shakedown Reversed","Poland","Gravel","4.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[154,"Bruchsal-Unteroewisheim","Germany","Tarmac","8.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[155,"Humalamaki 1.0","Finland","Gravel","4.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[156,"Mlynky II","Slovakia","Tarmac","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[157,"Grand Canaria ROC 2000","Spain","Gravel","3.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[158,"Sweet Lamb","Great Britain","Gravel","5.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[159,"Sweet Lamb II","Great Britain","Gravel","5.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[471,"Aragona","Italy","Tarmac","6.4 km","Yes","Restricted"],
[472,"Muxarello","Italy","Tarmac","15.4 km","Yes","Restricted"],
[479,"Shomaru Pass","Japan","Tarmac","5.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[480,"Shomaru Pass II","Japan","Tarmac","5.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[481,"Karlstad","Sweeden","Snow","1.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[482,"Karlstad II","Sweeden","Snow","1.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[484,"Humalamaki Reversed","Finland","Gravel","4.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[488,"Jirkovicky","Montekland","Gravel","3.5 km","No","Restricted"],
[489,"Jirkovicky II","Montekland","Gravel","3.5 km","No","Restricted"],
[490,"Sourkov","Montekland","Gravel","6.2 km","No","Restricted"],
[491,"Lernovec","Montekland","Gravel","5 km","No","Restricted"],
[492,"Uzkotin","Montekland","Gravel","7.8 km","No","Restricted"],
[493,"Hroudovany","Montekland","Gravel","7.1 km","No","Restricted"],
[494,"Snekovice","Montekland","Gravel","8.6 km","No","Restricted"],
[495,"Lernovec II","Montekland","Gravel","5 km","No","Restricted"],
[496,"Uzkotin II","Montekland","Gravel","7.6 km","No","Restricted"],
[497,"Hroudovany II","Montekland","Gravel","7.1 km","No","Restricted"],
[498,"Snekovice II","Montekland","Gravel","8.6 km","No","Restricted"],
[499,"Sourkov 2","Montekland","Gravel","6.2 km","No","Restricted"],
[516,"Hradek 1","CZ","Tarmac","5.8 km","No","Open"],
[517,"Hradek 2","CZ","Tarmac","5.8 km","No","Open"],
[518,"Liptakov 1","CZ","Tarmac","6 km","No","Open"],
[519,"Liptakov 2","CZ","Tarmac","6 km","No","Open"],
[522,"Rally School Czech","Czech Republic","Tarmac","3.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[524,"Rally School Czech II","Czech Republic","Tarmac","3.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[528,"Kuadonvaara","Finland","Snow","5.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[533,"Karowa 2009","Poland","Tarmac","1.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[534,"Haugenau 2012","France","Tarmac","5.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[544,"Fernet Branca","Argentina","Gravel","6 km","Yes","Open"],
[545,"Junior Wheels I","Australia","Gravel","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[546,"Junior Wheels II","Australia","Gravel","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[550,"Foron","France","Tarmac","9.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[551,"Foron II","France","Tarmac","9.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[552,"Foron Snow","France","Snow","9.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[553,"Foron Snow II","France","Snow","9.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[555,"Maton I","France","Tarmac","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[556,"Maton II","France","Tarmac","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[557,"Red Bull HC","Italy","Gravel","14 km","Yes","Open"],
[558,"Maton snow","France","Snow","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[559,"Maton snow II","France","Snow","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[560,"Loch Ard","Great Britain","Gravel","8.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[561,"Loch Ard II","Great Britain","Gravel","8.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[565,"Undva Reversed","Estonia","Gravel","10 km","Yes","Open"],
[566,"Undva","Estonia","Gravel","10 km","Yes","Open"],
[570,"Peyregrosse - Mandagout","France","Tarmac","12.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[571,"Peyregrosse - Mandagout NIGHT","France","Tarmac","12.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[572,"Castrezzato","Italy","Tarmac","8.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[573,"SS Daniel Bonara","Italy","Tarmac","5.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[574,"Sorica","Slovenia","Tarmac","15.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[582,"Barum rally 2009 Semetin","CZ","Tarmac","11.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[583,"Barum rally 2010 Semetin","CZ","Tarmac","11.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[585,"SWISS II","Switzerland","Gravel","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[586,"SWISS I","Switzerland","Tarmac","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[587,"Swiss IV","Swiss","Gravel","8.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[589,"Swiss III","Swiss","Tarmac","8.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[590,"Blanare","France","Snow","7.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[591,"Blanare II","France","Snow","6.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[592,"Slovakia Ring 2014","Slovakia","Tarmac","11 km","Yes","Open"],
[593,"Slovakia Ring 2014 II","Slovakia","Tarmac","11 km","Yes","Open"],
[595,"Sardian","USA","Tarmac","5.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[596,"Sardian Night","USA","Tarmac","5.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[597,"Mlynky Snow II","Slovakia","Snow","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[598,"Pikes Peak 2008","USA","Tarmac","19.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[599,"Northumbria","Great Britain","Gravel","9 km","Yes","Open"],
[601,"Northumbria Tarmac","Great Britain","Tarmac","9 km","Yes","Open"],
[700,"Passo Valle","Italy","Tarmac","5.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[701, "Passo Valle Reverse", "Itally", "Tarmac", "5.8 km", "Yes", "Open"],
[711,"Akagi Mountain","Japan","Tarmac","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[712,"Akagi Mountain II","Japan","Tarmac","3.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[777,"Pian del Colle","Italy","Tarmac","8.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[778,"Pian del Colle Reversed","Italy","Tarmac","8.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[779,"Pian del Colle Snow","Italy","Snow","8.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[780,"Pian del Colle Snow Reversed","Italy","Snow","8.4 km","Yes","Open"],
[800,"Ai-Petri","Ukraine","Tarmac","17.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[801,"Uchan-Su","Ukraine","Tarmac","10.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[802,"Ai-Petri Winter","Ukraine","Snow","17.3 km","Yes","Open"],
[803,"Uchan-Su Winter","Ukraine","Snow","10.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[810,"Livadija","Ukraine","Tarmac","5.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[811,"Livadija II","Ukraine","Tarmac","5.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[830,"Azov","Ukraine","Gravel","19.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[831,"Azov II","Ukraine","Gravel","19.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[886,"Zaraso Salos Trekas - 5 laps","Lithuania","Gravel","5 km","Yes","Open"],
[887,"Zaraso Salos Trekas - 2 laps","Lithuania","Gravel","2 km","Yes","Open"],
[888,"Shakedown Rally del Salento 2014","Italy","Tarmac","3.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[911,"Torre Vecchia","Italy","Tarmac","9.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[969,"Tavia","Italy","Gravel","3.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[979,"Berica","Italy","Gravel","14.8 km","Yes","Open"],
[980,"Rally Wisla Shakedown","Poland","Tarmac","2.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[981,"Hyppyjulma gravel","Finland","Gravel","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[982,"Hyppyjulma gravel II","Finland","Gravel","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[983,"Hyppyjulma tarmac","Finland","Tarmac","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[984,"Hyppyjulma tarmac II","Finland","Tarmac","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[985,"Kolmenjarvet gravel","Finland","Gravel","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[986,"Kolmenjarvet gravel II","Finland","Gravel","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[987,"Kolmenjarvet tarmac","Finland","Tarmac","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[988,"Kolmenjarvet tarmac II","Finland","Tarmac","6.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[993,"Kormoran Shakedown","Poland","Gravel","5.2 km","Yes","Open"],
[994,"Kormoran I","Poland","Gravel","10.3 km","No","Open"],
[995,"Kormoran II","Poland","Gravel","12 km","No","Open"],
[996, "SSS Mikolajki I", "Poland", "Gravel", "2.6 km", "Yes", "Restricted"],
[997, "SSS Mikolajki II", "Poland", "Gravel", "2.6 km", "Yes", "Restricted"],
[1012,"Puy du Lac","France","Tarmac","5 km","Yes","Open"],
[1024,"GB Sprint Extreme","Great Britain","Gravel","6.7 km","Yes","Open"],
[1025,"FSO Zeran - Warsaw","Poland","Tarmac","7.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[1033,"Track Test","Test","Tarmac","1.6 km","Yes","Restricted"],
[1141,"Snow Cote D'Arbroz","France","Snow","4.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[1142,"Snow Joux Verte","France","Snow","7.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[1143,"Snow Bisanne","France","Snow","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[1144,"Snow Joux Plane","France","Snow","11.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[1145,"Snow Joux Verte II","France","Snow","7.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[1146,"Snow Cote D'Arbroz II","France","Snow","4.5 km","Yes","Open"],
[1147,"Snow Bisanne II","France","Snow","5.6 km","Yes","Open"],
[1148,"Snow Joux Plane II","France","Snow","11.1 km","Yes","Open"],
[1899,"Courcelles Val'd Esnoms","France","Tarmac","9.9 km","Yes","Open"],
[1900,"Vieux Moulin-Perrancey","France","Gravel","20.5 km","Yes","Open"]];
// A couple of helpful vars to make traversing the stage data easier.
var stageID = 0, stageName = 1, stageCountry = 2, stageSurface = 3, stageDistance = 4, stageIsShakedownable = 5, stageIsRestricted = 6;
// An array "with holes" of stages with the information wheter or not they are on the page (undefined -> not, "true" -> yes)
var isStageOnThePage = [];
// Reading the favourite class from local storage (if doesn't exist - 0 to know it's not there).
var favClass = GM_getValue("favClass", 0);
// Creating a progressbar object to hold information about it.
var progressBar = { requests: 0, completed: 0, location: "", increment: function(){
this.completed ++;
var bar = $(this.location).children("span");
var percComplete = (this.completed/this.requests)*100;
if (this.requests > 0) {$(bar).css("width",percComplete + "%"); $(bar).html("Loading: " + Math.round(percComplete) + "% ");}
if (this.completed === this.requests) {
$(bar).html("All data loaded! ");
// Parsing the URL looking for a certain parameter (returning a string with value, or empty string if no value found).
function parseurl( name ){
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( document.URL );
if( results === null )
return "";
if (name == "stageid"){
return results[0]; // results "stageid=13"
else {
return results[1];
return results[1];
// Creating a base link to display in each row of the table. Link's contents depend on the type of site we're on.
function makeLinkBase(){
var doLinkow = [];
if (whereAmI == "urec" || whereAmI == "urank") { doLinkow[0] = whereAmI.replace("u", "stage"); }
else { if (whereAmI == "tstats") { switch (parseurl("type")) { case "1": doLinkow[0] = "stagerec"; break; case "3": doLinkow[0] = "stagerank"; break; default: doLinkow[0] = "stagerec"; break; }}}
doLinkow[1] = parseurl("classid");
doLinkow[2] = parseurl("state");
if (doLinkow[1] === "") { doLinkow[1] = 1; }
return doLinkow;
// Finding the results table, non-jquery method (legacy).
function findResultsTable(){
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
if (tables[i].width == '70%'){
return tables[i].children[0];
return null;
// Adding a head to the results table (it's missing by default)
function addHeadAndBody(){
console.log("Searching for the head...");
var thead = $("thead", resultsTable);
if (thead.length === 0){ // To avoid adding a second thead
console.log("No head, wrapping.");
$("tr:first", resultsTable).appendTo($("thead", resultsTable));
// Function finding and returning results table (records/ranks) via jQuery selector.
// The only unique attribute of that table is it's hard-coded width of 70% (no special classes and/or ids.
function findResultsTableJQ(){
return $('table[width="70%"]');
// Function finding the correct ID of s
function findStage(name){
for (var i = 0, len = stagesDict.length; i < len; i++)
if (stagesDict[i][stageName] === name)
return stagesDict[i]; // Return as soon as the object is found with the matching name
return 0; // If the loop does not find a matching name - return 0
// Function changing the contents of the stages table (Country converted to the 2digit country codes according to the dictionary
function convertStageCountries(){
console.log("Processing stage countries (dict)...");
var currCountry = 0; // Current, processed country.
var targetCountry = 0; // Our target, a two-digit code.
$.each((stagesDict), function (key, value){
// console.log("Processing " + value);
currCountry = value[stageCountry]; // Read from the object with 2-digit codes.
if (currCountry !== undefined){
targetCountry = countriesDict[currCountry];
if (targetCountry !== undefined && targetCountry !== 0){
value[stageCountry] = targetCountry;
} else {value[stageCountry] = "ROW";} // Default fallback for non-defined countrynames, Rest-of-World.
} else {value[stageCountry] = "ROW"};
// console.log("Results: " + value + " // Country: " + currCountry + "->" + targetCountry);
console.log("Stage countries processed!");
// Function sorting the stagesDict alphabetically (due to automatization reasons will not be done by hand)
// NOT USED due to performance issues. Insead all list are sorted during adding to table/selector.
function sortStagesDict(){
stagesDict.sort(function (a, b) {
var A = a[stageName].toUpperCase();
var B = b[stageName].toUpperCase();
console.log(A + " i " + B);
if(A < B) {console.log("-1"); return -1;}
if(A > B) {console.log("1"); return 1;}
return 0;
$.each((stagesDict), function (key, value){ console.log(key + "//" + value);});
// Apllying correct classes (country codes) to all rows of the table + removing empty rows (containing blank names).
function classifyStages(stagesToClassify){
var currStage = 0;
var stageData = 0;
$.each($(stagesToClassify), function (key, value) {
currStage = $("td:first-of-type", this).text(); // Picking the name of the stage
if (currStage === ""){ // Checking wheter or not the name is blank to avoid unnecessary processing.
console.warn("Removing empty line at row " + key);
}else {
stageData = findStage(currStage); // Finding the data for the stage (in stagesDict)
// console.log("Processing stage: " + currStage + " // results: [" + stageData + "]");
if(stageData !== 0){ // Processing further only if some data is found.
if (stageData[stageCountry] !== undefined){ // Checking if the country from stageData exists, if not -> apply ROW class)
// console.log("%cProcessing succesful, added class: " + countriesDict[stageData[stageCountry]], 'background: #B2FFB2; color: #233323');
$("td:first", this).append("<br/> (" + stageData[stageSurface] + ", " + stageData[stageDistance] + ")");
}else{ // No country data found - apllying the default class (ROW)
console.warn("No country entry for: " + stageData[stageCountry]);
// Adding a unique id to every stage to quickly find it by id later.
$(this).attr("id", "trid" + stageData[stageID]);
isStageOnThePage[stageData[stageID]] = "true"; // Adding the info about the stage being on the page to the array. TODO: Find out why its not applying.
}else { // No stage data found - applying the default class (ROW)
console.warn("No stage data for: " + currStage);
// Diagnostic - pring the list of stages visible on the page.
// Function searching for and adding missing stages.
function addMissingStages(){
var selectedStage;
var tableType = parseurl("type"); // Parsing url for "type".
if ( tableType === "3" || whereAmI == "urank" ) {
tableType = "ranks"; // "ranks" are on "tstats" with type 3 and uranks.
} else {
tableType = "records"; // otherwise: default to records.
console.log("Adding missing stages...");
var topnavBar = $(".topnav");
$(topnavBar[0]).attr("width", "13%");
$(topnavBar[0]).html('<div class="meter"><span style="width: 1%"></span></div>');
progressBar.location = $(".meter");
for (var index = 0; index < stagesDict.length; index++){
selectedStage = stagesDict[index];
if (selectedStage[stageCountry] !== "Test"){ // Not adding the "test" stages.
if ($("#trid"+selectedStage[stageID]).length === 0){
console.log("Found missing stage. Adding info.");
resultsTable.append(createStage(selectedStage[stageName], selectedStage[stageID], linkBase, "row2")); // Adding the row with the missing stage info + links.
getStageData(selectedStage[stageID], tableType); // Filling with data. TODO: add a switch to turn off filling with data.
} else {
// console.log("Stage "+ selectedStage[stageName] +" already exists. Skipping!");
console.log("Finished adding missing stages.");
// Function creatin a row for the stage in the stages table. Takes innerHTML for each column.
function createStage( nazwaos , stageid , base , rowstyl , column2 , column3 , column4 , column5 ) {
var rowTemp = document.createElement("tr");
var komTemp = document.createElement("td");
rowTemp.setAttribute("class", rowstyl);
komTemp.innerHTML = '<a href="http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=' + base[0] + '&stageid=' + stageid + '&classid=' + base[1] + '&state=' + base[2] + '">' + nazwaos + '</a>';
var tdcount;
var tempTD;
if (whereAmI == "urec" || whereAmI == "urank") {tdcount = 5; } else {tdcount = 4;}
for(var i = 1; i<tdcount; i++) {
tempTD = document.createElement("td");
tempTD.innerHTML = "";
if (i === 1 && typeof column2 !== "undefined") { tempTD.innerHTML = column2; }
if (i === 2) {
tempTD.setAttribute("align", "center"); // 3, 4 and 5th column are aligned to the center of the cell.
if (typeof column3 !== "undefined") { tempTD.innerHTML = column3; }; // Fill with data only if data was provided.
if (i === 3) {
tempTD.setAttribute("align", "center");
if (typeof column4 !== "undefined") { tempTD.innerHTML = column4; };
if (i === 4) {
tempTD.setAttribute("align", "center");
if (typeof column5 !== "undefined") { tempTD.innerHTML = column5; };
return rowTemp;
// Function creating a "subtitle", coloured breaker in the stages list descripting the country/region.
function createSub ( subtitle , country, flag ) {
var rowSub = document.createElement("tr");
rowSub.setAttribute("class", country + " header");
//Adding an option to collapse rows until next country
if ($(this).next().hasClass("hidden")){
countriesHidden[country] = "false";
// $(this).nextUntil('tr.header').toggle();
} else {
countriesHidden[country] = "true";
// console.log(countriesHidden);
GM_setValue("countriesHiddenSaved", JSON.stringify(countriesHidden));
var thSub = document.createElement("th");
if (whereAmI === "tstats") { thSub.setAttribute("colspan", "4"); // On global stats page the table has one less column.
} else {thSub.setAttribute("colspan", "5");} // Merge 5 columns on users stat page.
thSub.innerHTML = subtitle;
if (flag !== undefined) {
var flagIcon = document.createElement("IMG");
flagIcon.src = flag;
flagIcon.setAttribute("style", "float: left; margin-left: 3px; border: 1px solid black;");
flagIcon.setAttribute("alt", subtitle);
flagIcon.setAttribute("title", subtitle);
var flagIcon2 = $(flagIcon).clone();
flagIcon.style="float: right; margin-right: 3px; border: 1px solid black;";
// Appending contents to the row
return rowSub;
// A simple function adding a missing GT class to filter list in results of events using legacy physics.
function addGTLink(){
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var isLastClass = links[i].href.indexOf("&class=11");
if (isLastClass > -1 && links[i].text == "H"){
var gt = document.createElement("a");
gt.href = links[i].href.replace("&class=11","&class=14");
gt.innerHTML = "GT";
gt.style.position = "relative";
gt.style.left = "-5px";
gt.style.top = "0px";
// Appending the creating link to the end of the listed classes.
// Function getting the missing data for a stage.
// TODO: rewrite the function so that it returns the result instead of writing to global var.
function getStageData( idToCheck, tableType ){
var myResult = {}; // Object with "my result", to be populated with data.
var bestTime;
var regexCar = /.*<br>\s*([^\n\r]*)/;
var regexPlace = /[(](\d*)\//;
var carCell, myTimeCell, bestTimeCell, myPlaceCell;
var resultsTableXHR, bestTimeRow;
var selectedClass = $("#classid").val(); // Read the value of currently selected class.
var selectedState = $("#state").val(); // Read the value of currently selected country.
if (selectedState === undefined) {selectedState = ""}; // If state is undefined - replace it with an empty string (for safety).
if (tableType == "records"){
var act = "stagerec";
} else { var act = "stagerank"; }
GM_xmlhttpRequest ({
method: "GET",
url: "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act="+ act + "&stageid=" + idToCheck + "&classid=" + selectedClass + "&state=" + selectedState,
headers: {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0", // If not specified, navigator.userAgent will be used.
"Accept": "text/xml" // If not specified, browser defaults will be used.
timeout: 15000,
ontimeout: function(){
console.log("Request timed out! ID: " + idToCheck);
progressBar.increment(); // TODO: log errors/timeouts and display info in progressbar.
onload: function(response) {
var stageRow = {};
// Finding the stagerow that we are processing.
stageRow.full = $("#trid"+idToCheck, resultsTable); // Finding the row.
// Handling the case of world rankings (not user's).
if (whereAmI === "tstats") {
// Finding the target cells with the car name, time and place.
stageRow.car = $("td:nth-of-type(3)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.myTime = null; // No place for user's time.
stageRow.myPlace = null;
stageRow.bestDriver = $("td:nth-of-type(2)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.bestTime = $("td:nth-of-type(4)", stageRow.full);
} else {
// User rankings (non-tstats)
// Finding the target cells with the car name, time and place.
stageRow.car = $("td:nth-of-type(2)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.myTime = $("td:nth-of-type(3)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.bestTime = $("td:nth-of-type(4)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.myPlace = $("td:nth-of-type(5)", stageRow.full);
stageRow.bestDriver = null; // No place for the best driver on the page.
// Finding the box with users results.
var resultBox;
resultBox = $('span[style="font-size:14px;"]', response.responseText); // Found by unique combination of span attributes.
if (resultBox.length === 0) { // If user is not logged in there is no data to traverse.
// console.log("User not logged in! ");
myResult.car = "";
myResult.myTime = "--:--:--";
myResult.place = "---";
} else { // Fill out the "My result" data only if user is logged in.
// Finding the car name via regex (string after <br> in the span)
myResult.carFull = regexCar.exec( resultBox[0].innerHTML ); // Holding full regex results in an object.
if (myResult.carFull !== null) { // Add car only if a record is present. Otherwise -> skip this and the time+place steps.
// Finding the link with the time in the resultbox
myResult.car = myResult.carFull[1]; // Easily outputable car name (plaintext).
myResult.myTime = $("a", resultBox); // Easily appendable link with best time.
// Finding the place in the ranking via regex.
myResult.place = regexPlace.exec( resultBox[0].innerHTML)[1] + ".";
} else {
myResult.myTime = "--:--:--";
myResult.place = "---";
myResult.car = "";
// Finding the row with the record time + cell with the time (link) itself.
resultsTableXHR = $("#state", response.responseText).nextUntil("table").next(); // Results table, beginning with the enclosing table.
// Cannot be done simpler, because the table we're looking for does not have any unique attributes.
resultsTableXHR = $('table[width="100%"]', resultsTableXHR); // Finding the correct table inside it's parent.
bestTimeRow = $("tr:nth-of-type(2)", resultsTableXHR); // Second row of the table is the one we are looking for.
// Adding the world's best time to the myResult object.
myResult.bestDriver = $("td:nth-of-type(2)", bestTimeRow).children();
myResult.bestCar = $("td:nth-of-type(3)", bestTimeRow).html(); // Not children, because the car is in plaintext.
myResult.bestTime = $("td:nth-of-type(4)", bestTimeRow).children();
// If no best time set - fill the object with the "no time" text. The rest of the fields will just remain empty.
if (myResult.bestTime.length === 0){ myResult.bestTime = "--:--:--";}
if (myResult.myTime === null || myResult.myTime === undefined) {
//Tstats page (world records)
} else {
// User records page.
stageRow.bestTime.append(myResult.bestTime); // Appending the insides of the 4th column to the cell.
//Increment the count of coompleted requests (for visuals).
// Changes the default "Records" and "Ranks" links to include class set as favourite. Used also to redraw the link after setting a new favourite class.
function replaceDefaultRecordLinks(){
var leftMenuTable = $('table[style="width: 170px; vertical-align: top;"]'); // Finding the side menus-table with the links.
var recordsLink = $('a:contains("Records")'); // Finding the "Records" links.
// favClass = 102;
if (recordsLink.length === 0) {recordsLink = $('a:contains("Rekordy")');} // If not found, looking for the Czech link names.
if (recordsLink.length === 0) {return false;} // Breaking out of the function if no links found anyway.
for (var i=0; i<recordsLink.length; i++){ // Iterating through the array of links.
if (recordsLink[i].href.indexOf("http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=urec") > -1){ // Check fo left-menu link.
if (favClass !== undefined && favClass !== 0){ // Check if favClass set.
recordsLink[i].href = "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=urec&classid=" + favClass; // Appending the favClass to the link.
} else {recordsLink[i].href = "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=urec";} // If no favClass = inserting the vanilla link.
} else {
if (recordsLink[i].href.indexOf("http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=tstats&type=1") > -1){ // Checking for the right-menu link if not left-menu.
if (favClass !== undefined && favClass !== 0){ // favClass check.
recordsLink[i].href = "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=tstats&type=1&classid=" + favClass; // Changing to the favClass link.
} else {recordsLink[i].href = "http://rbr.onlineracing.cz/index.php?act=tstats&type=1";} // No favClass - vanilla link.
// console.log(recordsLink);
// Function adding the newer classes to the selector. Uses JQUERY!
function appendClasses(){
//Finding the selector with id classid
var classBox = $("#classid");
// Clearing the default options
$("option", classBox).remove();
// Populating the box with the new layout.
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: 0,text: "Select class", disabled: true}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: 0,text: "-- NGP --", disabled: true}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RC1"],text: "RC1"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RC2"],text: "RC2"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RGT"],text: "RGT"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RC3"],text: "RC3"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RC4"],text: "RC4"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["RC5"],text: "RC5"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["WRC"],text: "WRC"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["H/B"],text: "H/B"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["H/A"],text: "H/A"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["H/4"],text: "H/4"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["H/2"],text: "H/2"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: 0,text: "-- Legacy --", disabled: true}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["WRC legacy"],text: "WRC legacy"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["N4"],text: "N4"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["S2000"],text: "S2000"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["S1600"],text: "S1600"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["A8"],text: "A8"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["A7"],text: "A7"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["A6"],text: "A6"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["A5"],text: "A5"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["A7"],text: "A7"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["N3"],text: "N3"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["H"],text: "H"}));
classBox.append($('<option>', {value: classesDict["GT"],text: "GT"}));
// Checking what class should be set as currently selected in the selectbox.
var currClass = parseurl("classid");
// If current url without a specified class - revert to the default, WRC legacy.
// Not very efficient, as it does not break after finding a correct match (iterates through the entire list every time.
if (currClass === "") { classBox.val(classesDict["WRC legacy"]); }
else {
for(var classKey in classesDict){
if (classesDict[classKey] == currClass) {
// Function sorting the stages according to the country code
function sortStagesByCountry(){
console.log("Starting sorting...");
var currentSelection = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < countriesSortOrder.length; i++) {
console.log("Moving " + countriesSortOrder[i][1] + "...");
currentSelection = $("."+countriesSortOrder[i][0], resultsTable);
currentSelection.sort(function (a, b) {
var A = $(a).find('td').eq(0).text().toUpperCase();
var B = $(b).find('td').eq(0).text().toUpperCase();
if(A < B) {return -1;}
if(A > B) {return 1;}
return 0;
console.log("Sorting finished!");
// Inserting the colorfull "subtitles" with country names and flags in front of the stages.
// Using the rbr-czech flags to minimize overhead where possible :)
function addSubtitles(){
console.log("Adding subtitles...");
var newSub = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < countriesSortOrder.length; i++) {
console.log("Subbing " + countriesSortOrder[i][1] + "...");
newSub = createSub(countriesSortOrder[i][1], countriesSortOrder[i][0], countriesSortOrder[i][2]);
$(newSub).insertBefore($("."+countriesSortOrder[i][0]+":first", resultsTable));
console.log("Subtitles added!");
// Applying correct classes to all the rows (row2/row3) to "paint" them the correct colour after sorting.
function reClassifyRows(){
console.log("Repainting the rows...");
$.each($(".row2, .row3", resultsTable), function (key, value) {
$(this).addClass("row"+ (2+key%2));
console.log("Repainting finished!");
// Checking and hiding the rows according to the saved data. Done at the begining of the pageload + on demand (via a button).
function reHideStageRows(){
console.log("Hiding the hidden rows...");
var stagesRowsOnly = $(".row2, .row3", resultsTable); // Selecting only the inside rows with stages.
var currentCountry = 0;
var currentCountryName = 0;
$.each(stagesRowsOnly, function (key, value) { // First un-hiding all the rows (resetting the field).
for (var i = 0; i < countriesSortOrder.length; i++) { // Iterating through all the countries to check if they should be hidden or not.
currentCountry = countriesSortOrder[i][0];
currentCountryName = countriesSortOrder[i][1];
// console.log("Current country: " + currentCountry + ". Hidden: "+ countriesHidden[currentCountry]);
if(countriesHidden[currentCountry] === "true") { // If the country is marked as hidden - we hide it.
$.each(stagesRowsOnly.filter("." + currentCountry), function (key, value){ // Filter the stage rows by current country
$(this).addClass("hidden"); // Hide all rows with country class.
console.log("Hiding finished!");
// Creating a drop-down menu with full list of stages available.
function createStageDropdown(){
var newSelect = document.createElement("select");
newSelect.setAttribute("id", "stageid");
newSelect.setAttribute("name", "stageid");
newSelect.setAttribute("style", "width: 200px;");
newSelect.setAttribute("onChange", "document.getElementById('records').submit()");
var newSelectJQ = $(newSelect); // Just to easily use jQuery
newSelectJQ.append($('<option>', {value: 0, text: "Choose another stage", disabled: true}));
var currentCountry = 0;
var currentCountryName = 0;
var currentSelection = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < countriesSortOrder.length; i++) {
currentCountry = countriesSortOrder[i][0];
currentCountryName = countriesSortOrder[i][1];
console.log("Selector country: " + currentCountryName);
currentSelection = $.grep(stagesDict, function( n ) {
return ( n[stageCountry] == currentCountry);
if(currentSelection.length !== 0){
newSelectJQ.append($('<option>', {value: 0, text: currentCountryName, disabled: true}));
console.log("Found " + currentSelection.length + " stages [" + currentCountry + "]. Sorting and adding!");
} else {
console.log("No entries found for [" + currentCountry + "], skipping!");
currentSelection.sort(function (a, b) {
var A = a[stageName].toUpperCase();
var B = b[stageName].toUpperCase();
if(A < B) {return -1;}
if(A > B) {return 1;}
return 0;
$.each($(currentSelection), function (key, value) {
newSelectJQ.append($('<option>', {value: value[stageID],text: value[stageName]}));
var currStage = parseurl("stageid");
console.log("Current stage ID: " + currStage);
// If current url without a specified track - revert to the default, "Select stage".
// Not very efficient, as it does not break after finding a correct match (iterates through the entire list every time.
if (currStage === "") { newSelectJQ.val(0); }
else {
for(var stageKey in stagesDict){
if (stagesDict[stageKey][stageID] == currStage) {
//newSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
console.log("Selector completed, returning!");
var stateSelector = $("#state");
$("input[name=stageid]", "#records").remove();
//return newSelect;
// Injecting styling into the document's head (for new classes and to override some older ones).
function addStyling(){
var css = document.createElement('style');
css.type = 'text/css';
// var styles = 'tr.FI>td:first-of-type { background-color: yellow }';
// styles += ' tr.CZ>td:first-of-type { text-align: right; }';
var styles = "tr.hidden { display: none }" +
" #btnTopHolder {display: block; width: 300px; /*background-color: white;*/ min-height: 10px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -10px;}" +
" .btnTop { padding: 10px 5px; display:block; border: 2px solid #840000; color: white; float: left; width: calc(50% - 18px); margin: 0 2px; border-radius: 4px; cursor:pointer;}" +
" .btnFAV { display: flex; width: 20px; height: 17px; padding: 0px 1px 2px 0px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border: 2px solid #840000; box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;color: white; border-radius: 4px; cursor:pointer;}" +
" #btnSetFavClass { position: relative; left: 70px; top: -17px; }" +
" .btnFAV.selected { border-color: #840000 !important; background-color: #840000; color: gold;}" +
" .btnTop:active, .btnFAV:active, tr.header:active { transition: all 100ms ease; transform: scale(.95); opacity: .75;}" +
" .btnTop:hover, .btnFAV:hover { transition: all 60ms ease; opacity: .85; background-color:#840000;}" +
" .btnFAV.selected:hover {background-color: #840000; border-color: white !important; color: white;}" +
" tr.header>th { cursor:pointer; background-color: #840000; background-image: none !important; color: white; font-weight: normal;}" +
" tr.header:hover { transition: all 120ms ease; opacity: .85;}" +
" .row2:hover, .row3:hover { background-color: #404040; transition: all 120ms ease; opacity: .85;}" +
" .meter { color: black; text-align: center; height: 15px; position: relative;background: #555; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; border-radius: 6px; padding: 3px; margin: 0px 5px}" +
" .meter > span { background-color: #f2b63c; border: 1px solid #f0ad24 #eba310 #c5880d; display: block; text-align: right; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; height: 100%; border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; position: relative; overflow: hidden;}" +
" span.meterdone { background-color: #85c440; border: 1px solid #78b337 #6ba031 #568128;}"
if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles));
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); // Apppending the style to the head.
function addHiderButtons(){
$("<div id=\"btnTopHolder\"/>").insertBefore(resultsTable);
// Creating a div that will serve as a button.
var btnHideAll = document.createElement("div");
btnHideAll.setAttribute("id", "btnHideAllStages"); // Unique ID for the button.
btnHideAll.setAttribute("class", "btnTop"); // Styleable class.
btnHideAll.setAttribute("title", "Click to collapse all countries"); // Hover text.
btnHideAll.innerHTML = "Collapse all"; // Button text.
var currentCountry = 0;
// var currentCountryName = 0; // Temp vars to iterate easier.
console.log("Collapsing all countries!");
for (var i = 0; i < countriesSortOrder.length; i++) { // Iterating through every possible country.
currentCountry = countriesSortOrder[i][0];
// currentCountryName = countriesSortOrder[i][1]; // Not used ATM
countriesHidden[currentCountry]="true"; // Changing the object parameter for each country.
GM_setValue("countriesHiddenSaved", JSON.stringify(countriesHidden)); // Saving the current state to JSON string.
reHideStageRows(); // Basically adding the "hidden" class to all the rows.
var btnShowAll = document.createElement("div");
btnShowAll.setAttribute("id", "btnHideAllStages"); // Unique ID for the button.
btnShowAll.setAttribute("class", "btnTop"); // Styleable class.
btnShowAll.setAttribute("title", "Click to expand all countries"); // Hover text.
btnShowAll.innerHTML = "Expand all"; // Button text.
$(btnShowAll).click(function(){ // Quick function cleaning the hide/expand data.
console.log("Expanding all countries!");
countriesHidden ={}; // Empty the object.
// console.log(countriesHidden);
GM_setValue("countriesHiddenSaved", "{}"); // Empty the saved value (replace with empty JSON string).
reHideStageRows(); // Remove "hidden" class from all the rows.
// Inserting the buttons in front of the table, inside the holder-container..
// Simple function adding "set as favourite" buttons
function addFavouriteButtons(){
var selectedClass = $("#classid").val(); // Checking the value of the selected car class.
var btnSetFavClass = document.createElement("div");
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("id", "btnSetFavClass"); // Unique ID for the button.
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("class", "btnFAV"); // Styleable class.
if (selectedClass == favClass) {
$(btnSetFavClass).addClass("selected"); // If the currently selected class is set as favourite - paint the button accordingly.
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("title", "Click to remove favourite class"); // Hover text, favourite class.
btnSetFavClass.innerHTML = "★"; // Button text for the selected favourite.
} else {
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("title", "Click to set favourite class");// Hover text, non-favourite.
btnSetFavClass.innerHTML = "⭐";// Button text
$(btnSetFavClass).click(function(){ // Quick function cleaning the hide/expand data.
if (favClass != selectedClass) {
console.log("Setting a favourite class! [" + selectedClass + "]");
favClass = selectedClass;
GM_setValue("favClass", favClass); // Save the favourite class value.
btnSetFavClass.innerHTML = "★";
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("title", "Click to remove favourite class");
} else {
console.log("Removing favourite class! [" + favClass + "]");
favClass = 0;
GM_setValue("favClass", favClass);
btnSetFavClass.innerHTML = "⭐"; // Button text
btnSetFavClass.setAttribute("title", "Click to set favourite class");
replaceDefaultRecordLinks(); // Replace the href of left- and right-side menu links.
// ************************************ END OF FUNCTIONS ************************************
// Processing the document itself
// TODO: cleanup this section and organize it better.
addStyling(); // Adding special styling
console.log("Favourite class is: " + favClass + " // " + typeof(favClass));
// Checking for car class selector (drop-down). Appears on records and ranks sites.
// If exists: appending the additional car classes and add the "Favourite" button.
if (document.getElementById("classid")) {
// Checking the type of handled site we are on (act=).
var whereAmI = parseurl("act");
// If we are NOT on the tournament results page: proceed with finding the results table, preparing the linkbase etc.
if (whereAmI.indexOf("tourmntres") == -1 && (whereAmI === "urank" || whereAmI == "urec" || whereAmI == "stagerec" || whereAmI == "stagerank" || whereAmI == "tstats")) {
var resultsTable = findResultsTableJQ();
var countriesHidden = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("countriesHiddenSaved", "{}"));
var linkBase = makeLinkBase();
} else { addGTLink(); } // If on a page with records -> add the missing GT link
switch(whereAmI) {
case "urank":
case "tstats":
if (parseurl("type") !="1"){
case "urec":
// Find the correct table - globally.
classifyStages($("tr[class=row2], tr[class=row3]",resultsTable).not("[id^=trid]")); // Classify all the rows with country codes and track ids
classifyStages($("tr[class=row2], tr[class=row3]",resultsTable).not("[id^=trid]")); // Classify again, this time the added stages.
case "stagerec":
case "stagerank":
document.getElementById("state").parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), document.getElementById("state"));
document.getElementById("state").parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), document.getElementById("state"));