MZ - Coach Salaries JS - Fetches and displays salary ranges and contract duration in weeks for coaches
MZ - Ongoing Match Results JS - Tracks ongoing matches results and updates standings
MZ - WLeague Redirect JS - Redirects to team pages in World League tables
ylOppTactsPreview (MODIFIED) JS - Shows latest 10 tactics of opponents on scheduled matches page
MZ - Latest Federation Clash Matches JS - Fetches clash opponent's latest clash matches (requested by alex66)
MZ - Multiple League Standings in a Single View JS - Displays all leagues or world leagues from a country or region, grouped by div, in a single view
MZ - Players Grouped by Age in Other Teams' Player Pages JS - Displays players grouped by age in other teams' player pages
MZ - Friendly Matches Played by Players JS - Gets the amount of friendlies played by each player during the current week
MZ - Youth Exchange (/16) JS - Sends new youth player data to Firebase when exchanging youth players
MZ - Training Report Checker JS - Checks if the training report is out or not