// ==UserScript==
// @name Pending Earnings
// @version 1.0
// @namespace http://bluesky.software.com/turkscripts
// @description Adds a pending earnings item to mturk dashboard
// @include https://www.mturk.com/mturk/dashboard
// ==/UserScript==
// We are on the dashboard page. We want to go to the status_detail
// pages for the last 30 days and total the dollar amount of the
// HITs still pending and add it to the dashboard page like the today's projected earnings script
// does. We will use the XMLHttpRequest Object to get the pages and then
// process them one by one until we have done them all. An enhancement I just
// thought of is that we don't have to do all 30 days if we read the number of
// HITs pending and just process dates that have pending HITs.
// This will only be run if someone clicks on it as it is going to be really slow if they
// have a lot of HITs pending from a long time ago.
// 08/22/2011 Coding started
// 08/23/2011 Beta version ready but I only have 1 HIT pending so no way to do
// much testing, will have to do some turking and then test
// 08/25/2011 There is the potential for a race condition in that while I'm
// added up pending HITs to get to the total that was present on the
// status page will have been approved before I've added them all up.
// So I need to add some new logic otherwise it would be possible to
// end up in an infinite loop trying to add in some pending HITs that
// are no longer pending. I'm going to implement this by keeping track
// of the number of HITs submitted and when reading detailed status
// pages abort trying to add up x pending HITs if we exceed the number
// of HITs submitted for that day.
// 08/30/2011 Not working for some so changed the way getNumberOfPending() works
// and added an error message alert if this function can't find the
// number of pending HITs
// 08/31/2011 Made a test version, the problem is located in
// process_status_page()
// 09/01/2011 Found the problem: If there was no link in a row then trying to
// to work on links[0] that doesn't exist would cause the script to blow
// up, I put in a check that links has a length before trying to work with
// it.
// 10/03/2011 Modified to save a new cookie which is a history of the previous time we
// summed up the pendingEarnings and we use that to skip processing dates where
// the pendingHits hasn't changed since the last time we were invoked. This should
// minimize the times the page request exceeded error is encountered.
// 10/29/2011 Changed the expiration date of the pendingEarnings cookie to 30 days.
// 11/03/2011 Moved the setting of the pendingEarnings cookie outside the if loop to fix the
// change of 10/29.
// The normal functioning of the script is to just get the cookie
// of PendingEarnings and display the link and total.
// If we are clicked on then processPendingHits is called and we will
// add up the pending HITs. Note there could still be no pending HITs
// the user just clicked on it anyway so we can't ignore the case of
// zero HITs to process. The total is saved in a cookie so it is
// available for all the times we haven't been clicked on.
// Insert the Pending Earnings in the dashboard.
// Copied from current_earnings script - Copyright (c) 2008, Mr. Berserk
// Modified to suit
var allTds, thisTd;
allTds = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var i = 0; i < allTds.length; i++)
thisTd = allTds[i];
if ( thisTd.innerHTML.match(/Total Earnings/) && thisTd.className.match(/metrics\-table\-first\-value/) )
var row = document.createElement('tr');
row.className = "even";
var pendingEarningsLink = document.createElement('a');
pendingEarningsLink.href = "https://www.mturk.com/mturk/dashboard";
pendingEarningsLink.innerHTML = "Pending HITs";
var cellLeft = document.createElement('td');
cellLeft.className = "metrics-table-first-value";
var cellRight = document.createElement('td');
var pendingEarnings = parseFloat(getCookie("MturkPendingEarnings"));
cellRight.innerHTML = "$" + pendingEarnings.toFixed(2);
cellRight.innerHTML = "$?.??";
// Functions
// User has clicked on us, so add up all the pending HITs. The first thing
// we do is get a copy of the status page, this contains the summary of the
// past 30 days. We scan through this looking at the Pending HITs column and
// saving the dates that have pending HITs which we will subsequently use to
// access the appropriate detailed status pages :)
function processPendingHits()
var pendingEarnings = 0; // Dollar amount of pendingHITs
var pendingHits = getNumberOfPending();
if(pendingHits>0) // only process pages if there is at least one pending HIT
var oldDatesToDo = new Array(); // this array will hold the history of the last
// time we were clicked
var datesToDo = process_status_page(); // get dates that have pending HITs
// Ok we have a list of dates to process and the number of pending HITS
// for that date is appended to the encoded date. To make the script faster and
// more efficient we save the array datesToDo as a cookie and compare the new values
// just retrieved from the status page to skip processing those dates where the number of
// pending HITs hasn't changed since the last time we were called. The one exception is today
// where the pending HIT count might not of changed but the hits pending might have since more
// hits could of been added. To catch this we also check the submitted HITs to the old submitted HITs
if(getCookie("MturkPendingDates")) // retrieve history if it exists
oldDatesToDo = getCookie("MturkPendingDates").split(",");
// Now we want to compare the old array with the new array and only process those dates where we don't have
// the subtotal in the old array. But if the date is today, the pending HIT count could be the same but
// but they could be different HITs because pending HITs could be added and subtracted so we have to check the
// submitted HITs to catch this condition.
var subtotal = 0;
for(n = 0; n < datesToDo.length; n++)
var dateProcessed = 0;
var encodedDate = datesToDo[n].substr(0,8);
var index1 = datesToDo[n].indexOf('$');
var pendingHits = datesToDo[n].substring(8,index1); // the next part of the string up to the $
// is the pending Hits total
var submittedHits = datesToDo[n].substring(index1+1);
for(var m = 0; m < oldDatesToDo.length; m++) // check if we have this date in the history
var old_encodedDate = oldDatesToDo[m].substr(0,8);
if(encodedDate == old_encodedDate)
index1 = oldDatesToDo[m].indexOf('$');
var old_pendingHits = oldDatesToDo[m].substring(8,index1); // the next part of the string up to the $
// is the pending Hits total
var index2 = oldDatesToDo[m].indexOf('%'); // the next part of the string up to the %
// is the submitted HITs total
var old_submittedHits = oldDatesToDo[m].substring(index1+1,index2);
var old_subtotal = oldDatesToDo[m].substring(index2+1); // the rest of the string is the subtotal
// So since we have this date in the history we check if the pending HITs and the submitted HITs are the
// same and if they are we don't bother to process this date by NOT adding it to the processDates array
// and we add the existing subtotal for that date into the pendingHITs dollar amount right now.
if (submittedHits == old_submittedHits && pendingHits == old_pendingHits)
pendingEarnings += parseFloat(old_subtotal); // use the old value since it is still good
datesToDo[n] = datesToDo[n] + '%' + old_subtotal; // add old subtotal into the new array
dateProcessed = 1;
break; // found the date so exit loop
if(dateProcessed < 1) // if the date wasn't in the history or the
{ // pending HITs has changed process the date
subtotal = process_detailed_status_pages(encodedDate, pendingHits, submittedHits);
datesToDo[n] = datesToDo[n] + '%' + subtotal;
pendingEarnings += subtotal;
// now overwrite the oldDatesToDo with the new one if the cookie already existed else create the cookie
setCookie("MturkPendingDates",datesToDo.join(","),1); // Save the array datesToDo as a cookie by converting
// it to a string first
setCookie("MturkPendingEarnings",pendingEarnings,30); // save total in cookie - move out here so we set it
// to zero if no HITs pending
// Get total pending HITs
// As of now there are 8 'metrics-table's on the dashboard
// but the last two are subsets of table 6 which has 26 td's
// but again we have subsets within subsets so that was the confusion
// So when you get the td's for table 5 you are also getting the td's
// for table 7 which is what we want. The confusion is when I try to
// match on innerHTML for ... Pending, I get a match for the superset
// td's not on the individual td. So td 14 contains ... Pending but it
// also contains all the other td's that are part of the second column
// To handle the recursive tables I'm now checking that the td is
// numeric, if it isn't we continue to scan tds.
function getNumberOfPending()
var tables = document.getElementsByClassName('metrics-table');
for (var m = 0; m <tables.length; m++)
var table_data = tables[m].getElementsByTagName('td'); // 26 data
for (var n = 0; n <table_data.length; n++)
if(table_data[n].innerHTML.match('... Pending'))
return table_data[n+1].innerHTML;
alert("Script Bug: Can't find how many pending HITs you have");
return -1; // didn't find it - This is a bug exit!
// Process the status page by getting all those dates that have pending HITs
// The first status page contains 30 days worth of HITs so there is no need to
// check the second page as there should be no pending HITS on that page
// Note: If the person is a total newbie then maybe the status page doesn't even
// have 30 days worth of data so don't hard code the 30 bozo :)
// We need to process the DOM in a recursive manner so that I can associate the
// correct date with the correct pending HIT count. The days listed aren't necessarly
// in sequential order if he took some days off there will be missing days.
// This main function just grabs the status page and then calls the function
// pending_dates to do the actual work
function process_status_page()
// use XMLHttpRequest to fetch the entire page, use async mode for now because I understand it
var page = getHTTPObject();
return pending_dates(page.responseText);
// First of all we have to turn the grabbed status page back into a DOM
// object so we can process it with javascript. We do this with the
// create div trick.
// Now get all the tables
// Some of these tables won't be what we are looking for but there is no
// way to distingush at the table level, we have to look at the table data to
// know if this table is of interest to us.
// There is a problem that the table we are interested in is embedded in another
// table so we are processing the table we want twice, how to avoid this?
function pending_dates(page_text)
var page_html = document.createElement('div');
page_html.innerHTML = page_text;
var datesIndex = 0;
var activeDates = new Array();
var tableProcessed = 0;
var tables = page_html.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var m = 0; m < tables.length; m++) // process each table
var table_rows = tables[m].getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var n = 0; n < table_rows.length; n++) // process each row
// if we are in a row we are interested in, its first td will contain a link
// to a detailed status page, we look for a match on that link
var links = table_rows[n].getElementsByTagName('a');
if(links.length>0 && links[0].href.substr(0,40)=='https://www.mturk.com/mturk/statusdetail')
// OK we found an interesting row, now does this date have any pending HITs?
tableProcessed = 1; // Indicate that we have processed the table
var table_data = table_rows[n].getElementsByClassName('statusPendingColumnValue');
var pendingHits = table_data[0].innerHTML; // This is a number, if greater than zero we have pending HITs
table_data = table_rows[n].getElementsByClassName('statusSubmittedColumnValue');
var submittedHits = table_data[0].innerHTML; // Number of HITs submitted for this date
if(pendingHits > 0) //then save the date in the activeDates array
var encodedDate = links[0].href.substr(links[0].href.search(/Date=/)+5,8);
// as a hack I'm appending the number of pending HITs to the encoded date so we
// can return both pieces of data through the one dimensional array
// now I want to add in the number of HITs submitted also but I have to be able
// to parse the string later to distingush the two numbers
activeDates[datesIndex++] = encodedDate + pendingHits + '$' + submittedHits;
if(tableProcessed>0) return activeDates; // bail if we already processed the table, don't do it again!
alert("Script Bug: Couldn't find any dates to process");
// Process the detailed status pages associated with this date until we have
// found all the pending HITs for this date
function process_detailed_status_pages(encodedDate, pendingHits, submittedHits)
var subtotal = 0;
var pagenum = 1; // detailed status page number, we start with page 1
while (pendingHits > 0)
// use XMLHttpRequest to fetch the entire page, use async mode for now because I understand it
var page = getHTTPObject();
link = "https://www.mturk.com/mturk/statusdetail?sortType=All&pageNumber=" + pagenum + "&encodedDate=" + encodedDate;
var page_html = document.createElement('div');
page_html.innerHTML = page.responseText;
var amounts = page_html.getElementsByClassName('statusdetailAmountColumnValue');
var statuses = page_html.getElementsByClassName('statusdetailStatusColumnValue');
for(var k = 0; k < amounts.length; k++)
if(statuses[k].innerHTML == 'Pending Approval')
index = amounts[k].innerHTML.indexOf('$');
subtotal += parseFloat(amounts[k].innerHTML.substring(index+1));
submittedHits -= 25; // 25 HITs to a page
if (submittedHits <= 0) return subtotal; // We have done all the HITs for this date
// But the pendingHits count isn't zero
// So we must of encountered a race condition
// exit with the subtotal
pagenum++; // go do another page if necessary
return subtotal; // This is the dollar amount of pending HITs for this date
// XMLHttpRequest wrapper from web
function getHTTPObject()
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined')
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e) {}
return false;
// Is the variable a number or a string that parses to a number?
function isNumber (o)
return ! isNaN(o-0);
// Cookie functions copied from http://www.w3schools.com/JS/js_cookies.asp
function setCookie(cookie_name,value,exdays)
var exdate = new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var cookie_value = escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + cookie_value;
function getCookie(cookie_name)
var i,x,y
var ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0; i<ARRcookies.length; i++)
x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0,ARRcookies[i].indexOf("="));
y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")+1);
x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
if (x == cookie_name)
return unescape(y);