- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix (cerenkov修改版)
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 1.3.1
- // @description 修复 哔哩哔哩(www.bilibili.com) 失效的收藏。(可查看av号、简介、标题、封面、数据等)
- // @author cerenkov
- // @license GPL-3.0
- // @match *://space.bilibili.com/*/favlist*
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js
- // @resource iconError https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/crnkv/bilibili-favorites-fix-cerenkov-mod/media/error.png
- // @resource iconSuccess https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/crnkv/bilibili-favorites-fix-cerenkov-mod/media/success.png
- // @resource iconInfo https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/crnkv/bilibili-favorites-fix-cerenkov-mod/media/info.png
- // @connect biliplus.com
- // @connect api.bilibili.com
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_notification
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM_getResourceURL
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*jshint esversion: 8 */
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * 失效收藏标题颜色(默认为灰色)。
- * @type {String}
- */
- const invalTitleColor = "#999";
- /**
- * 是否启用调试模式。
- * 启用后,浏览器控制台会显示此脚本运行时的调试数据。
- * @type {Boolean}
- */
- const isDebug = false;
- // 值为 true : 简化查询(新模式)。不再调用历史归档查询,更快出结果,且更不容易碰到“请求过快”警告。反正常规查询查不到的,历史归档查询基本上也查不到。适合有大量失效视频的收藏夹
- // 值为 false: 深度查询(旧模式)。即Mr.Po原脚本所用逻辑。常规查询失败时会调用历史归档查询,花费更多时间,且更容易碰到“请求过快”警告,但似乎得不到更多的结果。适合失效视频数量不多的情况
- let tryLess = true;
- /**
- * 重试延迟[秒]。
- * @type {Number}
- */
- const retryDelay = 5;
- /**
- * 每隔 interval [毫秒]检查一次,是否有新的收藏被加载出来。
- * 此值越小,检查越快;过小会造成浏览器卡顿。
- * @type {Number}
- */
- const interval = 2000;
- let isFirefox = false;
- let isChromium = false;
- let uaData = GM_info.userAgentData;
- if (uaData && uaData.brands && uaData.brands.length > 0) {
- if (uaData.brands.some(x => (x.brand && x.brand.match(/firefox/i)))) {
- isFirefox = true;
- } else if (uaData.brands.some(x => (x.brand && x.brand.match(/chromium|chrome|edge/i)))) {
- isChromium = true;
- }
- }
- // 阿B是真丢人啊,Firefox下,一旦标题<a>内文字过长出现text-overflow,菜单按钮就无法在鼠标hover时显示
- // 这么基础的毛病,新UI铺开之前都测试不出来吗
- // 对于一般视频问题不大,但失效恢复视频的功能很需要这个功能菜单
- // 在阿B修好之前,只能我代为临时处理一下了
- function stripTitleFirefox(title) {
- if (isFirefox && title.length > 24) {
- return title.slice(0,24)+"..";
- } else {
- return title;
- }
- }
- // 是否B站新网页界面,在首次(每次)运行handleFavorites()时会检测网页并记录在该变量中
- let isNewUI = false;
- // 缓存已经查询过并且有结果的视频标题和封面(包括查到的和查不到的,不包括查询过程中请求过快、网络错误和解析错误的)
- let cache = {};
- var XOR_CODE = 23442827791579n;
- var MASK_CODE = 2251799813685247n;
- var BASE = 58n;
- var CHAR_TABLE = "FcwAPNKTMug3GV5Lj7EJnHpWsx4tb8haYeviqBz6rkCy12mUSDQX9RdoZf";
- function bv2av(bvid) {
- const bvidArr = Array.from(bvid);
- [bvidArr[3], bvidArr[9]] = [bvidArr[9], bvidArr[3]];
- [bvidArr[4], bvidArr[7]] = [bvidArr[7], bvidArr[4]];
- bvidArr.splice(0, 3);
- const tmp = bvidArr.reduce((pre, bvidChar) => pre * BASE + BigInt(CHAR_TABLE.indexOf(bvidChar)), 0n);
- return Number((tmp & MASK_CODE) ^ XOR_CODE);
- }
- /**
- * 处理收藏
- */
- function handleFavorites() {
- isNewUI = $("div.fav-list-main div.items").length > 0;
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] isNewUI: ${isNewUI}`);
- // 失效收藏节点集
- let $targetItems = null;
- if (isNewUI) {
- $targetItems = $("div.fav-list-main div.items > div").filter(function (i, item) { return $(item).find(".bili-video-card__title a").first().text() == "已失效视频"; });
- } else if ($("ul.fav-video-list.content").length > 0) {
- $targetItems = $("ul.fav-video-list.content li.small-item.disabled");
- } else {
- console.error('[bilibili-fav-fix] B站网页样式无法识别');
- }
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] $targetItems.length: ${$targetItems.length}`);
- if ($targetItems.length > 0) {
- console.info(`[bilibili-fav-fix] ${$targetItems.length}个收藏待修复...`);
- showDetail($targetItems);
- $targetItems.each(function(i, item) {
- const $item = $(item);
- const bvid = getItemBVID($item);
- const avid = bv2av(bvid);
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] BVID needed to fix: ${bvid}`);
- // 更改封面图超链接和标题行超链接,跳过新UI的up主行的超链接
- const $aElems = $item.find("a:not(.bili-video-card__author)");
- $aElems.attr("href", `https://www.biliplus.com/video/av${avid}/`);
- $aElems.attr("target", "_blank");
- addCopyAVIDButton($item, avid);
- addCopyBVIDButton($item, bvid);
- // 移除禁用样式
- if (!isNewUI) {
- $item.removeClass("disabled");
- $aElems.removeClass("disabled");
- }
- const $titleElem = $($aElems[1]);
- if (cache[avid]) {
- if (cache[avid].success) {
- // 从缓存中读出
- fixFavorites($item, $titleElem, avid, cache[avid].title, cache[avid].pic, cache[avid].history, cache[avid].parts);
- } else {
- fixFailed($item, $titleElem, avid);
- }
- } else {
- fixTitleAndPic($item, $titleElem, avid);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * 显示详细
- * @param {$节点} $targetItems 失效收藏节点集
- */
- function showDetail($targetItems) {
- const url = getBilibiliApiUrl();
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET',
- url: url,
- responseType: "json",
- onload: function(res) {
- const json = res.response;
- const medias = json.data.medias;
- $targetItems.each(function(i, item) {
- const $item = $(item);
- const bvid = getItemBVID($item);
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] showDetail: ${bvid}`);
- let media = medias.filter((m) => (m.bvid == bvid));
- if (media.length > 0) {
- media = media[0];
- if (isDebug) console.log(media);
- } else {
- console.warn(`[bilibili-fav-fix] ${bvid} not found in Bilibili API JSON (wrong params?): ${url}`);
- return;
- }
- let title = media.title;
- if (title == "已失效视频") {
- // 如果 biliplus 查询先有了结果并且被保存在节点上,则使用 biliplus 得来的数据
- if ($item.attr("_title")) title = $item.attr("_title");
- }
- let duration = new Date(media.duration * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19);
- if (duration.slice(0, 2) == "00") duration = duration.slice(3);
- // 以前在 media.pages 里有子P标题,现在好像B站删了
- // 如果 biliplus 查询先有了结果并且被保存在节点上,则使用 biliplus 得来的数据
- let partTitles = null;
- if ($item.attr("_parts")) partTitles = $item.attr("_parts");
- if (media.pages) partTitles = media.pages.map((page, i, arry) => "* "+page.title).join("\n");
- const partsInfo = ( (media.page > 1) ? `分P数量:${media.page}\n` : "" ) + ( partTitles ? `子P标题:\n${partTitles}\n` : "" );
- let reason;
- if (media.attr) {
- if (media.attr == 0) {
- reason = "未失效(0)";
- } else if (media.attr == 9) {
- reason = "UP主自己删除(9)";
- } else if (media.attr == 1) {
- reason = "其他原因删除(1)";
- } else {
- reason = `原因编号意义未明(${media.attr})`;
- }
- }
- const content = `AV号:${media.id}
- BV号:${bvid}
- 标题:${title}
- UP主:${media.upper.name} (https://space.bilibili.com/${media.upper.mid})
- 简介:${media.intro}
- 时长:${duration}
- 发布时间:${new Date(media.pubtime * 1000).toLocaleString()}
- 收藏时间:${new Date(media.fav_time * 1000).toLocaleString()}
- ${partsInfo}播放数:${media.cnt_info.play}
- 收藏数:${media.cnt_info.collect}
- 弹幕数:${media.cnt_info.danmaku}
- 失效原因:${reason}`;
- const $aElems = $item.find("a:not(.bili-video-card__author)");
- const $coverElem = $aElems.first();
- $coverElem.attr("title", content);
- addCopyInfoButton($item);
- addOpenUpSpaceButton($item, media.upper.mid);
- addToggleModeButton($item);
- addSaveLoadCacheButton($item);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function getBilibiliApiUrl() {
- let fid = window.location.href.match(/fid=(\d+)/i);
- if (fid) {
- fid = fid[1];
- } else if (isNewUI) {
- fid = $("div.fav-sidebar-item:has(.vui_sidebar-item--active)").first().attr("id");
- } else {
- fid = $("li.fav-item.cur").first().attr("fid");
- }
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] fid: ${fid}`);
- let pn = 1;
- if (isNewUI) {
- pn = $("div.vui_pagenation--btns .vui_button.vui_button--active").text().trim();
- } else {
- pn = $("ul.be-pager li.be-pager-item.be-pager-item-active").text().trim();
- }
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] pn: ${pn}`);
- let order = "mtime";
- if (isNewUI) {
- order = $("div.fav-list-header-filter__left div.radio-filter__item--active").first().text().trim();
- } else {
- order = $($("div.fav-filters > div")[2]).find("span").first().text().trim();
- }
- order = new Map([["最近收藏", "mtime"], ["最多播放", "view"], ["最新投稿", "pubtime"], ["最近投稿", "pubtime"]]).get(order);
- if (order === undefined) order = "mtime"; // 执行收藏夹搜索时无从得知排序,只能手动指定成“最近收藏”,不保证结果正确
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] order: ${order}`);
- let tid = 0;
- if (isNewUI) {
- tid = $("div.fav-list-header-collapse div.radio-filter__item--active").first().text().trim().replace(/\s+\d+/, "");
- } else {
- tid = $($("div.fav-filters > div")[1]).find("span").first().text().trim();
- }
- tid = new Map([["全部分区", 0], ["动画", 1], ["音乐", 3], ["游戏", 4], ["娱乐", 5], ["电视剧", 11], ["番剧", 13], ["电影", 23], ["知识", 36], ["鬼畜", 119], ["舞蹈", 129], ["时尚", 155], ["生活", 160], ["国创", 167], ["纪录片", 177], ["影视", 181], ["资讯", 202], ["美食", 211], ["动物圈", 217], ["汽车", 223], ["运动", 234], ["科技", 188], ["版权内容", -24]]).get(tid);
- if (tid === undefined) tid = 0; // 一些被下线和撤除的分区,无从得知其名称和tid,只能手动指定成“全部分区”,返回的结果很大概率不包含目标视频的数据
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] tid: ${tid}`);
- let searchType = 0;
- let keyword = "";
- if (isNewUI) {
- if ($("div.fav-list-header-filter__desc").length > 0) {
- searchType = $("div.fav-list-header-filter__right button").first().text().trim();
- searchType = new Map([["当前", 0], ["全部", 1]]).get(searchType);
- keyword = encodeURIComponent($("div.fav-list-header-filter__right input").first().val());
- }
- } else {
- if ($("div.search-results-num").length > 0) {
- searchType = $("div.search-types > div > div").first().text().trim();
- searchType = new Map([["当前", 0], ["全部", 1]]).get(searchType);
- keyword = encodeURIComponent($("input.search-fav-input").first().val());
- }
- }
- if (isDebug) console.log(`[bilibili-fav-fix] searchType: ${searchType}\n[bilibili-fav-fix] keyword: ${keyword}`);
- return `https://api.bilibili.com/x/v3/fav/resource/list?media_id=${fid}&pn=${pn}&ps=${isNewUI ? 40 : 20}&keyword=${keyword}&order=${order}&type=${searchType}&tid=${tid}&platform=web`;
- }
- function getItemBVID($item) {
- if ($item.attr("bvid")) {
- return $item.attr("bvid");
- }
- let bvid = "";
- if (isNewUI) {
- bvid = $item.find(".bili-cover-card").first().attr("href").match(/bilibili\.com\/video\/(\w+)/i)[1];
- } else {
- bvid = $item.attr("data-aid");
- }
- $item.attr("bvid", bvid);
- return bvid;
- }
- function addCopyAVIDButton($item, avid) {
- addButton($item, "复制AV号", function() {
- GM_setClipboard(`av${avid}`, "text");
- tipSuccess("AV号复制成功!");
- });
- }
- function addCopyBVIDButton($item, bvid) {
- addButton($item, "复制BV号", function() {
- GM_setClipboard(bvid, "text");
- tipSuccess("BV号复制成功!");
- });
- }
- function addCopyInfoButton($item) {
- addButton($item, "复制稿件信息", function() {
- const $aElems = $item.find("a:not(.bili-video-card__author)");
- const $coverElem = $aElems.first();
- GM_setClipboard($coverElem.attr("title"), "text");
- tipSuccess("稿件信息复制成功!");
- });
- }
- function addOpenUpSpaceButton($item, mid) {
- addButton($item, "跳转UP主空间", function () {
- GM_openInTab(`https://space.bilibili.com/${mid}`, {active: true, insert: true, setParent: true});
- });
- }
- function addToggleModeButton($item) {
- addButton($item, function () { return tryLess ? "切至深度查询" : "切至简化查询"; }, function () {
- if (tryLess) {
- tryLess = false;
- for (let k of Object.keys(cache)) {
- if (!cache[k].success) delete cache[k];
- }
- $(".bili-fav-fix-menu-item").each(function (i, item) {
- if ($(item).text() == "切至深度查询") $(item).text("切至简化查询");
- })
- tipSuccess("已切至深度查询(旧模式),更花时间,查询结果未必更多,且更容易碰到“请求过快”需手动加载,适合失效视频数量不多的情况");
- } else {
- tryLess = true;
- $(".bili-fav-fix-menu-item").each(function (i, item) {
- if ($(item).text() == "切至简化查询") $(item).text("切至深度查询");
- })
- tipSuccess("已切至简化查询(新模式),速度更快,查询结果或许有漏,但不容易碰到“请求过快”警告,适合有大量失效视频的收藏夹");
- }
- });
- }
- function addSaveLoadCacheButton($item) {
- addButton($item, "导出/导入缓存", function () {
- if (unsafeWindow.confirm("【导出】点击确定,即可将当前标签页脚本运行期间查询到的标题/封面缓存数据导出至剪贴板(缓存将在网页刷新时消失)")) {
- GM_setClipboard(JSON.stringify(cache), "text");
- tipSuccess("缓存导出至剪贴板成功!");
- } else {
- let input = unsafeWindow.prompt("【导入】粘贴输入缓存数据,即可导入至当前标签页脚本中(缓存将在网页刷新时消失)");
- if (input) {
- try {
- cache = JSON.parse(input);
- tipSuccess("缓存导入成功!");
- } catch (e) {
- tipError("缓存导入失败!");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function addButton($item, name, fun) {
- if (isNewUI) {
- const $dropdownTrigger = $item.find(".bili-card-dropdown").first();
- $dropdownTrigger.hover(
- function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (typeof name == "function") name = name();
- // 延时获取dropdownMenu元素,因为B站新UI动态生成该元素
- const $dropdownMenu = $(".bili-card-dropdown-popper.visible").first();
- if (! $dropdownMenu.find(".bili-fav-fix-menu-item").text().includes(name) ) {
- const $menuItem = $(`<div class="bili-card-dropdown-popper__item bili-fav-fix-menu-item">${name}</div>`);
- $menuItem.click(fun);
- $dropdownMenu.append($menuItem);
- }
- }, 500);
- }, function() {}
- );
- } else {
- if (typeof name == "function") name = name();
- const $dropdownMenu = $item.find(".be-dropdown-menu").first();
- if (! ($dropdownMenu.find(".bili-fav-fix-menu-item").text().includes(name)) ) {
- const $lastChild = $dropdownMenu.children().last();
- // 未添加过扩展
- if (!$lastChild.hasClass('bili-fav-fix-menu-item')) {
- $lastChild.addClass("be-dropdown-item-delimiter");
- }
- const $menuItem = $(`<li class="be-dropdown-item bili-fav-fix-menu-item">${name}</li>`);
- $menuItem.click(fun);
- $dropdownMenu.append($menuItem);
- }
- }
- }
- function tipInfo(text) {
- tip(text, "iconInfo");
- }
- function tipError(text) {
- tip(text, "iconError");
- }
- function tipSuccess(text) {
- tip(text, "iconSuccess");
- }
- function tip(text, iconName) {
- GM_notification({
- text: text,
- image: GM_getResourceURL(iconName)
- });
- }
- /**
- * 修复标题和海报
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- */
- function fixTitleAndPic($item, $titleElem, avid) {
- $titleElem.text("Loading...");
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance3($item, $titleElem, avid); // 常规查询入口
- }
- /**
- * 修复标题和海报 增强 - 3
- * 模拟常规查询
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- */
- function fixTitleAndPicEnhance3($item, $titleElem, avid) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET',
- url: `https://www.biliplus.com/video/av${avid}/`,
- onload: function(response) {
- try {
- if (isDebug) {
- console.log("[bilibili-fav-fix] 3---->:");
- console.log(response.response);
- }
- let jsonRegex = response.responseText.match(/window\.addEventListener\('DOMContentLoaded',function\(\){view\((.+)\);}\);/);
- if (isDebug) console.log(jsonRegex);
- const jsonStr = jsonRegex[1];
- if (isDebug) console.log(jsonStr);
- const res = $.parseJSON(jsonStr);
- if (res.title) { // 存在
- let partTitles = null;
- if (res.list && res.list.length > 1) {
- partTitles = res.list.map((part, i, arry) => part.part);
- }
- fixFavorites($item, $titleElem, avid, res.title, res.pic, null, partTitles);
- } else if (res.code == -503) { // 请求过快
- // 出现提示手动点击加载,转入API查询
- retryLoad($titleElem, avid, null, function() {
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance0($item, $titleElem, avid, true);
- });
- } else { // 常规查询无结果
- if (tryLess) { // 简化查询,常规查询失败就失败,不再尝试历史归档查询,反正大概率也查不到
- fixFailed($item, $titleElem, avid);
- } else {
- $titleElem.text("常规查询无结果,转入历史归档查询...");
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance1($item, $titleElem, avid);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { // 网页内容解析错误(很可能是请求过快),出现提示手动点击加载,转入API查询
- console.error("[bilibili-fav-fix] 常规查询结果解析出错(很可能是请求过快)");
- retryLoad($titleElem, avid, null, function() {
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance0($item, $titleElem, avid, true);
- });
- }
- },
- onerror: function(e) {
- $titleElem.text("常规查询出错,请检查网络连接");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 修复标题和海报 增强 - 0
- * 使用公开的API
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- * @param {布尔} delayRetry 延迟重试
- */
- function fixTitleAndPicEnhance0($item, $titleElem, avid, delayRetry) {
- // 传入的delayRetry似乎只有true,即遇到503时永远需要强制延迟
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET',
- url: `https://www.biliplus.com/api/view?id=${avid}`,
- responseType: "json",
- onload: function(response) {
- const res = response.response;
- if (isDebug) {
- console.log("[bilibili-fav-fix] 0---->:");
- console.log(res);
- }
- if (res.title) { // 找到了
- let partTitles = null;
- if (res.list && res.list.length > 1) {
- partTitles = res.list.map((part, i, arry) => part.part);
- }
- fixFavorites($item, $titleElem, avid, res.title, res.pic, null, partTitles);
- } else if (res.code == -503) { // 请求过快
- retryLoad($titleElem, avid, delayRetry, function() {
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance0($item, $titleElem, avid, true);
- });
- } else { // API查询无结果(或json解析格式出错)
- if (tryLess) { // 简化查询,API查询失败就失败,不再尝试历史归档查询,反正大概率也查不到
- fixFailed($item, $titleElem, avid);
- } else {
- $titleElem.text("API查询无结果,转入历史归档查询...");
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance1($item, $titleElem, avid);
- }
- }
- },
- onerror: function(e) {
- console.error("[bilibili-fav-fix] API查询出错");
- $titleElem.text("API查询出错,请检查网络连接");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 修复标题和海报 增强 - 1
- * 使用cache库 (历史归档查询)
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- */
- function fixTitleAndPicEnhance1($item, $titleElem, avid) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET',
- url: `https://www.biliplus.com/all/video/av${avid}/`,
- onload: function(response) {
- try {
- if (isDebug) {
- console.log("[bilibili-fav-fix] 1---->:");
- console.log(response.response);
- }
- const params = response.responseText.match(/getjson\('(\/api\/view_all.+)'/);
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance2($item, $titleElem, avid, params[1]); // 不传入delayRetry参数,第一次503时可立刻点击重载
- } catch (e) { // 网页内容解析错误
- console.error("[bilibili-fav-fix] 历史归档查询结果解析出错(1)或请求过快");
- $titleElem.text("历史归档查询结果解析出错(1)或请求过快");
- }
- },
- onerror: function(e) {
- $titleElem.text("历史归档查询出错(1),请检查网络连接");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 修复标题和海报 增强 - 2
- * 使用cache库,第一段,需与fixTitleAndPicEnhance1连用
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- * @param {字符串} param 待拼接参数
- * @param {布尔} delayRetry 延迟重试
- */
- function fixTitleAndPicEnhance2($item, $titleElem, avid, param, delayRetry) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET',
- url: `https://www.biliplus.com${param}`,
- responseType: "json",
- onload: function(response) {
- try {
- const res = response.response;
- if (isDebug) {
- console.log("[bilibili-fav-fix] 2---->:");
- console.log(res);
- }
- if (!res.code) throw "JSON格式不正确";
- if (res.code === 0) { // 找到了
- let partTitles = null;
- if (res.data.parts && res.data.parts.length > 1) {
- partTitles = res.data.parts.map((part, i, arry) => part.part);
- }
- fixFavorites($item, $titleElem, avid, res.data.info.title, res.data.info.pic, "all/", partTitles);
- } else if (res.code == -503) { // 请求过快
- retryLoad($titleElem, avid, delayRetry, function() {
- fixTitleAndPicEnhance2($item, $titleElem, avid, param, true);
- });
- } else { // 历史归档查询无结果
- fixFailed($item, $titleElem, avid);
- }
- } catch (e) { // JSON内容解析错误
- console.error("[bilibili-fav-fix] 历史归档查询结果解析出错(2)");
- $titleElem.text("历史归档查询结果解析出错(2)");
- }
- },
- onerror: function(e) {
- $titleElem.text("历史归档查询出错(2),请检查网络连接");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * 修复收藏
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid av号
- * @param {字符串} title 标题
- * @param {字符串} pic 海报
- * @param {字符串} history 历史归档,若无时,使用 null
- * @param {字符串列表} parts 子P标题,默认为 null
- */
- function fixFavorites($item, $titleElem, avid, title, pic, history, parts) {
- // 录入缓存
- if (!cache[avid] || !(cache[avid].success)) {
- cache[avid] = {success: true, title: title, pic: pic};
- if (history) cache[avid].history = history;
- if (parts) cache[avid].parts = parts;
- }
- // 设置多个超链接跳转 biliplus
- const $aElems = $item.find("a:not(.bili-video-card__author)");
- $aElems.attr("href", `https://www.biliplus.com/${history ? history : ""}video/av${avid}/`);
- // 设置标题文字
- $titleElem.text(stripTitleFirefox(title));
- $titleElem.attr("title", title);
- // 保存标题和子P标题到节点上,以便让 showDetail 读取
- $item.attr("_title", title);
- if (parts) parts = "* "+parts.join("\n* ");
- if (parts) $item.attr("_parts", parts);
- // 如果 showDetail 已经生成浮块,则替换浮块中的文本
- const $coverElem = $aElems.first();
- let content = $coverElem.attr("title");
- if (content) {
- content = content.replace(/\n标题:.*\n/, `\n标题:${title}\n`);
- if (parts) content = content.replace("播放数:", `子P标题:\n${parts}\n播放数:`);
- $coverElem.attr("title", content);
- }
- // 设置标题样式
- setInvalItemStyle($item, $titleElem);
- // 替换封面
- const $img = $item.find("img");
- $img.attr("src", pic);
- $item.find("source").remove();
- }
- function fixFailed($item, $titleElem, avid) {
- $titleElem.text(`查不到标题/封面(${avid})`);
- $titleElem.attr("title", `查不到标题/封面(${avid})`);
- // 录入缓存
- if (!cache[avid]) cache[avid] = {success: false};
- }
- /**
- * 标记失效的收藏
- * @param {$节点} $item 当前收藏Item
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- */
- function setInvalItemStyle($item, $titleElem) {
- // 增加 删除线 + 置(灰)
- $titleElem.attr("style", `text-decoration:line-through;color:${invalTitleColor};`);
- // 收藏时间 + UP主(新UI)
- let $subtitle;
- if (isNewUI) {
- $subtitle = $item.find("div.bili-video-card__subtitle");
- } else {
- $subtitle = $item.find("div.meta.pubdate");
- }
- // 增加 删除线
- $subtitle.attr("style", "text-decoration:line-through");
- }
- /**
- * 再次尝试加载
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} avid AV号
- * @param {布尔} delayRetry 延迟重试
- * @param {函数} fun 重试方法
- */
- function retryLoad($titleElem, avid, delayRetry, fun) {
- console.warn(`[bilibili-fav-fix] 查询:av${avid},请求过快!`);
- if (delayRetry) { // 延迟绑定
- $titleElem.text(`请求过快,${retryDelay}秒后再试!`);
- setTimeout(bindReload, retryDelay * 1000, $titleElem, fun);
- countdown($titleElem, retryDelay);
- } else { // 首次,立即绑定
- $titleElem.attr("href", "javascript:void(0);");
- $titleElem.attr("target", "_self");
- bindReload($titleElem, fun);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 绑定重新加载
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {函数} fun 重试方法
- */
- function bindReload($titleElem, fun) {
- $titleElem.text("->点击手动加载<-");
- $titleElem.click(function() {
- $(this).unbind("click");
- $titleElem.text("Loading...");
- fun();
- });
- }
- /**
- * 重新绑定倒计时
- * @param {$节点} $titleElem 标题链接
- * @param {数字} second 秒
- */
- function countdown($titleElem, second) {
- if ($titleElem.text().indexOf("请求过快") === 0) {
- $titleElem.text(`请求过快,${second}秒后再试!`);
- if (second > 1) {
- setTimeout(countdown, 1000, $titleElem, second - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- setInterval(handleFavorites, interval);
- })();