Virtual Manager filtre på ansatte-søgningJava Script
Tilføjer filtrering (highlighting) til søgningen efter nye ansatte, så uegnede kandidater er nemmere at spotte.
Hide offline presence dot on old redditJava Script
Hides the offline presence dot from old reddit. Only hides offline presence, so you notice if you're displayed as online.
Wørdle flip dark-mode colorsJava Script
Having the available letters be darker than the used ones on the keyboard confuses me - so this flips the colors.
Plex Media Server beta update link fixerJava Script
Plex Media Server has been corrupting update download links for users on the beta channel on linux. This user-script "turns up the geek", and fixes the links to point to the correct address.
Hide top 10 searches from m-w.comJava Script
Hides top 10 searches from (Merriam-Webster), since it usually spoils the correct Wordle answer.
Scwørdle - Scoredle for Wørdle.Java Script
Adds like functionality to Wø - a Danish Wordle clone. Only activates once you complete your game, shows number of valid words at each step, and on hover shows a list of those words.