Greasy Fork is available in English.


Helper Library to simplyfy requests to Furaffinity

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Furaffinity-Request-Helper
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0.3
// @author      Midori Dragon
// @description Helper Library to simplyfy requests to Furaffinity
// @icon
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// jshint esversion: 8

(() => {
  //#region Helper Classes
  class Semaphore {
    constructor(maxConcurrency) {
      this.maxConcurrency = maxConcurrency;
      this.currentConcurrency = 0;
      this.waitingQueue = [];

    acquire() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (this.currentConcurrency < this.maxConcurrency) {
        } else this.waitingQueue.push(resolve);

    release() {
      if (this.waitingQueue.length > 0) {
        let nextResolve = this.waitingQueue.shift();
      } else this.currentConcurrency--;

  class PercentHelper {
    constructor() {
      throw new Error("The PercentHelper class cannot be instantiated.");

    static percentAll = [];

    static setPercentValue(id, value) {
      if (id && value && PercentHelper.percentAll.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
        PercentHelper.percentAll[id] = value;
        return true;
      } else return false;

    static getPercentValue(id, decimalPlaces = 2) {
      if (!id) return -1;
      const percent = PercentHelper.percentAll[id];
      if (!percent) return -1;
      return percent.toFixed(decimalPlaces);

    static createPercentValue(uniqueId) {
      if (!uniqueId) uniqueId = + Math.random();
      PercentHelper.percentAll[uniqueId] = 0;
      return uniqueId;

    static deletePercentValue(id) {
      if (PercentHelper.percentAll.hasOwnProperty(id)) delete PercentHelper.percentAll[id];

  class WaitAndCallAction {
    constructor(action, usePercent, delay = 100) {
      this.action = action;
      this.delay = delay;
      this.usePercent = usePercent;
      this._running = false;

    start() {
      if (this.action && !this._running) {
        this._running = true;
        this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
          if (this.usePercent) this.action(PercentHelper.getPercentValue(this.intervalId));
          else this.action();
        }, this.delay);
        if (this.usePercent) PercentHelper.createPercentValue(this.intervalId);
        return this.intervalId;
    stop() {
      if (this._running) {
        this._running = false;
        if (this.usePercent) PercentHelper.deletePercentValue(this.intervalId);

  class Parameters {
    constructor() {
      this.allParameters = [];

    get length() {
      return this.allParameters.length;

    setParameter(name, value) {
      this.allParameters[name] = value;

    getParameter(name) {
      if (this.allParameters.hasOwnProperty(name)) return this.allParameters[name];

    removeParameter(name) {
      if (this.allParameters.hasOwnProperty(name)) delete this.allParameters[name];

  //#region Request Helper
  class FuraffinityRequestHelper {
    constructor(maxAmountRequests = 2) {
      this._semaphore = new Semaphore(maxAmountRequests);
      this.UserRequests = new UserRequests(this._semaphore);
      this.PersonalUserRequests = new PersonalUserRequests(this._semaphore);
      this.SubmissionRequests = new SubmissionRequests(this._semaphore);

    set maxAmountRequests(value) {
      if (this._semaphore.maxConcurrency == value) return;
      this._semaphore.maxConcurrency = value;
    get maxAmountRequests() {
      return this._semaphore.maxConcurrency;

    set useHttps(value) {
      if (this._useHttps == value) return;
      this._useHttps = value;
      if (value) _httpsString = "https://";
      else _httpsString = "http://";
    get useHttps() {
      return this._useHttps;

    static logLevel = 1;
    static domain = "";
    static _useHttps = true;
    static _httpsString = "https://";

    static getUrl() {
      return FuraffinityRequestHelper._httpsString + FuraffinityRequestHelper.domain;

    async getHTML(url, action, delay = 100) {
      const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
      const html = await getHTMLLocal(url, this._semaphore);
      return html;
  window.FARequestHelper = FuraffinityRequestHelper;

  async function getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore) {
    const semaphoreActive = semaphore && semaphore.maxConcurrency > 0;
    if (semaphoreActive) await semaphore.acquire();
    try {
      const response = await fetch(url);
      const html = await response.text();
      const parser = new DOMParser();
      const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
      return doc;
    } catch (error) {
    } finally {
      if (semaphoreActive) semaphore.release();

  async function sendHttpPostLocal(url, payload, semaphore) {
    const semaphoreActive = semaphore && semaphore.maxConcurrency > 0;
    if (semaphoreActive) await semaphore.acquire();
    try {
      const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: "POST",
        body: new URLSearchParams(
          payload.reduce((acc, { key, value }) => {
            acc.append(key, value);
            return acc;
          }, new URLSearchParams())
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

      if (!response.ok) {
        logError(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);

      const responseData = await response.text();
      return responseData;
    } catch (error) {
    } finally {
      if (semaphoreActive) semaphore.release();


  //#region User Requests
  class UserRequests {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;
      this.GalleryRequests = new GalleryRequests(semaphore);

    static hardLinks = {
      user: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/user/",
      watch: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/watch/",
      unwatch: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/unwatch/",
      block: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/block/",
      unblock: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/unblock/",

    async getUserPage(username, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getUserPageHandleLocal(username, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async watchUser(username, watchKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await watchUserHandleLocal(username, watchKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async unwatchUser(username, unwatchKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await unwatchUserHandleLocal(username, unwatchKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async blockUser(username, blockKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await blockUserHandleLocal(username, blockKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async unblockUser(username, unblockKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await unblockUserHandleLocal(username, unblockKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getUserPageHandleLocal(username, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const getUserPage = await getUserPageLocal(username, semaphore);
    return getUserPage;

  async function getUserPageLocal(username, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logWarning("No username given");
      return null;

    if (!UserRequests.hardLinks["user"].endsWith("/")) UserRequests.hardLinks["user"] += "/";

    const url = UserRequests.hardLinks["user"] + username;
    if (url) return await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore);
    else return null;

  async function watchUserHandleLocal(username, watchKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const success = await watchUserLocal(username, watchKey, semaphore);
    return success;

  async function watchUserLocal(username, watchKey, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logWarning("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!watchKey) {
      logWarning("No watch key given");
      return null;

    if (!UserRequests.hardLinks["watch"].endsWith("/")) UserRequests.hardLinks["watch"] += "/";
    const url = UserRequests.hardLinks["watch"] + username + "?key=" + watchKey;

    if (url) {
      if (await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore)) return true;
      else return false;
    } else return false;

  async function unwatchUserHandleLocal(username, unwatchKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const success = await unwatchUserLocal(username, unwatchKey, semaphore);
    return success;

  async function unwatchUserLocal(username, unwatchKey, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logWarning("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!unwatchKey) {
      logWarning("No unwatch key given");
      return null;

    if (!UserRequests.hardLinks["unwatch"].endsWith("/")) UserRequests.hardLinks["unwatch"] += "/";
    const url = UserRequests.hardLinks["unwatch"] + username + "?key=" + unwatchKey;

    if (url) {
      if (await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore)) return true;
      else return false;
    } else return false;

  async function blockUserHandleLocal(username, blockKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const success = await blockUserLocal(username, blockKey, semaphore);
    return success;

  async function blockUserLocal(username, blockKey, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logWarning("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!blockKey) {
      logWarning("No block key given");
      return null;

    if (!UserRequests.hardLinks["block"].endsWith("/")) UserRequests.hardLinks["block"] += "/";
    const url = UserRequests.hardLinks["block"] + username + "?key=" + blockKey;

    if (url) {
      if (await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore)) return true;
      else return false;
    } else return false;

  async function unblockUserHandleLocal(username, unblockKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const success = await unblockUserLocal(username, unblockKey, semaphore);
    return success;

  async function unblockUserLocal(username, unblockKey, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logWarning("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!unblockKey) {
      logWarning("No unblock key given");
      return null;

    if (!UserRequests.hardLinks["unblock"].endsWith("/")) UserRequests.hardLinks["unblock"] += "/";
    const url = UserRequests.hardLinks["unblock"] + username + "?key=" + unblockKey;

    if (url) {
      if (await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore)) return true;
      else return false;
    } else return false;

  //#region Gallery Requests
  class GalleryRequests {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;
      this.Gallery = new Gallery(semaphore);
      this.Scraps = new Scraps(semaphore);
      this.Favorites = new Favorites(semaphore);
      this.Journals = new Journals(semaphore);

  class Gallery {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLink = FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/gallery/";

    async getFiguresTillId(username, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, null, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceId(username, fromId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, null, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIds(username, fromId, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, null, null, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillIdSincePage(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceIdTillPage(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIdsBetweenPages(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillPage(username, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSincePage(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenPages(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getFigures(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

    async getPage(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "gallery", this.semaphore);

  class Scraps {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLink = FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/scraps/";

    async getFiguresTillId(username, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, null, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceId(username, fromId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, null, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIds(username, fromId, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, null, null, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillIdSincePage(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceIdTillPage(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIdsBetweenPages(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillPage(username, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSincePage(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetween(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getFigures(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

    async getPage(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "scraps", this.semaphore);

  class Favorites {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLink = FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/favorites/";

    async getFiguresTillId(username, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, null, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceId(username, fromId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, null, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIds(username, fromId, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, null, null, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillIdSincePage(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceIdTillPage(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIdsBetweenPages(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillPage(username, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSincePage(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetween(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getFigures(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryFiguresHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

    async getPage(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getGalleryPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, "favorites", this.semaphore);

  class Journals {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLink = FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/journals/";

    async getFiguresTillId(username, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, null, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceId(username, fromId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, null, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIds(username, fromId, toId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, null, null, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresTillIdSincePage(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresSinceIdTillPage(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getFiguresBetweenIdsBetweenPages(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getSectionsTillPage(username, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getSectionsSincePage(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getSectionsBetweenPages(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getSections(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsSectionsHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getPage(username, pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalsPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getGalleryFiguresTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!toPageNumber || toPageNumber == 0) toPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const percentId = waitAndCallAction.start();
    const getUserGalleryFiguresTillPage = await getGalleryFiguresTillPageLocal(username, toPageNumber, galleryType, percentId, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFiguresTillPage;

  async function getGalleryFiguresSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber || fromPageNumber == 0) fromPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserGalleryFiguresSincePage = await getGalleryFiguresSincePageLocal(username, fromPageNumber, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFiguresSincePage;

  async function getGalleryFiguresHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber || fromPageNumber == 0) fromPageNumber = 1;
    if (!toPageNumber || toPageNumber == 0) toPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const percentId = waitAndCallAction.start();
    const getUserGalleryFigureBetween = await getGalleryFiguresBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, galleryType, percentId, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFigureBetween;

  async function getGalleryFiguresHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber || pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserGalleryFigures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, pageNumber, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFigures;

  async function getGalleryPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber || pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserGalleryPage = await getGalleryPageLocal(username, pageNumber, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryPage;

  async function getGalleryFiguresTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPage, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserGalleryFiguresTillId = await getGalleryFiguresTillIdLocal(username, toId, fromPage, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFiguresTillId;

  async function getGalleryFiguresSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPage, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserGalleryFiguresSinceId = await getGalleryFiguresSinceIdLocal(username, fromId, toPage, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFiguresSinceId;

  async function getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const percentId = waitAndCallAction.start();
    const getUserGalleryFiguresBetweenIds = await getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, galleryType, percentId, semaphore);
    return getUserGalleryFiguresBetweenIds;

  async function getGalleryFiguresTillIdLocal(username, toId, fromPage, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!toId) {
      logError("No toId given");
      return null;

    let allFigures = [];
    let lastFigureId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    if (fromPage && fromPage >= 1) i = fromPage;
    while (running) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(figures, toId)) {
          allFigures.push(getIdArrayTillId(figures, toId));
          running = false;
        } else {

    if (allFigures.length === 0) return null;
    else return allFigures;

  async function getGalleryFiguresSinceIdLocal(username, fromId, toPage, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!fromId) {
      logError("No fromId given");
      return null;

    let lastFigureId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    while (running) {
      if (toPage && toPage >= 1 && i == toPage) {
        running = false;
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(figures, fromId)) running = false;
        else i++;

    let allFigures = [];
    lastFigureId = null;
    running = true;
    while (running) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {
        allFigures.push(getIdArraySinceId(figures, fromId));

    if (allFigures.length === 0) return null;
    else return allFigures;

  async function getGalleryFiguresBetweenIdsLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, galleryType, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!fromId) {
      logError("No fromId given");
      return null;
    if (!toId) {
      logError("No toId given");
      return null;
    if (!fromPage || fromPage <= 0 || !toPage || toPage <= 1) {
      logWarning("No fromPage or toPage given. Percentages can not be calculated.");
      percentId = null;
    let lastFigureId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    if (fromPage && fromPage >= 1) i = fromPage;
    while (running) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(figures, fromId)) running = false;
        else i++;

    let allFigures = [];
    let completedPages = 0;
    lastFigureId = null;
    running = true;
    while (running) {
      if (toPage && toPage >= 1 && i == toPage) {
        running = false;
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(figures, toId)) {
          allFigures.push(getIdArrayBetweenIds(figures, fromId, toId));
          running = false;
        } else {

    if (percentId) {
      const progress = (completedPages / toPage) * 100;
      PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

  async function getGalleryFiguresTillPageLocal(username, toPageNumber, galleryType, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!toPageNumber) {
      logError("No toPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (toPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("toPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allFigures = [];
    let completedPages = 0;
    for (let i = 1; i <= toPageNumber; i++) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) allFigures.push(figures);

      if (percentId) {
        const progress = (completedPages / toPageNumber) * 100;
        PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

    if (allFigures.length === 0) return null;
    else return allFigures;

  async function getGalleryFiguresSincePageLocal(username, fromPageNumber, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber) {
      logError("No fromPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (fromPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("fromPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allFigures = [];
    let lastFigureId;
    let running = true;
    let i = fromPageNumber;
    while (running) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastFigureId;
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) currFigureId = figures[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastFigureId) running = false;
      else {

    if (allFigures.length === 0) return null;
    else return allFigures;

  async function getGalleryFiguresBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, galleryType, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber) {
      logError("No fromPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (fromPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("fromPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;
    if (!toPageNumber) {
      logError("No toPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (toPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("toPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allFigures = [];
    const direction = fromPageNumber < toPageNumber ? 1 : -1;
    const totalPages = Math.abs(toPageNumber - fromPageNumber) + 1;
    let completedPages = 0;
    for (let i = fromPageNumber; i <= toPageNumber; i += direction) {
      const figures = await getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, i, galleryType, semaphore);
      if (figures && figures.length !== 0) allFigures.push(figures);

      if (percentId) {
        const progress = (completedPages / totalPages) * 100;
        PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

    if (allFigures.length === 0) return null;
    else return allFigures;

  async function getGalleryFiguresLocal(username, pageNumber, galleryType, semaphore) {
    const galleryDoc = await getGalleryPageLocal(username, pageNumber, galleryType, semaphore);
    if (!galleryDoc || galleryDoc.getElementById("no-images")) {
      logMessage(`No images found at ${galleryType} of "${username}" on page "${pageNumber}".`);
      return null;

    const figures = galleryDoc.getElementsByTagName("figure");
    if (!figures || figures.length === 0) {
      logMessage(`No figures found at ${galleryType} of "${username}" on page "${pageNumber}".`);
      return null;

    return figures;

  async function getGalleryPageLocal(username, pageNumber, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logError("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!pageNumber) {
      logError("No page number given");
      return null;
    } else if (pageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("Page number must be greater than 0");
      return null;
    if (!galleryType) {
      logWarning("No gallery type given. Using default 'Gallery' instead.");
      galleryType = "gallery";

    let url;
    if (!username.endsWith("/")) username += "/";
    switch (galleryType) {
      case "gallery":
        if (!Gallery.hardLink.endsWith("/")) Gallery.hardLink += "/";
        url = Gallery.hardLink + username;
      case "scraps":
        if (!Scraps.hardLink.endsWith("/")) Scraps.hardLink += "/";
        url = Scraps.hardLink + username;
      case "favorites":
        if (!Favorites.hardLink.endsWith("/")) Favorites.hardLink += "/";
        url = Favorites.hardLink + username;
    if (url) return await getHTMLLocal(url + pageNumber, semaphore);
    else return null;

  async function getJournalsSectionsTillPageHandleLocal(username, toPageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!toPageNumber || toPageNumber == 0) toPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const percentId = waitAndCallAction.start();
    const getUserJournalsSectionsTillPage = await getJournalsSectionsTillPageLocal(username, toPageNumber, galleryType, percentId, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsTillPage;

  async function getJournalsSectionsSincePageHandleLocal(username, fromPageNumber, action, delay, galleryType, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber || fromPageNumber == 0) fromPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserJournalsSectionsSincePage = await getJournalsSectionsSincePageLocal(username, fromPageNumber, galleryType, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsSincePage;

  async function getJournalsSectionsHandleBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, action, delay, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber || fromPageNumber == 0) fromPageNumber = 1;
    if (!toPageNumber || toPageNumber == 0) toPageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const percentId = waitAndCallAction.start();
    const getUserJournalsSectionsBetween = await getJournalsSectionsBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, percentId, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsBetween;

  async function getJournalsSectionsHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber || pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, true, delay);
    const getUserJournalsSections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, pageNumber, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSections;

  async function getJournalsPageHandleLocal(username, pageNumber, action, delay, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber || pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserJournalsPage = await getJournalsPageLocal(username, pageNumber, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsPage;

  async function getJournalsSectionsTillIdHandleLocal(username, toId, fromPage, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserJournalsSectionsTillId = await getJournalsSectionsTillIdLocal(username, toId, fromPage, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsTillId;

  async function getJournalsSectionsSinceIdHandleLocal(username, fromId, toPage, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserJournalsSectionsSinceId = await getJournalsSectionsSinceIdLocal(username, fromId, toPage, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsSinceId;

  async function getJournalsSectionsBetweenIdsHandleLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const getUserJournalsSectionsBetweenIds = await getJournalsSectionsBetweenIdsLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, semaphore);
    return getUserJournalsSectionsBetweenIds;

  async function getJournalsSectionsTillIdLocal(username, toId, fromPage, semaphore) {
    if (toId) {
      logError("No toId given");
      return null;

    let allSections = [];
    let lastSectionId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    if (fromPage && fromPage >= 1) i = fromPage;
    while (running) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      let currSectionId = lastSectionId;
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) currSectionId = sections[0].id;
      if (currSectionId == lastSectionId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(sections, toId)) {
          allSections.push(getIdArrayTillId(sections, toId));
          running = false;
        } else {

    if (allSections.length === 0) return null;
    else return allSections;

  async function getJournalsSectionsSinceIdLocal(username, fromId, toPage, semaphore) {
    if (!fromId) {
      logError("No fromId given");
      return null;

    let lastSectionId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    while (running) {
      if (toPage && toPage >= 1 && i == toPage) {
        running = false;
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      let currSectionId = lastSectionId;
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) currSectionId = sections[0].id;
      if (currSectionId == lastSectionId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(sections, fromId)) running = false;
        else i++;

    let allSections = [];
    lastSectionId = null;
    running = true;
    while (running) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      let currSectionId = lastSectionId;
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) currSectionId = sections[0].id;
      if (currSectionId == lastSectionId) running = false;
      else {
        allSections.push(getIdArraySinceId(sections, fromId));

    if (allSections.length === 0) return null;
    else return allSections;

  async function getJournalsSectionsBetweenIdsLocal(username, fromId, toId, fromPage, toPage, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!fromId) {
      logError("No fromId given");
      return null;
    if (!toId) {
      logError("No toId given");
      return null;
    if (!fromPage || fromPage <= 0 || !toPage || toPage <= 1) {
      logWarning("No fromPage or toPage given. Percentages can not be calculated.");
      percentId = null;

    let lastSectionId;
    let running = true;
    let i = 1;
    if (fromPage && fromPage >= 1) i = fromPage;
    while (running) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      let currSectionId = lastSectionId;
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) currSectionId = sections[0].id;
      if (currSectionId == lastSectionId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(sections, fromId)) running = false;
        else i++;

    let allSections = [];
    lastSectionId = null;
    running = true;
    let completedPages = 0;
    while (running) {
      if (toPage && toPage >= 1 && i == toPage) {
        running = false;
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      let currFigureId = lastSectionId;
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) currFigureId = sections[0].id;
      if (currFigureId == lastSectionId) running = false;
      else {
        if (idArrayContainsId(sections, toId)) {
          allSections.push(getIdArrayBetweenIds(sections, fromId, toId));
          running = false;
        } else {

    if (percentId) {
      const progress = (completedPages / toPage) * 100;
      PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

  async function getJournalsSectionsTillPageLocal(username, toPageNumber, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!toPageNumber) {
      logError("No toPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (toPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("toPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allSections = [];
    let completedPages = 0;
    for (let i = 1; i <= toPageNumber; i++) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) allSections.push(sections);

      if (percentId) {
        const progress = (completedPages / toPageNumber) * 100;
        PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

    if (allSections.length === 0) return null;
    else return allSections;

  async function getJournalsSectionsSincePageLocal(username, fromPageNumber, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber) {
      logError("No fromPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (fromPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("fromPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allSections = [];
    let lastSectionId;
    let running = true;
    let i = fromPageNumber;
    while (running) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      if (sections && sections.length !== 0) {
        const currSectionId = sections[0].id;
        if (currSectionId == lastSectionId) running = false;
        else {

    if (allSections.length === 0) return null;
    else return allSections;

  async function getJournalsSectionsBetweenPagesLocal(username, fromPageNumber, toPageNumber, percentId, semaphore) {
    if (!fromPageNumber) {
      logError("No fromPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (fromPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("fromPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;
    if (!toPageNumber) {
      logError("No toPageNumber given");
      return null;
    } else if (toPageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("toPageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    let allSections = [];
    let direction = fromPageNumber < toPageNumber ? 1 : -1;
    const totalPages = Math.abs(toPageNumber - fromPageNumber) + 1;
    let completedPages = 0;
    for (let i = fromPageNumber; i <= toPageNumber; i += direction) {
      const sections = await getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, i, semaphore);
      if (sections) allSections.push(sections);

      const progress = (completedPages / totalPages) * 100;
      PercentHelper.setPercentValue(percentId, progress);

    if (allSections.length === 0) return null;
    else return allSections;

  async function getJournalsSectionsLocal(username, pageNumber, semaphore) {
    const galleryDoc = await getJournalsPageLocal(username, pageNumber, semaphore);
    if (!galleryDoc) {
      logMessage(`No journals found at "${username}" on page "${pageNumber}".`);
      return null;

    const columnPage = galleryDoc.getElementById("columnpage");
    if (!columnPage) {
      logMessage(`No column page found at "${username}" on page "${pageNumber}".`);
      return null;
    const sections = columnPage.getElementsByTagName("section");
    if (!sections || sections.length === 0) {
      logMessage(`No journals found at "${username}" on page "${pageNumber}".`);
      return null;

    return sections;

  async function getJournalsPageLocal(username, pageNumber, semaphore) {
    if (!username) {
      logError("No username given");
      return null;
    if (!pageNumber) {
      logError("No page number given");
      return null;
    } else if (pageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("Page number must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    if (!username.endsWith("/")) username += "/";
    if (!Journals.hardLink.endsWith("/")) Journals.hardLink += "/";
    const url = Journals.hardLink + username;

    if (url) return await getHTMLLocal(url + pageNumber, semaphore);
    else return null;

  //#region Personal User Requests
  class PersonalUserRequests {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;
      this.MessageRequests = new MessageRequests(semaphore);
      this.AccountInformation = new AccountInformation(semaphore);
      this.UserProfile = new UserProfile(semaphore);
      this.ManageContent = new ManageContent(semaphore);
      this.Security = new Security(semaphore);

  //#region Message Requests
  class MessageRequests {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;
      this.NewSubmissions = new NewSubmissions(semaphore);

    static hardActions = {
      remove: "remove_checked",
      nuke: "nuke_notifications",

  class NewSubmissions {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLink = FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/msg/submissions/";

    async getSubmissionsPage(firstSubmissionId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getNewSubmissionsSubmissionsPageHandleLocal(firstSubmissionId, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async removeSubmissions(submissionIds, action, delay = 100) {
      return await removeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsHandleLocal(submissionIds, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async nukeSubmissions(action, delay = 100) {
      return await nukeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getNewSubmissionsSubmissionsPageHandleLocal(firstSubmissionId, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getNewSubmissionsSubmissionsPageLocal(firstSubmissionId, semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getNewSubmissionsSubmissionsPageLocal(firstSubmissionId, semaphore) {
    if (!NewSubmissions.hardLink.endsWith("/")) NewSubmissions.hardLink += "/";

    if (firstSubmissionId) return await getHTMLLocal(`${NewSubmissions.hardLink}new~${firstSubmissionId}@72/`, semaphore);
    else return await getHTMLLocal(`${NewSubmissions.hardLink}new@72/`, semaphore);

  async function removeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsHandleLocal(submissionIds, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await removeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsLocal(submissionIds, semaphore);
    return result;

  async function removeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsLocal(submissionIds, semaphore) {
    if (!NewSubmissions.hardLink.endsWith("/")) NewSubmissions.hardLink += "/";

    if (!submissionIds || submissionIds.length == 0) {
      logWarning("No submission ids to remove");

    const payload = [];
    for (const submissionId of submissionIds) {
      payload.push({ key: "submissions[]", value: submissionId });
    payload.push({ key: "messagecenter-action", value: MessageRequests.hardActions["remove"] });

    return await sendHttpPostLocal(`${NewSubmissions.hardLink}new@72/`, payload, semaphore);

  async function nukeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await nukeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function nukeNewSubmissionsSubmissionsLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!NewSubmissions.hardLink.endsWith("/")) NewSubmissions.hardLink += "/";

    const payload = [];
    payload.push({ key: "messagecenter-action", value: MessageRequests.hardActions["nuke"] });

    return await sendHttpPostLocal(`${NewSubmissions.hardLink}new@72/`, payload, semaphore);

  //#region Account Information Requests
  class AccountInformation {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLinks = {
      settings: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/settings/",
      siteSettings: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/site-settings/",
      userSettings: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/user-settings/",

    async getSettingsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getAccountInformationSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getSiteSettingsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getAccountInformationSiteSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getUserSettingsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getAccountInformationUserSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getAccountInformationSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getAccountInformationSettingsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getAccountInformationSiteSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getAccountInformationSiteSettingsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getAccountInformationUserSettingsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getAccountInformationUserSettingsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getAccountInformationSettingsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!AccountInformation.hardLinks["settings"].endsWith("/")) AccountInformation.hardLinks["settings"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(AccountInformation.hardLinks["settings"], semaphore);

  async function getAccountInformationSiteSettingsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!AccountInformation.hardLinks["siteSettings"].endsWith("/")) AccountInformation.hardLinks["siteSettings"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(AccountInformation.hardLinks["siteSettings"], semaphore);

  async function getAccountInformationUserSettingsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!AccountInformation.hardLinks["userSettings"].endsWith("/")) AccountInformation.hardLinks["userSettings"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(AccountInformation.hardLinks["userSettings"], semaphore);

  //#region User Profile Requests
  class UserProfile {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLinks = {
      profile: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/profile/",
      profilebanner: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/profilebanner/",
      contacts: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/contacts/",
      avatar: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/avatar/",

    async getProfilePage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getUserProfileProfilePageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getProfilebannerPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getUserProfileProfilebannerPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getContactsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getUserProfileContactsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getAvatarPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getUserProfileAvatarPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getUserProfileProfilePageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getUserProfileProfilePageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getUserProfileProfilebannerPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getUserProfileProfilebannerPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getUserProfileContactsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getUserProfileContactsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getUserProfileAvatarPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getUserProfileAvatarPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getUserProfileProfilePageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!UserProfile.hardLinks["profile"].endsWith("/")) UserProfile.hardLinks["profile"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(UserProfile.hardLinks["profile"], semaphore);

  async function getUserProfileProfilebannerPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!UserProfile.hardLinks["profilebanner"].endsWith("/")) UserProfile.hardLinks["profilebanner"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(UserProfile.hardLinks["profilebanner"], semaphore);

  async function getUserProfileContactsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!UserProfile.hardLinks["contacts"].endsWith("/")) UserProfile.hardLinks["contacts"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(UserProfile.hardLinks["contacts"], semaphore);

  async function getUserProfileAvatarPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!UserProfile.hardLinks["avatar"].endsWith("/")) UserProfile.hardLinks["avatar"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(UserProfile.hardLinks["avatar"], semaphore);


  //#region Manage Content Requests
  class ManageContent {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLinks = {
      submissions: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/submissions/",
      folders: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/folders/submissions/",
      journals: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/journal/",
      favorites: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/favorites/",
      buddylist: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/buddylist/",
      shouts: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/shouts/",
      badges: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/badges/",

    async getFoldersPages(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getContentFoldersHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getAllWatchesPages(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getContentAllWatchesPagesHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getWatchesPage(pageNumber, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getWatchesPageHandleLocal(pageNumber, action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getContentFoldersHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getContentFoldersLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getContentFoldersLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!ManageContent.hardLinks["folders"].endsWith("/")) ManageContent.hardLinks["folders"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(ManageContent.hardLinks["folders"], semaphore);

  async function getContentAllWatchesPagesHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const getAllWatches = await getContentAllWatchesPagesLocal(semaphore);
    return getAllWatches;

  async function getContentAllWatchesPagesLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"].endsWith("/")) ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"] += "/";
    let usersDoc = await getHTMLLocal(ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"] + "x", semaphore);
    const columnPage = usersDoc.getElementById("columnpage");
    const sectionBody = columnPage.querySelector('div[class="section-body"');
    const pages = sectionBody.querySelectorAll(":scope > a");
    let userPageDocs = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= pages.length; i++) {
      usersDoc = await getWatchesPageLocal(i, semaphore);
      if (usersDoc) userPageDocs.push(usersDoc);

    if (userPageDocs.length == 0) return null;
    else return userPageDocs;

  async function getWatchesPageHandleLocal(pageNumber, action, delay, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber || pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const getWatchesPage = await getWatchesPageLocal(pageNumber, semaphore);
    return getWatchesPage;

  async function getWatchesPageLocal(pageNumber, semaphore) {
    if (!pageNumber) {
      logError("No page number given");
      return null;
    } else if (pageNumber <= 0) {
      logError("pageNumber must be greater than 0");
      return null;

    if (!ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"].endsWith("/")) ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"] += "/";
    const usersDoc = await getHTMLLocal(ManageContent.hardLinks["buddylist"] + pageNumber, semaphore);
    return usersDoc;

  //#region Security Requests
  class Security {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLinks = {
      sessions: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/sessions/logins/",
      logs: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/logs/",
      labels: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/controls/labels/",

    async getSessionsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getSecuritySessionsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getLogsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getSecurityLogsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getLabelsPage(action, delay = 100) {
      return await getSecurityLabelsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getSecuritySessionsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getSecuritySessionsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getSecurityLogsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getSecurityLogsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getSecurityLabelsPageHandleLocal(action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, delay);
    const result = await getSecurityLabelsPageLocal(semaphore);
    return result;

  async function getSecuritySessionsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!Security.hardLinks["sessions"].endsWith("/")) Security.hardLinks["sessions"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(Security.hardLinks["sessions"], semaphore);

  async function getSecurityLogsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!Security.hardLinks["logs"].endsWith("/")) Security.hardLinks["logs"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(Security.hardLinks["logs"], semaphore);

  async function getSecurityLabelsPageLocal(semaphore) {
    if (!Security.hardLinks["labels"].endsWith("/")) Security.hardLinks["labels"] += "/";
    return await getHTMLLocal(Security.hardLinks["labels"], semaphore);


  //#region Submission Requests
  class SubmissionRequests {
    constructor(semaphore) {
      this.semaphore = semaphore;

    static hardLinks = {
      view: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/view/",
      fav: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/fav/",
      unfav: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/unfav/",
      journal: FuraffinityRequestHelper.getUrl() + "/journal/",

    async getSubmissionPage(submissionId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getSubmissionPageHandleLocal(submissionId, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async favSubmission(submissionId, favKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await favSubmissionHandleLocal(submissionId, favKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async unfavSubmission(submissionId, unfavKey, action, delay = 100) {
      return await unfavSubmissionHandleLocal(submissionId, unfavKey, action, delay, this.semaphore);

    async getJournalPage(journalId, action, delay = 100) {
      return await getJournalPageHandleLocal(journalId, action, delay, this.semaphore);

  async function getSubmissionPageHandleLocal(submissionId, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const submissionPage = await getSubmissionPageLocal(submissionId, semaphore);
    return submissionPage;

  async function getSubmissionPageLocal(submissionId, semaphore) {
    if (!submissionId) {
      logError("No submissionId given");
      return null;

    if (!SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["view"].endsWith("/")) SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["view"] += "/";
    const url = SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["view"] + submissionId;

    if (url) return await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore);
    else return null;

  async function favSubmissionHandleLocal(submissionId, favKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const unfavKey = await favSubmissionLocal(submissionId, favKey, semaphore);
    return unfavKey;

  async function favSubmissionLocal(submissionId, favKey, semaphore) {
    if (!submissionId) {
      logError("No submissionId given");
      return null;
    if (!favKey) {
      logError("No favKey given");
      return null;

    if (!SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["fav"].endsWith("/")) SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["fav"] += "/";
    const url = SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["fav"] + submissionId + "?key=" + favKey;

    if (url) {
      const resultDoc = await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore);
      try {
        const standardpage = resultDoc.getElementById("standardpage");
        if (standardpage) {
          const blocked = standardpage.querySelector('div[class="redirect-message"]');
          if (blocked && blocked.textContent.includes("blocked"))
        const unfavKey = getFavKey(resultDoc);
        return unfavKey;
      } catch { }

  async function unfavSubmissionHandleLocal(submissionId, unfavKey, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const success = await unfavSubmissionLocal(submissionId, unfavKey, semaphore);
    return success;

  async function unfavSubmissionLocal(submissionId, unfavKey, semaphore) {
    if (!submissionId) {
      logError("No submissionId given");
      return null;
    if (!unfavKey) {
      logError("No unfavKey given");
      return null;

    if (!SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["unfav"].endsWith("/")) SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["unfav"] += "/";
    const url = SubmissionRequests.hardLinks["unfav"] + submissionId + "?key=" + unfavKey;

    if (url) {
      const resultDoc = await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore);
      if (resultDoc) {
        const favKey = getFavKey(resultDoc);
        return favKey;

  async function getJournalPageHandleLocal(journalId, action, delay, semaphore) {
    const waitAndCallAction = new WaitAndCallAction(action, false, delay);
    const journalPage = await getJournalPageLocal(journalId, semaphore);
    return journalPage;

  async function getJournalPageLocal(journalId, semaphore) {
    if (!journalId) {
      logError("No journalId given");
      return null;

    if (!JournalRequests.hardLinks["journal"].endsWith("/")) JournalRequests.hardLinks["journal"] += "/";
    const url = JournalRequests.hardLinks["journal"] + journalId;

    if (url) return await getHTMLLocal(url, semaphore);
    else return null;

  //#region Utility Functions
  function logMessage(message) {
    if (FuraffinityRequestHelper.logLevel >= 3) console.log(message);
  function logWarning(message) {
    if (FuraffinityRequestHelper.logLevel >= 2) console.warn(message);
  function logError(message) {
    if (FuraffinityRequestHelper.logLevel >= 1) console.error(message);

  function getIdArrayTillId(array, toId) {
    const result = [];
    for (const elem of array) {
      if ('sid-', '') == toId) break;
    return result;
  function getIdArraySinceId(array, fromId) {
    const result = [];
    for (const elem of array) {
      if ('sid-', '') == fromId) break;
    return result;
  function getIdArrayBetweenIds(array, fromId, toId) {
    let startIndex = -1;
    let endIndex = -1;
    for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      if (array[i].id.toString().replace('sid-', '') == fromId) startIndex = i;
      if (array[i].id.toString().replace('sid-', '') == toId) endIndex = i;
      if (startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1) break;

    if (startIndex == -1 && endIndex == -1) return array;

    if (startIndex == -1) startIndex = 0;
    if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = array.length - 1;

    const result = [];
    for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {

    return result;
  function idArrayContainsId(array, id) {
    for (const elem of array) {
      if ('sid-', '') == id) return true;
    return false;
  function getFavKey(doc) {
    const columnPage = doc.getElementById("columnpage");
    const navbar = columnPage.querySelector('div[class*="favorite-nav"');
    const buttons = navbar.querySelectorAll('a[class*="button"][href]');
    let favButton;
    for (const button of buttons) {
      if (button.textContent.toLowerCase().includes("fav"))
        favButton = button;

    if (favButton) {
      const favKey = favButton.href.split("?key=")[1];
      return favKey;