Greasy Fork is available in English.



Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
/* eslint-disable no-implicit-globals */
/* eslint-disable userscripts/no-invalid-headers */
/* eslint-disable userscripts/no-invalid-grant */

// ==UserScript==
// @name               beautifier
// @displayname        页面美化
// @namespace          Wenku8++
// @version            0.3.1
// @description        自定义页面背景图,布局优化
// @author             PY-DNG
// @license            GPL-v3
// @regurl             https?://www\.wenku8\.net/.*
// @require  
// @require  
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_listValues
// @grant              GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==

(function __MAIN__() {
	const ASSETS = require('assets');
	const alertify = require('alertify');
	const settings = require('settings');
	const SettingPanel = require('SettingPanel');

	const CONST = {
		Text: {
			CommonBeautify: '通用页面美化',
			NovelBeautify: '阅读页面美化',
			ReviewBeautify: '书评页面美化',
			DefaultBeautify: '默认页面美化图片',
			Enable: '启用',
			BackgroundImage: '背景图片',
			AlertTitle: '页面美化设置',
			InvalidImageUrl: '图片链接格式错误</br>仅仅接受http/https/data链接',
			textScale: '文字大小缩放'
		ClassName: {
			BgImage: 'plus_cbty_image',
			BgCover: 'plus_cbty_cover',
			CSS: 'plus_beautifier'
		CSS: {
			Common: '.plus_cbty_image {position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: -2;}.plus_cbty_cover {position: fixed;top: 0;left: calc((100vw - 960px) / 2);z-Index: -1;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);width: 960px;height: 100vh;}body {overflow: auto;}body>.main {position: relative;margin-left: 0;margin-right: 0;left: calc((100vw - 960px) / 2);}body.plus_cbty table.grid td, body.plus_cbty .odd, body.plus_cbty .even, body.plus_cbty .blockcontent {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;}.textarea, .text {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9);}#headlink{background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);}',
			Novel: 'html{background-image: url({BGI});}body {width: 100vw;height: 100vh;overflow: overlay;margin: 0px;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);}#contentmain {overflow-y: auto;height: calc(100vh - {H});max-width: 100%;min-width: 0px;max-width: 100vw;}#adv1, #adtop, #headlink, #footlink, #adbottom {overflow: overlay;min-width: 0px;max-width: 100vw;}#adv900, #adv5 {max-width: 100vw;}',
			Review: 'body {overflow: auto;background-image: url({BGI});}#content > table > tbody > tr > td, tr td.odd, tr td.even {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7) !important;overflow: auto;}body.plus_cbty #content > table > tbody > tr > td {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0) !important;overflow: auto;}#content {height: 100vh;overflow: auto;}.m_top, .m_head, .main.nav, .m_foot {display: none;}.main {margin-top: 0px;}#content table div[style*="width:100%"], #content table div[style*="width:60%"] strong{font-size: calc(1em * {S}/ 100);line-height: calc(120% * {S}/ 100);}.jieqiQuote, .jieqiCode, .jieqiNote {font-size: inherit;}'
		Config_Ruleset: {
			'version-key': 'config-version',
			'ignores': ["LOCAL-CDN"],
			'defaultValues': {
				//'config-key': {},
				common: {
					enable: false,
					image: null
				novel: {
					enable: false,
					image: null
				review: {
					enable: false,
					image: null,
					textScale: 100
				image: null
			'updaters': {
				/*'config-key': [
					function() {
						// This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v0 to v1
					function() {
						// This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v1 to v2

	// Config
	const CM = new ConfigManager(CONST.Config_Ruleset);
	const CONFIG = CM.Config;

	// Settings
	settings.registerSettings(MODULE_IDENTIFIER, setter);

	// Beautifier pages
	const API = getAPI();
	if (API[0] === 'novel' && [...API].pop() !== 'index.htm') {
		CONFIG.novel.enable && novel();
	} else if (API.join('/') === 'modules/article/reviewshow.php') { && review();
	} else {
		CONFIG.common.enable && common();

	exports = {

    // Beautifier for all wenku pages
	function common() {
		const src = CONFIG.common.image || CONFIG.image;

		const img = $CrE('img');
		img.src = src;

		const cover = $CrE('div');

		addStyle(CONST.CSS.Common, CONST.ClassName.CSS);
		return true;

	// Novel reading page
	function novel() {
		const src = CONFIG.novel.image || CONFIG.image;
		const usedHeight = getRestHeight();

				 .replaceAll('{BGI}', src)
				 .replaceAll('{H}', usedHeight), CONST.ClassName.CSS

		unsafeWindow.scrolling = beautiful_scrolling;

		// Get rest height without #contentmain
		function getRestHeight() {
			let usedHeight = 0;
			['adv1', 'adtop', 'headlink', 'footlink', 'adbottom'].forEach((id) => {
				const node = $('#'+id);
				if (node instanceof Element && !== 'contentmain') {
					const cs = getComputedStyle(node);
					['height', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'borderTop', 'borderBottom'].forEach((style) => {
						const reg = cs[style].match(/([\.\d]+)px/);
						reg && (usedHeight += Number(reg[1]));
			usedHeight = usedHeight.toString() + 'px';
			return usedHeight;

		// Mouse dblclick scroll with beautifier applied
		function beautiful_scrolling() {
			var contentmain = pageResource.elements.contentmain;
			var currentpos = contentmain.scrollTop || 0;
			contentmain.scrollTo(0, ++currentpos);
			var nowpos = contentmain.scrollTop || 0;
			if(currentpos != nowpos) unsafeWindow.clearInterval(timer);

	// Review reading page
	function review() {
		const src = || CONFIG.image;
		const textScale =;
		const main = $('#content');
				 .replaceAll('{BGI}', src)
				 .replaceAll('{S}', textScale.toString())
				 , CONST.ClassName.CSS);

		function scaleimgs() {
			const w = main.clientWidth * 0.8 - 3; // td.width = "80%", .even {padding: 3px;}
			Array.from($All('.divimage>img')).forEach((img) => {
				img.width = img.width < w ? img.width : w;

		function hookPosition() {
			if (typeof UBBEditor !== 'object') {
				hookPosition.wait = hookPosition.wait ? hookPosition.wait : 0;
				if (++hookPosition.wait > 50) {return false;}
				hookPosition.wait % 10 === 0 && DoLog('hookPosition: UBBEditor not loaded, waiting...');
				setTimeout(hookPosition, ASSETS.Number.Interval);
				return false;
			UBBEditor.GetPosition = function (obj) {
				var r = new Array();
				r.x = obj.offsetLeft;
				r.y = obj.offsetTop;
				while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
					if (unsafeWindow.$(obj).getStyle('position') == 'absolute' || unsafeWindow.$(obj).getStyle('position') == 'relative') break;
					r.x += obj.offsetLeft;
					r.y += obj.offsetTop;
				r.x -= main.scrollLeft;
				r.y -= main.scrollTop;
				return r;

	// Settings
	function setter() {
		const storage = {
			GM_getValue: GM_getValue,
			GM_setValue: GM_setValue,
			GM_listValues: GM_listValues,
			GM_deleteValue: GM_deleteValue
		const Panel = SettingPanel.SettingPanel;
		const SetPanel = new Panel({
			buttons: 'saver',
			header: CONST.Text.AlertTitle,
			tables: [{
				rows: [{
					blocks: [{
						isHeader: true,
						colSpan: 2,
						innerText: CONST.Text.CommonBeautify
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.Enable
						options: [{
							path: 'common/enable',
							type: 'boolean'
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage
						options: [{
							path: 'common/image',
							type: ['image', 'string'],
							checker: imageUrlChecker,
				rows: [{
					blocks: [{
						isHeader: true,
						colSpan: 2,
						innerText: CONST.Text.NovelBeautify
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.Enable
						options: [{
							path: 'novel/enable',
							type: 'boolean'
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage
						options: [{
							path: 'novel/image',
							type: ['image', 'string'],
							checker: imageUrlChecker,
				rows: [{
					blocks: [{
						isHeader: true,
						colSpan: 2,
						innerText: CONST.Text.ReviewBeautify
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.Enable
						options: [{
							path: 'review/enable',
							type: 'boolean'
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage
						options: [{
							path: 'review/image',
							type: ['image', 'string'],
							checker: imageUrlChecker,
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.textScale
						options: [{
							path: 'review/textScale',
							type: 'number'
						children: [(() => {
							const span = $CrE('span');
							span.innerText = '%';
							return span;
						}) ()]
				rows: [{
					blocks: [{
						isHeader: true,
						colSpan: 2,
						innerText: CONST.Text.DefaultBeautify
					blocks: [{
						innerText: CONST.Text.BackgroundImage
						options: [{
							path: 'image',
							type: ['image', 'string'],
							checker: imageUrlChecker,
		}, storage);

		function imageUrlChecker(e, value) {
			if (!value.match(/.+:/)) {
				alertify.alert(CONST.Text.AlertTitle, CONST.Text.InvalidImageUrl);
				return false;
			} = value || null;
			return true;