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Json edit

JSON editor dialog (intended as a library for userscripts)

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Json edit
// @namespace
// @version      0.0.1
// @description  JSON editor dialog (intended as a library for userscripts)
// @author       agreg
// @license      MIT
// @match        http://localhost:*
// @require
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

var Prism, $jsonEdit = (() => {
  const [TAB, NEWLINE, AMPERSAND, LESS_THAN, NONBREAKING_SPACE] = ['\t', '\n', "&", "<", " "];
  let {isArray} = Array,  isColl = x => x && (typeof x === 'object'); // ignoring non-JSON types
  let spaces = n => Array.from({length: n}, _ => " ").join("");
  let compactItems = (items, {width, indent}) => items.slice(1).reduce((ss, s) => {
    (ss[0].length + 2 + s.length > width ? ss.unshift(s) : (ss[0] += ", " + s));
    return ss;
  }, [items[0]]).reverse().join(`,\n${indent}`);

  let pformat = (x, {indent="", width=80, sparse=false, compact=false}={}) => {
    if (!isColl(x))
      return JSON.stringify(x);
    let [bLeft, bRight] = (isArray(x) ? ["[", "]"] : ["{", "}"]);
    let _indent = isArray(x) ? (k => spaces(sparse ? 0 : 1)) : (k => spaces(sparse ? 2 : 3+k.length));
    let kvs = Object.entries(x).map(([k, v]) => [JSON.stringify(!isArray(x) ? k : Number(k)), v]);
    let items =[k, v]) => [k, pformat(v, {width, sparse, compact, indent: indent+_indent(k)})])
                   .map(([k, v]) => (isArray(x) ? v : `${k}: ${v}`));
    let len = indent.length + => 2+s.length).reduce((a, b) => a+b, 0);
    let flat = !items.some(s => s.includes(NEWLINE));
    let _wrap = (s, wrap=s.includes(NEWLINE) && !(isArray(x) && !flat)) => !wrap ? s : `\n${indent}  ${s}\n${indent}`;
    let _compact = (sep, {_sparse=sparse, _indent=indent+" ", _width=width-_indent.length+1}={}) =>
      (_sparse   ? _wrap(_compact(sep, {_sparse: false, _width: _width-2, _indent: (flat ? _indent+" " : indent)})) :
       !compact || !flat ? items.join((sparse && !flat) || (flat && (len <= width)) ? ", " : sep) :
       compactItems(items, {width: _width, indent: _indent}));
    return bLeft + (flat && (items.length < 2) ? items[0] || "" :
                    !sparse                    ? _compact(`,\n ${indent}`) :
                    isArray(x)                 ? _compact(`,\n  ${indent}`) :
                    _wrap(items.join(`,\n  ${indent}`), true)) + bRight;

  class ParseError extends Error {
    constructor(msg, {position, ...options}) {super(msg, options);  this.position = Number(position)}

  let _humanize = s => JSON.stringify( `${s||""}`.replace(/^[a-z]/, c => c.toUpperCase()) ).slice(1, -1);
  let parseJson = s => {
    try {
      return JSON.parse(s);
    } catch (e) {
      let match, _msg = s => _humanize( `${s||""}`.replaceAll(TAB, "\tab").replaceAll(NEWLINE, "\newline") ); // [sic]
      if (match = e.message.match(/^([^]*) in JSON at position ([0-9]+)$|^(Unexpected end of JSON input)$/)) {
        let [_, msg, pos, altMsg] = match;
        return new ParseError(_msg(msg||altMsg), {cause: e, position: pos||s.length});
      } else if (match = e.message.match(/^JSON\.parse: ([^]*) at line ([0-9]+) column ([0-9]+) of the JSON data$/)) {
        let [_, msg, row, col] = match;
        return new ParseError(_msg(msg), {cause: e, position: Number(col) + (row == 1 ? -1 : s.split('\n').slice(0, row-1).join('\n').length)});
      } else {
        return new ParseError(_msg(e.message), {cause: e, position: 0});

  let captureTab = editor => event => {
    if (event.key == "Tab") {
      let before = editor.value.slice(0, editor.selectionStart);
      let after = editor.value.slice(editor.selectionEnd, editor.value.length);
      let pos = editor.selectionEnd + 1;
      editor.value = before + TAB + after;
      editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = pos;

  let $e = (tag, attrs, ...children) => {
    let e = Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), attrs);
    children.forEach(child => e.append(typeof child != 'string' ? child : document.createTextNode(child)));
    return e;

  let theme = selector => `${selector} pre {color:white; background:black}
                           ${selector} .token.string {color:slateblue}
                           ${selector} {color:orange}
                           ${selector} .token.number {color:green}
                           ${selector} .token:is(.boolean, .null) {color:deeppink}
                           ${selector} .token.operator {color:yellowgreen}
                           ${selector} .token.punctuation {color:grey}
                           ${selector} .token:is(.brace-level-2, .brace-level-6, .brace-level-10) {color:#388}
                           ${selector} .token:is(.brace-level-3, .brace-level-7, .brace-level-11) {color:#838}
                           ${selector} .token:is(.brace-level-4, .brace-level-8, .brace-level-12) {color:#883}`;

  let createEditorModal = (id, {maxWidth='90%'}={}) => {
    const ID = '#'+id;
    let style = $e('style', {},
      `${ID} {position:fixed; height:calc(90vh - 2em); top:5vh; width:calc(90vw - 2em);
              max-width:${maxWidth}; left:0; right:0; margin:0 auto; z-index:1000}
       ${ID}, ${ID} .window {display:flex; flex-direction:column}
       ${ID} .title {padding:0 1em; background:lightgrey; font-weight:bold; font-size:larger}
       ${ID} .window {position: relative; padding:1em; padding-top:0; background:grey}
       ${ID} :is(.title, .window > *) {flex:0}   ${ID} :is(.window, .editor) {flex-grow:1}
       ${ID} .editor {position:relative; height:calc(100% - 6em)}
       ${ID} .editor > * {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:calc(100% - 6px); height:100%; overflow:auto; margin:0}
       ${ID} .editor :is(textarea, pre) {font-family:monospace; font-size:15pt; line-height:20pt;
                                         border-radius:5px; white-space:pre; hyphens:none}
       ${ID}.text .editor :is(textarea, pre) {white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap:break-word}
       ${ID} .editor textarea {resize:none; z-index:2; background:transparent; color:transparent; caret-color:white}
       ${ID} .editor pre {z-index:1; margin:0; overflow:auto; padding:3px}
       @-moz-document url-prefix() {${ID} .editor pre {padding:4px}}


       ${ID} :is(.toolbar, .buttons) {margin-top:1em; display:flex; justify-content:space-evenly}
       ${ID} .toolbar input[type=number] {width:4em; background:white}
       ${ID} .error {color:yellow; font-weight:bold; font-family:monospace}`);
    setTimeout(() => document.head.append(style));

    let modal, title, error, editor, overlay, content, toolbar, sparse, compact, width, redraw, cancel, ok;
    modal = $e('div', {id, className: 'modal', style: "display:none", mode: 'json'},
               title = $e('div', {className: 'title'}, ""),
               $e('div', {className: 'window'},
                  $e('div', {className: 'error', innerHTML: "&ZeroWidthSpace;"}, error = $e('span')),
                  $e('div', {className: 'editor'},
                     editor = $e('textarea'),
                     overlay = $e('pre', {}, content = $e('code', {className: "highlighting language-json match-braces"}))),
                  toolbar = $e('div', {className: 'toolbar'},
                               $e('label', {title: "Don't inline dicts"},
                                  sparse = $e('input', {type: 'checkbox', className: 'sparse'}),
                                  " Sparse"),
                               $e('label', {title: "Compact long lists"},
                                  compact = $e('input', {type: 'checkbox', className: 'compact'}),
                                  " Compact"),
                               $e('label', {title: "Width limit (0 = unlimited)"},
                                  "Width ",
                                  width = $e('input', {type: 'number', className: 'width', value: 100, min: 0})),
                               redraw = $e('button', {className: 'redraw'}, "Check / Reformat")),
                  $e('div', {className: 'buttons'},
                     cancel = $e('button', {className: 'cancel'}, "Cancel"),
                     ok     = $e('button', {className: 'ok'},     "OK"))));

    let _isValid, _width = Number(width.value)||Infinity;

    let render = (e, text, mode=modal.mode) => {
      e.innerHTML = text.replace(/&/g, AMPERSAND).replace(/</g, LESS_THAN); // can't use innerText here
      (mode === 'json') && Prism && Prism.highlightElement(e);

    let update = text => render(content, text + (text.slice(-1) != NEWLINE ? "" : " "));
    let syncScroll = () => {[overlay.scrollTop, overlay.scrollLeft] = [editor.scrollTop, editor.scrollLeft]};

    let detectWidth = () => {
      let style = "font-family:monospace; font-size:15pt; line-height:20pt; position:fixed; top:0; left:0";
      let e = $e('span', {style, innerHTML: NONBREAKING_SPACE});
      width.value = _width = Math.floor(editor.clientWidth / e.clientWidth);

    let reformat = (s = editor.value,  o = parseJson(s)) => {
      if (o instanceof Error) {
        error.innerText = o.message || "Syntax error";
        console.warn(o, {position: o.position});
        editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = o.position||0;
      } else {
        error.innerText = "";
        editor.value = pformat(o, {sparse: sparse.checked, compact: compact.checked, width: _width});
        editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = 0;

    let _visible = () => !== 'none';
    let toggle = (visible=!_visible()) => { = (visible ? '' : 'none')};
    let _resolve, [editJson, editText] = ['json', 'text'].map(mode => (value=editor.value, options={}) => new Promise(resolve => {
      [modal.mode, _resolve, _isValid] = [mode, resolve, options.validator]; = (mode == 'json' ? '' : 'none');
      modal.classList[mode == 'json' ? 'remove' : 'add']('text');
      [error.innerText, editor.value, title.innerText] = ["", value, options.title||`Enter ${mode}`];
      render(content, value);
    let editAsJson = (value, options={}) => (setTimeout(reformat), editJson(JSON.stringify(value), options));
    let resolve = (value=editor.value) => (toggle(false), _resolve && _resolve(value));

    document.addEventListener('keydown', ({key}) => (key == 'Escape') && toggle(false));
    cancel.onclick = () => toggle();
    ok.onclick = () => {
      if (modal.mode != 'json') resolve(); else {
        let s = editor.value,  o = parseJson(s);
        if (!(o instanceof Error))
        else {
          try {if (_isValid(s)) return resolve()} catch (e) {}
          reformat(s, o)

    editor.oninput = () => {update(editor.value);  syncScroll()};
    editor.onscroll = syncScroll;
    editor.onkeydown = captureTab(editor);
    redraw.onclick = sparse.onchange = compact.onchange = () => reformat();
    width.onchange = () => {
      if (!width.value || !Number.isInteger( Number(width.value) ))
        alert(`Invalid width value: ${width.value}`);
      else {
        _width = Number(width.value)||Infinity;

    return Object.assign(modal, {toggle, editText, editJson, editAsJson, render});

  return {pformat, ParseError, parseJson, theme, createEditorModal};