UserScript Automated Element Text Notifier

This script is intended to work with @require only. Provides class AutomatedElementTextNotifier

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace    Xortrox/UserScripts/AutomatedElementTextNotifier
// @name         UserScript Automated Element Text Notifier
// @version      0.7
// @description  This script is intended to work with @require only. Provides class AutomatedElementTextNotifier
// @author       Xortrox,
// @match        *
// @esversion:   6
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

class AutomatedElementTextNotifier {
    constructor(options) {
        this.icon = options.icon || '';
        this.title = options.title || 'No Title Specified';

        this.selector = options.selector;

        /** How frequently to scan for changes on the website (in milliseconds) */
        this.notificationInterval = options.interval;

         * Every includes/excludes does a check for selector matched element's "innerText" value
         * Each entry will be checked in priority from top to bottom and only the first match will send its notification
         * All configs must have an includes entry, while exclusion is optional.
         * */
        this.scanConfiguration = options.config;

        if (!this.selector) {
            this.error('Error: No selector specified for AutomatedElementTextNotifier');

    async init() {
        await window.UserScript.Notifications.askPermission();

        this.interval = setInterval(this.scan, this.notificationInterval);

    scan = () => {
        const notificationElements = document.querySelectorAll(this.selector);

        /** We send notification only once if any adventures are claimable */
        if (notificationElements && notificationElements.length > 0) {
            let notified = false;

            for (let element of notificationElements) {
                if (notified) {

                const text = element.innerText;

                const textLower = text.toLowerCase();

                for (const config of this.scanConfiguration) {
                    let includesText = false;
                    let excludesText = false;

                    for (const includeText of config.includes) {
                        if (textLower.includes(includeText)) {
                            includesText = true;

                    if (config.excludes?.length > 0) {
                        for (const excludeText of config.excludes) {
                            if (!textLower.includes(excludeText)) {
                                excludesText = true;

                    let canShowNotification = includesText;

                    if (config.excludes?.length > 0) {
                        canShowNotification = canShowNotification && excludesText;

                    if (canShowNotification) {
                        window.UserScript.Notifications.notify(this.title, config.notificationText, this.icon);
                        notified = true;

    error(error) {
        console.error(new Error(error));