Twitter Video Download

Adds a button to download video from a tweet

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Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 25.11.2021

The script stopped working - no download button. I made some debugging, this string gets TRUE even if video is present, so it executes "return":
if (!tweet || !tweet.extended_entities || ! || ![0].video_info) return;

Maybe twitter has changed its html-code.

Veröffentlicht: 29.11.2021

Sorry for the slow reply. Yeah, they changed something. Should be fixed now.

Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2021

Thank you, it works now for desktop browser, but is not working on mobile, unfortunately. No idea, why.

Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2021

Thank you for the reports. I think I found the problem and fixed it. Try updating and see if it works on mobile now.

Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2021

Unfortunately, this update does not work on too

Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2021

Ok, try again now hehe.

Veröffentlicht: 01.12.2021

It works now! Great! Thanks a lot!

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