Greasy Fork is available in English.

Fix scrollbar on exploit-db

Fix for the scrollbar not appearing on exploit-db.

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Fix scrollbar on exploit-db
  3. // @version 1.1
  4. // @grant none
  5. // @namespace StephenP
  6. // @description Fix for the scrollbar not appearing on exploit-db.
  7. // @author StephenP
  8. // @match*
  9. // @match
  10. // ==/UserScript==
  11. (function (){
  12. addScrollbar();
  13. const config = { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false };
  14. const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
  15. for(const mutation of mutationsList) {
  16. setTimeout(function(){addScrollbar()},50);//direct execution would crash Greasemonkey, IDK why
  17. }
  18. };
  19. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  20. observer.observe(document.documentElement, config);
  21. })();
  22. function addScrollbar(){
  23. if(document.documentElement.className.includes("perfect-scrollbar-on")){
  24. document.documentElement.classList.remove("perfect-scrollbar-on");
  25. }
  26. }