'Delta - 999999 in 1

Delta – Erweiterung für Agario, agar.io Mod-Sammlung. Zoom+, Makro-Auswurfmasse, Doppelsplit, Hotkeys, Minikarte, Chat, Helfer, Themen

// ==UserScript==
// @name         'Delta - 999999 in 1
// @name:ru      'Delta - 999999 в 1
// @description         Delta - extension for agario, agar.io mod collection. Zoom+, macro eject mass, double split, hot-keys, minimap, chat, helpers, themes
// @description:es      Delta - extensión para agario, colección de mods agar.io. Zoom+, masa de expulsión de macro, doble división, teclas de acceso rápido, minimapa, chat, ayudas, temas
// @description:ru      Delta - расширение для агарио, сборник модов для agar.io. Зум, авто-ц, дабл-сплит, горячие клавиши, мини-карта, чат, подсказки, темы
// @description:zh      Delta - agario 的擴展,agar.io mod 集合。縮放+、巨集彈出品質、雙分割、熱鍵、小地圖、聊天、助理、主題
// @description:uk      Delta - розширення для agario, колекція модів agar.io. Zoom+, макро викидна маса, подвійний поділ, гарячі клавіші, міні-карта, чат, помічники, теми
// @description:tr      Delta - agario, agar.io mod koleksiyonu için uzantı. Zoom+, makro çıkarma kütlesi, çift bölme, kısayol tuşları, mini harita, sohbet, yardımcılar, temalar
// @description:de      Delta – Erweiterung für Agario, agar.io Mod-Sammlung. Zoom+, Makro-Auswurfmasse, Doppelsplit, Hotkeys, Minikarte, Chat, Helfer, Themen
// @description:ja      Delta - agario の拡張機能、agar.io mod コレクション。 Zoom+、マクロイジェクトマス、ダブルスプリット、ホットキー、ミニマップ、チャット、ヘルパー、テーマ
// @description:pl      Delta - rozszerzenie do kolekcji modów agario, agar.io. Zoom+, masa wyrzucania makro, podwójny podział, klawisze skrótu, minimapa, czat, pomocnicy, motywy
// @description:fr      Delta - extension para sa agario, agar.io mod collection. Zoom+, macro eject mass, double split, hot-keys, minimap, chat, mga katulong, mga tema
// @version      7.3
// @namespace    delta.agar
// @author       neo
// @icon         https://deltav4.gitlab.io/ext/assets/favicon.ico
// @match        *://*.agar.io/*
// @match        *://*.sigmally.com/*
// @match        *://*.gota.io/*
// @run-at       document-start
// @connect      delt.io
// @connect      sentinelix-source-agarix.glitch.me
// @connect      deltav4.gitlab.io
// @connect      hslo.gitlab.io
// @connect
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant        window.close
// ==/UserScript==

  Copying and subsequent publication of this source code is prohibited. The publication of this user script is allowed, use the following links:
    - https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/399197-delta-999999-in-1
    - https://deltav4.gitlab.io/deltav4.user.js
  If this user script does not start, write me a discord
  Если данное расширение не запускается, напишите мне в дискорд

try {
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2077 Delta 7', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v7';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2075 Delta 5', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v5';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2074 Delta 4', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v4';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\u2104 Legendmod (n/a)', function () {
        alert('Sorry, this mod is not available in this user-script');
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\u24B6 Agar Tool (Backup copy)', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/ato';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\u24B6 Agar Tool (n/a)', function () {
        alert('Sorry, this mod is not available in this user-script');
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\u1EFA HSLO', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/hslo';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\u2168 Agarix', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/ix';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\ud83d\uddf8 Stock Agar.io', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/noext';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\ud83d\udd17 Visit our website', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://deltav4.glitch.me/';
    GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDDAD Delta Discord', function () {
        window.location.href = 'https://bit.ly/3RXQXQd';
} catch (e) {}

if (window.document && window.document.title === 'Attention Required! | Cloudflare') {
    if (!/you have been blocked/.test(window.document.body.innerHTML)) {

const host2path = {
    'sigmally': '/terms.html',
    '': '/delta',

if (window.location.pathname === '/') {
    for(const [host, path] of Object.entries(host2path)) {
        if(window.location.host.includes(host)) return window.location.href = path;

for(const [, path] of Object.entries(host2path)) {
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        window.history && window.history.replaceState && window.history.replaceState({}, window.document.title, '/');

var webBase = 'https://deltav4.gitlab.io';
var devBase = '';
var defaultMode = 'v7';
var location = '';
var isDevMode = window.location.pathname.indexOf('dev') > -1;
var modes = {
    url: function () {
        // For developers
        // example http://agar.io/url?https://your.host.com/
        // add
        // @connect      your.host.com
        location = window.location.search.slice(1);
    noext: function () {
        location = 'https://agar.io';
    v4: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/v4/index.html';
    v5: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/ext/index.html';
    v6: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/ext2/index.html';
    v7: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/v7/index.html';
    ix: function () {
        location = 'https://sentinelix-source-agarix.glitch.me/';
    ato: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/agartool/index.html';
    hslo540: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo540/index.html';
    hslo536: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo536/index.html';
    hslo532: function () {
        location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo532/index.html';
    hslo: function () {
        location = 'https://hslo.gitlab.io/';

for (var mode in modes) {
    var isMatched = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase().indexOf(mode) > -1;
    if (isMatched) {
if (!isMatched) modes[defaultMode]();

document &&
    document.documentElement &&
    (document.documentElement.innerHTML =
        '<style>html{font: 1.2em "Fira Sans", sans-serif;color:white;background: radial-gradient(circle at bottom right,#36003e, #000000 27%); height: 100%;}</style>Extension is loading');

if (location === 'none') {
} else {
    console.log('Extension location', location);
function loader() {
        method: 'GET',
        url: location + '?' + Math.random(),
        onload: async function (e) {
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