Reddit - Old School

Allows for easy navigation through a sub by pressing the left/right arrow keys, amongst other useful experience improvements. (Only works for, so this script automatically redirects you there.)

Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.

  • v1.5.1 14.12.2024

    Fixed /media links redirecting to some weird page. As a result, those links are now opening in new reddit, as they never bothered to extract the functionality for the old system.

  • v1.5.0 14.01.2022

    Added the ability to navigate through multi-image posts with the Numpad +/- keys, plus some code cleanup

  • v1.4.3 15.12.2020 Minor fix for RES
  • v1.4.2 03.05.2020 Fixed browsing through infinite scrolling
  • v1.4.1 27.04.2020
  • v1.4.1 27.04.2020 Fixed script getting loaded multiple times, code cleanup
  • v1.4 26.04.2020 Added clickable navigation buttons, fixed redirect from non-www subdomains, improved compatibility with light theme
  • v1.3 18.07.2019 Now prevents collapsing comment boxes when selecting text.
  • v1.2 11.07.2019 Fixed scrolling accidentally happening while in textboxes and now skips over ads
  • v1.1 12.05.2019 Added navigation with left/right arrow keys
  • v1.0 08.04.2019
  • v1.0 08.04.2019