Greasy Fork is available in English.


No more re-typing the same comments over and over!

/** @preserve
// ==UserScript==
// @name           AutoReviewComments
// @namespace      benjol
// @version        1.4.3
// @description    No more re-typing the same comments over and over!
// @homepage
// @grant          none
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?stackoverflow\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?serverfault\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?superuser\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?stackexchange\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?askubuntu\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?mathoverflow\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/discuss\.area51\.stackexchange\.com/.*$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/stackapps\.com/.*$/
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*

// ==/UserScript==

function with_jquery(f) {
  var script = document.createElement("script");
  script.type = "text/javascript";
  script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";

with_jquery(function ($) {
  StackExchange.ready(function () {
    //// Self Updating Userscript, see
// (the first line of this template _must_ be a comment!)
var VERSION = '1.4.3';
var URL = "";

// This hack is necessary to bring people up from the last working auto-uptate gist
// release if they manually installed the latest version. (can be removed after some
// time has passed and last released version is at least 1.3.4)
for (var key in window) {
  if (key.indexOf('selfUpdaterCallback') != -1) {
// End hack

if(window["AutoReviewComments_AutoUpdateCallback"]) {

// Split int based version number strings on dots, zero-pad the arrays to the same length and
// compare them in order such that true is returned only if the proposted version is newer
function isVersionNewer(proposed, current) {
    proposed = proposed.split(".");
    current = current.split(".");

    while (proposed.length < current.length) proposed.push("0");
    while (current.length < proposed.length) current.push("0");

    for (var i = 0; i < proposed.length; i++) {
        if (parseInt(proposed[i]) > parseInt(current[i])) {
            return true;
        if (parseInt(proposed[i]) < parseInt(current[i])) {
            return false;

    return false;

function updateCheck(notifier) {
  window["AutoReviewComments_AutoUpdateCallback"] = function (newver) {
      if(isVersionNewer(newver, VERSION)) notifier(newver, VERSION, URL);
  $("<script />").attr("src", URL).appendTo("head");

// Check to see if a new version has become available since last check
// - only checks once a day
// - does not check for first time visitors, shows them a welcome message instead
// - called at the end of the main script if function exists
function CheckForNewVersion(popup) {
  var today = (new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
  var LastUpdateCheckDay = GetStorage("LastUpdateCheckDay");
  if(LastUpdateCheckDay == null) { //first time visitor
    ShowMessage(popup, "Please read this!", 'Thanks for installing this script. \
                            Please note that you can EDIT the texts inline by double-clicking them. \
                            For other options, please see the README at <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.',
                function () { });
  } else if ( LastUpdateCheckDay != today) {
    updateCheck(function (newver, oldver, install_url) {
      if(newver != GetStorage("LastVersionAcknowledged")) {
        ShowMessage(popup, "New Version!", 'A new version (' + newver + ') of the <a href="">AutoReviewComments</a> userscript is now available, see the <a href="">release notes</a> for details or <a href="' + install_url + '">click here</a> to install now.',
                    function () { SetStorage("LastVersionAcknowledged", newver); });
  SetStorage("LastUpdateCheckDay", today);

/* How does this work?
   1. The installed script loads first, and sets the local VERSION variable with the currently installed version number
   2. window["AutoReviewComments_AutoUpdateCallback"] is not defined, so this is skipped
   3. When updateCheck() is called, it defines window["AutoReviewComments_AutoUpdateCallback"], which retains the installed version number in VERSION (closure)
   4. updateCheck() then loads the external version of the script into the page header
   5. when the external version of the script loads, it defines its own local VERSION with the external (potentially new) version number
   6. window["AutoReviewComments_AutoUpdateCallback"] is now defined, so it is invoked, and the external version number is passed in
   7. if the external version number (ver) is greater than the installed version (VERSION), the notification is invoked

    var siteurl = window.location.hostname;
    var arr = document.title.split(' - ');
    var sitename = arr[arr.length - 1];
    var username = 'user';
    var OP = 'OP';
    var prefix = "AutoReviewComments-"; //prefix to avoid clashes in localstorage
    var myuserid = getLoggedInUserId();

    if(sitename == "Stack Exchange") sitename = arr[arr.length - 2]; //workaround for some SE sites (e.g. Area 51, Stack Apps)
    sitename = sitename.replace(/ ?Stack Exchange/, '');             //same for others ("Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange", SR, and more)
    if(!GetStorage("WelcomeMessage")) SetStorage("WelcomeMessage", 'Welcome to ' + sitename + '! ');
    var greeting = GetStorage("WelcomeMessage") == "NONE" ? "" : GetStorage("WelcomeMessage");
    var showGreeting = false;

    var cssTemplate = '<style>.auto-review-comments.popup{position:absolute;display:block;width:690px;padding:15px 15px 10px}.auto-review-comments.popup .float-left{float:left}.auto-review-comments.popup .float-right{float:right}.auto-review-comments.popup .throbber{display:none}.auto-review-comments.popup .remoteerror{color:red}.auto-review-comments.popup>div>textarea{width:100%;height:442px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main{overflow:hidden}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .userinfo{padding:5px;margin-bottom:7px;background:#eaefef}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list{height:440px;margin:0 0 7px 0 !important;overflow-y:auto}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li{width:100%;padding:0;transition:.1s}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li:hover{background-color:#f2f2f2}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li.action-selected:hover{background-color:#e6e6e6}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li input{display:none}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label{position:relative;display:block;padding:10px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .action-name{display:block;margin-bottom:3px;cursor:default}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .action-desc{margin:0;color:#888;cursor:default}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .action-name textarea,.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .action-desc textarea{width:99%;margin:0 0 -4px 0}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .action-desc textarea{height:42px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .quick-insert{display:none;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;height:100%;margin:0;font-size:300%;color:transparent;border:0;transition:.3s;text-shadow:0 0 1px #fff;cursor:pointer;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);box-shadow:none;-moz-box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li:hover label .quick-insert{display:block}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .action-list li label .quick-insert:hover{background-color:#222;color:#fff}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .share-tip{display:none}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .share-tip .customwelcome{width:300px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .share-tip .remoteurl{display:block;width:400px}.auto-review-comments.popup .actions,.auto-review-comments.popup .main .popup-actions .actions{margin:6px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .popup-actions .popup-submit{float:none;margin:0 0 5px 0}.auto-review-comments.announcement{padding:7px;margin-bottom:10px;background:orange;font-size:15px}.auto-review-comments.announcement .notify-close{display:block;float:right;margin:0 4px;padding:0 4px;border:2px solid black;cursor:pointer;line-height:17px}.auto-review-comments.announcement .notify-close a{color:black;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .searchbox{display:none}.auto-review-comments.popup .main .searchfilter{width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;display:block}</style>';
    var markupTemplate = '<div class="auto-review-comments popup" id="popup"> <div class="popup-close" id="close"><a title="close this popup (or hit Esc)">&#215;</a></div> <h2 class="handle">Which review comment to insert?</h2> <div class="main" id="main"> <div class="popup-active-pane"> <div class="userinfo" id="userinfo"> <img src="//"/> </div> <div class="searchbox"> <input type="search" class="searchfilter" placeholder="filter the comments list"/> </div> <ul class="action-list"> </ul> </div> <div class="share-tip" id="remote-popup"> enter url for remote source of comments (use import/export to create jsonp) <input class="remoteurl" id="remoteurl" type="text"/> <img class="throbber" id="throbber1" src="//"/> <span class="remoteerror" id="remoteerror1"></span> <div class="float-left"> <input type="checkbox" id="remoteauto"/> <label title="get from remote on every page refresh" for="remoteauto">auto-get</label> </div> <div class="float-right"> <a class="remote-get">get now</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a class="remote-save">save</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a class="remote-cancel">cancel</a> </div> </div> <div class="share-tip" id="welcome-popup"> configure "welcome" message (empty=none): <div> <input class="customwelcome" id="customwelcome" type="text"/> </div> <div class="float-right"> <a class="welcome-force">force</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a class="welcome-save">save</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a class="welcome-cancel">cancel</a> </div> </div> <div class="popup-actions"> <div class="float-left actions"> <a title="close this popup (or hit Esc)" class="popup-actions-cancel">cancel</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="see info about this popup (v1.4.3)" class="popup-actions-help" href="//" target="_blank">info</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a class="popup-actions-see">see-through</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="filter comments by keyword" class="popup-actions-filter">filter</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="reset any custom comments" class="popup-actions-reset">reset</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="use this to import/export all comments" class="popup-actions-impexp">import/export</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="use this to hide/show all comments" class="popup-actions-toggledesc">show/hide desc</a> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="setup remote source" class="popup-actions-remote">remote</a> <img class="throbber" id="throbber2"src="//"/> <span class="remoteerror" id="remoteerror2"></span> <span class="lsep"> | </span> <a title="configure welcome" class="popup-actions-welcome">welcome</a> </div> <div class="float-right"> <input class="popup-submit" type="button" disabled="disabled" value="Insert"> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
    var messageTemplate = '<div class="auto-review-comments announcement" id="announcement"> <span class="notify-close"> <a title="dismiss this notification">x</a> </span> <strong>$TITLE$</strong> $BODY$ </div>';
    var optionTemplate = '<li> <input id="comment-$ID$" type="radio" name="commentreview"/> <label for="comment-$ID$"> <span id="name-$ID$" class="action-name">$NAME$</span> <span id="desc-$ID$" class="action-desc">$DESCRIPTION$</span> <button class="quick-insert" title="Insert now">↓</button> </label> </li>';

     * All the different "targets" a comment can be placed on.
     * The given values are used as prefixes in the comment titles, to make it easy for the user to change the targets,
     * by simply adding the prefix to their comment title.
    var Target = {
      // A regular expression to match the possible targets in a string.
      MATCH_ALL : new RegExp( "\\[(E?[AQ]|C)(?:,(E?[AQ]|C))*\\]" ),
      Closure : "C",
      CommentQuestion : "Q",
      CommentAnswer : "A",
      EditSummaryAnswer : "EA",
      EditSummaryQuestion : "EQ"

    //default comments
    var defaultcomments = [
     { Target: [ Target.CommentQuestion ], Name: "More than one question asked", Description: 'It is preferred if you can post separate questions instead of combining your questions into one. That way, it helps the people answering your question and also others hunting for at least one of your questions. Thanks!' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentQuestion ], Name: "Duplicate Closure", Description: 'This question will probably be closed as a duplicate soon. If the answers from the duplicates don\'t fully address your question please edit it to include why and flag this for re-opening. Thanks!' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "Answers just to say Thanks!", Description: 'Please don\'t add "thanks" as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient <a href="//$SITEURL$/privileges">privileges</a> to upvote answers you like, which is the $SITENAME$ way of saying thank you.' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "Nothing but a URL (and isn't spam)", Description: 'Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, <a href="//">it would be preferable</a> to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "Requests to OP for further information", Description: 'This is really a comment, not an answer. With a bit more rep, <a href="//$SITEURL$/privileges/comment">you will be able to post comments</a>. For the moment I\'ve added the comment for you, and I\'m flagging this post for deletion.' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "OP using an answer for further information", Description: 'Please use the <em>Post answer</em> button only for actual answers. You should modify your original question to add additional information.' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "OP adding a new question as an answer", Description: 'If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the <a href="//$SITEURL$/questions/ask">Ask Question</a> button.' },
     { Target: [ Target.CommentAnswer ], Name: "Another user adding a 'Me too!'", Description: 'If you have a NEW question, please ask it by clicking the <a href="//$SITEURL$/questions/ask">Ask Question</a> button. If you have sufficient reputation, <a href="//$SITEURL$/privileges/vote-up">you may upvote</a> the question. Alternatively, "star" it as a favorite and you will be notified of any new answers.' },
     { Target: [ Target.Closure ], Name: "Too localized", Description: 'This question appears to be off-topic because it is too localized.' },
     { Target: [ Target.EditSummaryQuestion ], Name: "Improper tagging", Description: 'The tags you were using are not appropriate for this question. Please review <a href="//$SITEURL$/help/tagging">What are tags, and how should I use them?</a>' }

    var weekday_name = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
    var minute = 60, hour = 3600, day = 86400, sixdays = 518400, week = 604800, month = 2592000, year = 31536000;

    //Wrap local storage access so that we avoid collisions with other scripts
    function GetStorage(key) { return localStorage[prefix + key]; }
    function SetStorage(key, val) { localStorage[prefix + key] = val; }
    function RemoveStorage(key) { localStorage.removeItem(prefix + key); }
    function ClearStorage(startsWith) {
      for(var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var key = localStorage.key(i);
        if(key.indexOf(prefix + startsWith) == 0) localStorage.removeItem(key);

    //Calculate and format datespan for "Member since/for"
    function datespan(date) {
      var now = new Date() / 1000;
      var then = new Date(date * 1000);
      var today = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0) / 1000;
      var nowseconds = now - today;
      var elapsedSeconds = now - date;
      var strout = "";
      if(elapsedSeconds < nowseconds) strout = "since today";
      else if(elapsedSeconds < day + nowseconds) strout = "since yesterday";
      else if(elapsedSeconds < sixdays) strout = "since " + weekday_name[then.getDay()];
      else if(elapsedSeconds > year) {
        strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / year) + " years";
        if(((elapsedSeconds) % year) > month) strout += ", " + Math.round(((elapsedSeconds) % year) / month) + " months";
      else if(elapsedSeconds > month) {
        strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / month) + " months";
        if(((elapsedSeconds) % month) > week) strout += ", " + Math.round(((elapsedSeconds) % month) / week) + " weeks";
      else {
        strout = "for " + Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / week) + " weeks";
      return strout;

    //Calculate and format datespan for "Last seen"
    function lastseen(date) {
      var now = new Date() / 1000;
      var today = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0) / 1000;
      var nowseconds = now - today;
      var elapsedSeconds = now - date;
      if(elapsedSeconds < minute) return (Math.round(elapsedSeconds) + " seconds ago");
      if(elapsedSeconds < hour) return (Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / minute) + " minutes ago");
      if(elapsedSeconds < nowseconds) return (Math.round((elapsedSeconds) / hour) + " hours ago");
      if(elapsedSeconds < day + nowseconds) return ("yesterday");
      var then = new Date(date * 1000);
      if(elapsedSeconds < sixdays) return ("on " + weekday_name[then.getDay()]);
      return then.toDateString();

    //Format reputation string
    function repNumber(r) {
      if(r < 1E4) return r;
      else if(r < 1E5) {
        var d = Math.floor(Math.round(r / 100) / 10);
        r = Math.round((r - d * 1E3) / 100);
        return d + (r > 0 ? "." + r : "") + "k"
      else return Math.round(r / 1E3) + "k"

    // Get the Id of the logged-in user
    function getLoggedInUserId() {
      return StackExchange.options && StackExchange.options.user ? StackExchange.options.user.userId : '';

    //Get userId for post
    function getUserId(el) {
      // a bit complicated, but we have to avoid edits (:last), not trip on CW questions (:not([id])), and not bubble
      //  out of post scope for deleted users (first()).
      var userlink = el.parents('div').find('.post-signature:last').first().find('.user-details > a:not([id])');
      if(userlink.length) return userlink.attr('href').split('/')[2];
      return "[NULL]";
    function isNewUser(date) {
      return (new Date() / 1000) - date < week
    function getOP() {
      var userlink = $('#question').find('.owner').find('.user-details > a:not([id])');
      if(userlink.length) return userlink.text();
      var user = $('#question').find('.owner').find('.user-details'); //for deleted users
      if(user.length) return user.text();
      return "[NULL]";

    //Ajax to Stack Exchange api to get basic user info, and paste into userinfo element
    function getUserInfo(userid, container) {
      var userinfo = container.find('#userinfo');
      if(isNaN(userid)) {
        type: "GET",
        url: '//' + userid + '?site=' + siteurl + '&jsonp=?',
        dataType: "jsonp",
        timeout: 2000,
        success: function (data) {
          if(data['items'].length > 0) {
            var user = data['items'][0];
            if(isNewUser(user['creation_date'])) {
              showGreeting = true;
            username = user['display_name'];
            var usertype = user['user_type'].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + user['user_type'].slice(1);
            var html = usertype + ' user <strong><a href="/users/' + userid + '" target="_blank">' + username + '</a></strong>,     \
                            member <strong>' + datespan(user['creation_date']) + '</strong>,                                        \
                            last seen <strong>' + lastseen(user['last_access_date']) + '</strong>,                                  \
                            reputation <strong>' + repNumber(user['reputation']) + '</strong>';

            userinfo.html(html.replace(/ +/g, ' '));
          else userinfo.fadeOutAndRemove();
        error: function () { userinfo.fadeOutAndRemove(); }

    //Show textarea in front of popup to import/export all comments (for other sites or for posting somewhere)
    function ImportExport(popup) {
      var tohide = popup.find('#main');
      var div = $('<div><textarea/><div class="actions"><a class="jsonp">jsonp</a><span class="lsep"> | </span><a class="save">save</a><span class="lsep"> | </span><a class="cancel">cancel</a></div></div>');
      //Painful, but shortest way I've found to position div over the tohide element
      div.css({ position: 'absolute', left: tohide.position().left, top: tohide.position().top,
        width: tohide.css('width'), height: tohide.css('height'), background: 'white'

      var txt = '';
      for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
        var name = GetStorage('name-' + i);
        var desc = GetStorage('desc-' + i);
        txt += '###' + name + '\n' + htmlToMarkDown(desc) + '\n\n'; //the leading ### makes prettier if pasting to markdown, and differentiates names from descriptions

      div.find('.jsonp').click(function () {
        var txt = 'callback(\n[\n';
        for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
          txt += '{ "name": "' + GetStorage('name-' + i) + '", "description": "' + GetStorage('desc-' + i).replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"},\n\n';
        div.find('textarea').val(txt + ']\n)');
        div.find('a:lt(2)').remove(); div.find('.lsep:lt(2)').remove();
      div.find('.cancel').click(function () { div.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
      div.find('.save').click(function () { DoImport(div.find('textarea').val()); WriteComments(popup); div.fadeOutAndRemove(); });


    //Import complete text into comments
    function DoImport(text) {
      //clear out any existing stuff
      ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-");
      var arr = text.split('\n');
      var nameIndex = 0, descIndex = 0;
      for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        var line = $.trim(arr[i]);
        if(line.indexOf('#') == 0) {
          var name = line.replace(/^#+/g, '');
          SetStorage('name-' + nameIndex, name);
        else if(line.length > 0) {
          var desc = markDownToHtml(line);
          SetStorage('desc-' + descIndex, Tag(desc));
      //This is de-normalised, but I don't care.
      SetStorage("commentcount", Math.min(nameIndex, descIndex));

    function htmlToMarkDown(html) {
      markdown = html.replace(/<a href="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/a>/g, '[$2]($1)').replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
      return markdown.replace(/<em>(.+?)<\/em>/g, '*$1*').replace(/<strong>(.+?)<\/strong>/g, '**$1**');

    function markDownToHtml(markdown) {
      html = markdown.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\((.+?)\)/g, '<a href="$2">$1</a>');
      return html.replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>').replace(/\*([^`]+?)\*/g, '<em>$1</em>');

    function UnTag(text) {
      return text.replace(/\$SITENAME\$/g, sitename).replace(/\$SITEURL\$/g, siteurl).replace(/\$MYUSERID\$/g, myuserid);

    function Tag(html) {
      //put tags back in
      var regname = new RegExp(sitename, "g"), regurl = new RegExp('//' + siteurl, "g"), reguid = new RegExp('/' + myuserid + '[)]', "g");
      return html.replace(regname, '$SITENAME$').replace(regurl, '//$SITEURL$').replace(reguid, '/$MYUSERID$)');

    //Replace contents of element with a textarea (containing markdown of contents), and save/cancel buttons
    function ToEditable(popup, el) {
      var backup = el.html();
      var html = Tag(el.html().replace(greeting, ''));  //remove greeting before editing..
      if(html.indexOf('<textarea') > -1) return; //don't want to create a new textarea inside this one!
      var txt = $('<textarea />').val(htmlToMarkDown(html));

      // Disable quick-insert while editing.
      // Disable insert while editing.
      $(".popup-submit", popup).prop("disabled", true);

      BorkFor(el); //this is a hack
      //save/cancel links to add to textarea
      var actions = $('<div class="actions">');
      var commands = $('<a>save</a>').click(function () { SaveEditable($(this).parent().parent()); UnborkFor(el); })
                      .add('<span class="lsep"> | </span>')
                      .add($('<a>cancel</a>').click(function () { el.siblings(".quick-insert").show(); $(".popup-submit", popup).prop("disabled", false); CancelEditable($(this).parent().parent(), backup); UnborkFor(el); }));

      //set contents of element to textarea with links

    //This is to stop the input pinching focus when I click inside textarea
    //Could have done something clever with contentEditable, but this is evil, and it annoys Yi :P
    function BorkFor(el) {
      var label = el.parent('label');
      label.attr('for', 'borken');
    function UnborkFor(el) {
      var label = el.parent('label');
      label.attr('for', label.prev().attr('id'));
    //Save textarea contents, replace element html with new edited content
    function SaveEditable(el) {
      var html = markDownToHtml(el.find('textarea').val());
      SetStorage(el.attr('id'), Tag(html));
      el.html((showGreeting ? greeting : "") + UnTag(html));

    function CancelEditable(el, backup) {

    //Empty all custom comments from storage and rewrite to ui
    function ResetComments() {
      ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-");
      $.each(defaultcomments, function (index, value) {
        var targetsPrefix = "";
        if( value.Target ) {
          var targets = value.Target.join(",");
          targetsPrefix = "[" + targets + "] ";
        SetStorage('name-' + index, targetsPrefix + value["Name"]);
        SetStorage('desc-' + index, value["Description"]);
      SetStorage("commentcount", defaultcomments.length);

    //rewrite all comments to ui (typically after import or reset)
    function WriteComments(popup) {
      if(!GetStorage("commentcount")) ResetComments();
      var ul = popup.find('.action-list');
      for(var i = 0; i < GetStorage("commentcount"); i++) {
        var commentName = GetStorage('name-' + i);
        if( IsCommentValidForPostType( commentName, popup.posttype ) ) {
          commentName = commentName.replace( Target.MATCH_ALL, "" );
          var desc = GetStorage('desc-' + i).replace(/\$SITENAME\$/g, sitename).replace(/\$SITEURL\$/g, siteurl).replace(/\$MYUSERID\$/g, myuserid).replace(/\$/g, "$$$");
          var opt = optionTemplate.replace(/\$ID\$/g, i)
                          .replace("$NAME$", commentName.replace(/\$/g, "$$$"))
                          .replace("$DESCRIPTION$", (showGreeting ? greeting : "") + desc);

     * Checks if a given comment could be used together with a given post type.
     * @param {String} comment The comment itself.
     * @param {Target} postType The type of post the comment could be placed on.
     * @return {Boolean} true if the comment is valid for the type of post; false otherwise.
    function IsCommentValidForPostType( comment, postType ) {
      var designator = comment.match( Target.MATCH_ALL );
      if( !designator ) return true;

      return ( -1 < designator.indexOf( postType ) );

    function AddOptionEventHandlers(popup) {
      popup.find('label > span').dblclick(function () { ToEditable(popup, $(this)); });
      popup.find('label > .quick-insert').click(function () {
        var parent = $(this).parent();
        var li = parent.parent();
        var radio = parent.siblings("input");
        // Mark action as selected.
        // Triger form submission.
      //add click handler to radio buttons
      popup.find('input:radio').click(function () {
        popup.find('.popup-submit').removeAttr("disabled"); //enable submit button
        //unset/set selected class, hide others if necessary
        if(GetStorage('hide-desc') == "hide") {
      popup.find('input:radio').keyup(function (event) {
        if(event.which == 13) {

    function filterOn(popup, text) {
      var words = text.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).filter(
        function(word) {
          return word.length > 0;

      popup.find('.action-list > li').each(
        function (idx, item) {
          var show = true,
              li = $(item),
              title = li.find('.action-name').text().toLowerCase(),
              desc = li.find('.action-desc').text().toLowerCase();

            function(word) {
              show = show && ((title.indexOf(word) >= 0) || (desc.indexOf(word) >= 0));

          if (show) {
          else {

    function AddSearchEventHandlers(popup) {
      var sbox = popup.find('.searchbox'),
          stext = sbox.find('.searchfilter'),
          main = popup.find('#main'),
          kicker = popup.find('.popup-actions-filter'),
          storageKey = "showFilter",
          shown = GetStorage(storageKey) == "show";

      var showHideFilter = function() {
        if (shown) {
          SetStorage(storageKey, "show");
        else {
          filterOn(popup, '');
          SetStorage(storageKey, "hide");

      var filterOnText = function() {
        var text = stext.val();
        filterOn(popup, text);

      showHideFilter(); function() {
        shown = ! shown;

        return false;

      stext.on("keydown change search cut paste",
        function() {
          setTimeout( filterOnText, 100 );

    //Adjust the descriptions so they show or hide based on the user's preference.
    function ShowHideDescriptions(popup) {
      //get list of all descriptions except the currently selected one
      var descriptions = popup.find("ul.action-list li:not(.action-selected) span[id*='desc-']");

      if(GetStorage('hide-desc') == "hide") {
      else {;

    //Show a message (like inside popup
    function ShowMessage(popup, title, body, callback) {
      var html = body.replace(/\n/g, '<BR/>');
      var message = $(messageTemplate.replace("$TITLE$", title)
                          .replace('$BODY$', html));
      message.find('.notify-close').click(function () {

    //Get remote content via ajax, target url must contain valid json wrapped in callback() function
    function GetRemote(url, callback, onerror) {
      $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + '?jsonp=?', dataType: "jsonp", jsonpCallback: "callback", timeout: 2000, success: callback, error: onerror, async: false });

    //customise welcome
    //reverse compatible!
    function LoadFromRemote(url, done, error) {
      GetRemote(url, function (data) {
        SetStorage("commentcount", data.length);
        ClearStorage("name-"); ClearStorage("desc-");
        $.each(data, function (index, value) {
          SetStorage('name-' + index,;
          SetStorage('desc-' + index, markDownToHtml(value.description));
      }, error);

    //Factored out from main popu creation, just because it's too long
    function SetupRemoteBox(popup) {
      var remote = popup.find('#remote-popup');
      var remoteerror = remote.find('#remoteerror1');
      var urlfield = remote.find('#remoteurl');
      var autofield = remote.find('#remoteauto');
      var throbber = remote.find("#throbber1");

      popup.find('.popup-actions-remote').click(function () {
        autofield.prop('checked', GetStorage("AutoRemote") == 'true');;

      popup.find('.remote-cancel').click(function () {

      popup.find('.remote-save').click(function () {
        SetStorage("RemoteUrl", urlfield.val());
        SetStorage("AutoRemote", autofield.prop('checked'));

      popup.find('.remote-get').click(function () {;
        LoadFromRemote(urlfield.val(), function () {
        }, function (d, msg) {

    function SetupWelcomeBox(popup) {
      var welcome = popup.find('#welcome-popup');
      var custom = welcome.find('#customwelcome');

      popup.find('.popup-actions-welcome').click(function () {

      popup.find('.welcome-cancel').click(function () {

      popup.find('.welcome-force').click(function () {
        showGreeting = true;

      popup.find('.welcome-save').click(function () {
        var msg = custom.val() == "" ? "NONE" : custom.val();
        SetStorage("WelcomeMessage", msg);
        greeting = custom.val();

    var cssElement = $(cssTemplate);

     * Attach an "auto" link somewhere in the DOM. This link is going to trigger the iconic ARC behavior.
     * @param {String} triggerSelector A selector for a DOM element which, when clicked, will invoke the locator.
     * @param {Function} locator A function that will search for both the DOM element, next to which the "auto" link
     *                           will be placed and where the text selected from the popup will be inserted.
     *                           This function will receive the triggerElement as the first argument when called and it
     *                           should return an array with the two DOM elements in the expected order.
     * @param {Function} injector A function that will be called to actually inject the "auto" link into the DOM.
     *                            This function will receive the element that the locator found as the first argument when called.
     *                            It will receive the action function as the second argument, so it know what to invoke when the "auto" link is clicked.
     * @param {Function} action A function that will be called when the injected "auto" link is clicked.
    function attachAutoLinkInjector( triggerSelector, locator, injector, action ) {
       * The internal injector invokes the locator to find an element in relation to the trigger element and then invokes the injector on it.
       * @param {jQuery} triggerElement The element that triggered the mechanism.
       * @param {Number} [retryCount=0] How often this operation was already retried. 20 retries will be performed in 50ms intervals.
       * @private
      var _internalInjector = function( triggerElement, retryCount ) {
        // If we didn't find the element after 20 retries, give up.
        if( 20 <= retryCount ) return;
        // Try to locate the elements.
        var targetElements = locator( triggerElement );
        var injectNextTo = targetElements[ 0 ];
        var placeCommentIn = targetElements[ 1 ]
        // We didn't find it? Try again in 50ms.
        if( !injectNextTo.length ) {
          setTimeout( function() {
            _internalInjector( triggerElement, retryCount + 1 );
          }, 50 );
        } else {
          // Call our injector on the found element.
          injector( injectNextTo, action, placeCommentIn );
      // Maybe use this instead (if supported): $( "#content" ).on( "click", triggerSelector, function() {
      $( "#content" ).delegate( triggerSelector, "click", function( event ) {
        /** @type jQuery */
        var triggerElement = $( );
        _internalInjector( triggerElement );
      } );
    attachAutoLinkInjector( ".js-add-link", findCommentElements, injectAutoLink, autoLinkAction );
    attachAutoLinkInjector( ".edit-post", findEditSummaryElements, injectAutoLinkEdit, autoLinkAction );
    attachAutoLinkInjector( ".close-question-link", findClosureElements, injectAutoLinkClosure, autoLinkAction );
    attachAutoLinkInjector( ".review-actions input:first", findReviewQueueElements, injectAutoLinkReviewQueue, autoLinkAction );

     * A locator for the help link next to the comment box under a post and the textarea for the comment.
     * @param {jQuery} where A DOM element, near which we're looking for the location where to inject our link.
     * @returns {[jQuery]} The DOM element next to which the link should be inserted and the element into which the
     *                     comment should be placed.
    function findCommentElements( where ) {
      var divid = where.parent().attr('id').replace('-link', '');
      var injectNextTo = $('#' + divid).find('.comment-help-link');
      var placeCommentIn = $('#' + divid).find("textarea");
      return [ injectNextTo, placeCommentIn ];
     * A locator for the edit summary input box under a post while it is being edited.
     * @param {jQuery} where A DOM element, near which we're looking for the location where to inject our link.
     * @returns {[jQuery]} The DOM element next to which the link should be inserted and the element into which the
     *                     comment should be placed.
    function findEditSummaryElements( where ) {
      var divid = where.attr('href').replace('/posts/', '').replace('/edit', '');
      var injectNextTo = $('#post-editor-' + divid).next().find('.edit-comment');
      var placeCommentIn = injectNextTo;
      return [ injectNextTo, placeCommentIn ];
     * A locator for the text area in which to put a custom off-topic closure reason in the closure dialog.
     * @param {jQuery} where A DOM element, near which we're looking for the location where to inject our link.
     * @returns {[jQuery]} The DOM element next to which the link should be inserted and the element into which the
     *                     comment should be placed.
    function findClosureElements( where ) {
      var injectNextTo = $(".close-as-off-topic-pane textarea");
      var placeCommentIn = injectNextTo;
      return [ injectNextTo, placeCommentIn ];
     * A locator for the edit summary you get in the "Help and Improvement" review queue.
     * @param {jQuery} where A DOM element, near which we're looking for the location where to inject our link.
     * @returns {[jQuery]} The DOM element next to which the link should be inserted and the element into which the
     *                     comment should be placed.
    function findReviewQueueElements( where ) {
      var injectNextTo = $(".text-counter");
      var placeCommentIn = $(".edit-comment");
      return [ injectNextTo, placeCommentIn ];

     * Inject the auto link next to the given DOM element.
     * @param {jQuery} where The DOM element next to which we'll place the link.
     * @param {Function} what The function that will be called when the link is clicked.
     * @param {jQuery} placeCommentIn The DOM element into which the comment should be placed.
    function injectAutoLink( where, what, placeCommentIn ) {
      // Don't add auto links if one already exists
      var existingAutoLinks = where.siblings( ".comment-auto-link" );
      if( existingAutoLinks && existingAutoLinks.length ) {

      var posttype = where.parents(".question, .answer").attr("class").split(' ')[0]; //slightly fragile
      if( "answer" == posttype ) posttype = Target.CommentAnswer;
      if( "question" == posttype ) posttype = Target.CommentQuestion;
      var _autoLinkAction = function(){
        what( placeCommentIn, posttype );
      var autoLink = $('<span class="lsep"> | </span>').add($('<a class="comment-auto-link">auto</a>').click(_autoLinkAction));
      autoLink.insertAfter( where );
     * Inject the auto link next to the edit summary input box.
     * This will also slightly shrink the input box, so that the link will fit next to it.
     * @param {jQuery} where The DOM element next to which we'll place the link.
     * @param {Function} what The function that will be called when the link is clicked.
     * @param {jQuery} placeCommentIn The DOM element into which the comment should be placed.
    function injectAutoLinkEdit( where, what, placeCommentIn ) {
      // Don't add auto links if one already exists
      var existingAutoLinks = where.siblings( ".comment-auto-link" );
      if( existingAutoLinks && existingAutoLinks.length ) {

      where.css( "width", "510px" );
      where.siblings( ".actual-edit-overlay" ).css( "width", "510px" );

      var posttype = where.parents(".question, .answer").attr("class").split(' ')[0]; //slightly fragile
      if( "answer" == posttype ) posttype = Target.EditSummaryAnswer;
      if( "question" == posttype ) posttype = Target.EditSummaryQuestion;

      var _autoLinkAction = function(){
        what( placeCommentIn, posttype );
      var autoLink = $('<span class="lsep"> | </span>').add($('<a class="comment-auto-link">auto</a>').click(_autoLinkAction));
      autoLink.insertAfter( where );
     * Inject the auto link next to the given DOM element.
     * @param {jQuery} where The DOM element next to which we'll place the link.
     * @param {Function} what The function that will be called when the link is clicked.
     * @param {jQuery} placeCommentIn The DOM element into which the comment should be placed.
    function injectAutoLinkClosure( where, what, placeCommentIn ) {
      // Don't add auto links if one already exists
      var existingAutoLinks = where.siblings( ".comment-auto-link" );
      if( existingAutoLinks && existingAutoLinks.length ) {

      var _autoLinkAction = function(){
        what( placeCommentIn, Target.Closure );
      var autoLink = $('<span class="lsep"> | </span>').add($('<a class="comment-auto-link">auto</a>').click(_autoLinkAction));
      autoLink.insertAfter( where );

     * Inject hte auto link next to the "characters left" counter below the edit summary in the review queue.
     * @param {jQuery} where The DOM element next to which we'll place the link.
     * @param {Function} what The function that will be called when the link is clicked.
     * @param {jQuery} placeCommentIn The DOM element into which the comment should be placed.
    function injectAutoLinkReviewQueue( where, what, placeCommentIn ) {
      // Don't add auto links if one already exists
      var existingAutoLinks = where.siblings( ".comment-auto-link" );
      if( existingAutoLinks && existingAutoLinks.length ) {

      var _autoLinkAction = function(){
        what( placeCommentIn, Target.EditSummaryQuestion );
      var autoLink = $('<span class="lsep"> | </span>').add($('<a class="comment-auto-link" style="float:right;">auto</a>').click(_autoLinkAction));
      autoLink.insertAfter( where );

    function autoLinkAction( targetObject, posttype ) {
      //Create popup and wire-up the functionality
      var popup = $(markupTemplate);
      popup.find('.popup-close').click(function () { popup.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
      popup.posttype = posttype;

      //Reset this, otherwise we get the greeting twice...
      showGreeting = false;

      //create/add options

      //Add handlers for command links
      popup.find('.popup-actions-cancel').click(function () { popup.fadeOutAndRemove(); });
      popup.find('.popup-actions-reset').click(function () { ResetComments(); WriteComments(popup); });
      popup.find('.popup-actions-see').hover(function () {
        popup.fadeTo('fast', '0.4').children().not('#close').fadeTo('fast', '0.0')
      }, function () {
        popup.fadeTo('fast', '1.0').children().not('#close').fadeTo('fast', '1.0')
      popup.find('.popup-actions-impexp').click(function () { ImportExport(popup); });
      popup.find('.popup-actions-toggledesc').click(function () {
        var hideDesc = GetStorage('hide-desc') || "show";
        SetStorage('hide-desc', hideDesc == "show" ? "hide" : "show");
      //Handle remote url & welcome

      //on submit, convert html to markdown and copy to comment textarea
      popup.find('.popup-submit').click(function () {
        var selected = popup.find('input:radio:checked');
        var markdown = htmlToMarkDown(selected.parent().find('.action-desc').html()).replace(/\[username\]/g, username).replace(/\[OP\]/g, OP);
        targetObject.val(markdown).focus();  //focus provokes character count test
        var caret = markdown.indexOf('[type here]')
        if(caret >= 0) targetObject[0].setSelectionRange(caret, caret + '[type here]'.length);

      //Auto-load from remote if required
      if(!window.VersionChecked && GetStorage("AutoRemote") == 'true') {
        var throbber = popup.find("#throbber2");
        var remoteerror = popup.find('#remoteerror2');;
          function () { WriteComments(popup); throbber.hide(); },
          function (d, msg) { remoteerror.text(msg); });

      // Attach to #content, everything else is too fragile.

      //Get user info and inject
      var userid = getUserId(targetObject);
      getUserInfo(userid, popup);
      OP = getOP();

      //We only actually perform the updates check when someone clicks, this should make it less costly, and more timely
      //also wrap it so that it only gets called the *FIRST* time we open this dialog on any given page (not much of an optimisation).
      if(typeof CheckForNewVersion == "function" && !window.VersionChecked) { CheckForNewVersion(popup); window.VersionChecked = true; }