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Toradorable Animator

Library to use for Toradorable Animations on agar and deviants. Animations stored separately. To use, @require this first, then Animations.

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

Chris Beck (ChrisProductions)
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Library to use for Toradorable Animations on agar and deviants.
Animations stored separately.

To use, @require this first, then add any Animations you would like. (all animations in my repository will auto-include this library if it wasn't already added)

To play the currently selected animation, call
NOTE: playAnimation requires per-site functions that are not included with this library.
You can find per-site functions in the link at the bottom.

To stop playing the current animation, call

To select the next/prev animation, call
animator.nextAnimation(); animator.prevAnimation();
Note that next/prev do not change the playing status. If we are already playing, we will seamlessly switch over to the new animation.

To add your own animations, type
title: "Name Of Your Animation",
// Optional Default display time, used when/if a frame does not have a time specified.
defaultDisplayTime: 1000,
frames: [
//time: Optional display time for this frame in milliseconds,
//url: "http://Link/To/Your/Image.png",
//nick: "Optional Nick to use if applicable. Most sites do not allow you to change your nick in game."
{time: 500, url: "", nick: "To"},
{time: 500, url: "", nick: "Ra"},
{time: 500, url: "", nick: "Do"},
{time: 500, url: "", nick: "Ra"},
{time: 500, url: "", nick: "!"},
{time: 2000, url: "", nick: "Toradora!"}

To import a skinList, type
// First argument is a skin list array.
// Below is iWubbz's candy skinList, all credit for thease images goes to them.
// Second argument is optional. However, I recomend setting title at the least.
//defaultDisplayTime is 1000 (1 second) by default.
//All frames will be displayed for defaultDisplayTime milliseconds.
//Use animator.addAnimation if you want different display times per frame.
{title: "iWubbz's Candy", defaultDisplayTime: 5000}
^^ Importing skin lists is as easy as stealing candy from iWubbz. ^^

Note that this is just the Toradorable animator library.
Keybindings, Animations, and per-site functions are stored separately.

If you need Animations, Keybindings, and Per-Site functions, look in
per-site scripts are labled "Toradorable Site.extention". NOTE: All per-site scripts already include this library.
animations are labeled "TitleOfAnimation Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer"
and extensions are labeled "FunctionOfLibrary Extension for Toradorable Skin Changer"