// ==UserScript==
// @name Yandex Extra Buttons
// @name:ru Yandex_Extra_Buttons
// @description Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Yandex search page
// @description:ru Кнопки вариантов поиска для страницы Yandex (1-2-3 дня, недели, PDF, ...)
// @version 9.2021.1.112
// @namespace spmbt.github.com
// @icon //yastatic.net/islands-icons/_/aKnllxm-gQhidpzbZqub7qe641g.ico
// @include https://yandex.*
// @include https://www.yandex.*
// @include https://yandex.*/search*
// @include https://yandex.*/yandsearch*
// @include https://spmbt.github.io/googleSearchExtraButtons/saveYourLocalStorage.html
// @include https://www.gstatic.com/sites/p/b9356d/system/services/test.html
// @include https://www.gstatic.com/index.html
// @update buttons CSP fix for main page(native settings) (w/o authorization)
// ==/UserScript==
var xLocStI =0, xLocSto = [{origin:'https://spmbt.github.io', restHref:'/googleSearchExtraButtons/saveYourLocalStorage.html'},
{origin:'https://www.gstatic.com', restHref:'/sites/p/b9356d/system/services/test.html', '//':'blank page'},
{origin:'https://www.gstatic.com', restHref:'/index.html', '//':'404 page'}];
// For use own eXternal LocalStorage add to array your origin+restHref of site with https protocol,
// set xLocStI pointed to it, @include directive with this URL. If this script is Chrome extension, fill include_globs in manifest.json.
// TODO If localStorage will be unavailable, script will be use next indexes of array.
if(location.host == xLocSto[xLocStI].origin.replace(/[^/]*\/\//,'')){
window.addEventListener('message', function(ev){
//console.log('[io0]', ev.origin);
var d = typeof ev.data =='string' && ev.data[0] =='{' ? JSON.parse(ev.data) : ev.data;
if(!d.do) return;
var tok = d.tok, key = d.key; try{
case 'set':
var prev = localStorage[key];
if(d.val !==undefined)
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(d.val);
case 'get':
prev = localStorage[key];
prev = prev === undefined || typeof prev =='string'&& prev[0] !='{'? prev : JSON.parse(prev); break;
case 'remove':
prev = localStorage[key];
if(prev !==undefined)
}} catch(er){}
xLocStI !=0 && console.log('[xLocSto]', tok, 'prev=', prev);
xLocStI !=0 && ev.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(prev !==undefined ? {tok: tok, prev: prev} : {tok: tok, undef:1}), ev.origin);
//ev.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(prev !==undefined ? {tok: tok, prev: prev} : {tok: tok, undef:1}), ev.origin);
}},!1); console.log('[xLocSto-1]_'+ xLocStI);
}else (function(setts){ //lang, sites, lastHoursLess
if(window != top) return;
var $x = function(el, h){if(h) for(var i in h) el[i] = h[i]; return el;} //===extend===
,$pd = function(ev){ev.preventDefault();}
,d = document, S //current settings
,$q = function(q,el){return (el||d).querySelector(q)}
,$qA = function(q,el){return (el||d).querySelectorAll(q)}
,lh = location.href
,cspState //if 1 set constant setts
,$e = function(g,el){ //===create or use existing element=== //g={el|clone,cl,ht,cs,at,atRemove,on,apT}
g.el = el || g.el || g.clone ||'DIV';
var o = g.o = g.clone && g.clone.cloneNode && g.clone.cloneNode(!0)
|| (typeof g.el =='string' ? d.createElement(g.el) : g.el);
if(o){ //execute if exist
o.className = g.cl;
$x(o.style, g.cs);
if(g.ht || g.at){
var at = g.at ||{}; if(g.ht) at.innerHTML = g.ht;}
for(var i in at){
if(i=='innerHTML') o[i] = at[i];
else o.setAttribute(i, at[i]);}
for(var i in g.atRemove)
for(var i in g.on) if(g.on[i])
o.addEventListener(i, g.on[i],!1);
g.ap && o.appendChild(g.ap);
g.apT && g.apT.appendChild(o);
return o;
addRules = function(css){$e({apT: d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], ap: d.createTextNode(css)},'style')}
//check occurrence of third-party event with growing interval: h.t=time, h.i=count, h.c=check, h.o=occur, h.m=multi
,CS = function(h,d){d?h.o(d):h.i--&&setTimeout(function(){CS(h,h.c())},h.t*=h.m)} //example: t:120, i:12, m: 1.6 => wait around 55 sec
//for xLocStor:
,xLocStorOrigin = d.location.protocol + xLocSto[xLocStI].origin.replace(/[^/]*/,'')
,qr, qrs ={} //set of queries "key-calls" (ок, toutLitt, toutLong, noService, noStorage)
,qrI = 0 //queries counter
,qrN = 12 //max number of waiting queries
,errIMax = 120, errNMax = errIMax //max number of errors
,ns ='googXButtons_' //namespace for keys
* external localStorage for using another domain if current domain storage is erased anywhere
* @param{String} h.do - action: set|get|remove
* @param{String} h.key
* @param{Object|undefined} h.val (any type)
* @param{Number|undefined} h.toutLitt
* @param{Number|undefined} h.tout
* @param{Function} h.cB - callback with 2 arguments
* @param{Function|undefined} h.err - callback for err with one argument
,xLocStor = function(h){
var h0 = h;
h.toutLitt = h.toutLitt || 400;
h.tout = h.tout || 4000;
var ifr = $q('#xLocStor')
,query = function(){
if((qrI += 1) > qrN){
xCatch('longQrs', null, h);
do: h.do
,tok: token
,key: ns + h.key
}, h.val !==undefined ? {val: h.val}:{}) )
, xLocStorOrigin);
qrs[token] = $x({ //for wait of response
wToutLitt: (function(h, qrI, errIMax){return setTimeout(function(){
qrI -= 1;
if((errIMax -= 1) >=0)
;//console.warn('toutLitt', h);
}, h.toutLitt);})(h, qrI, errIMax)
,wTout: (function(h, qrI){return setTimeout(function(){
qrI -= 1;
//xCatch('tout', null, h);
}, h.tout);})(h, qrI)
}, h);
,token = +new Date() + (Math.random()+'').substr(1,8)
,el = h.el;
delete h.el;
//csp in main page
media-src yastatic.net kiks.yandex.ru;
img-src 'self' data: https://yastatic.net https://home.yastatic.net https://*.yandex.ru https://*.yandex.net
https://*.tns-counter.ru yastatic.net home.yastatic.net yandex.ru *.yandex.ru *.yandex.net *.tns-counter.ru *.gemius.pl yandex.st;
font-src 'self' https://yastatic.net yastatic.net;
connect-src 'self' wss://push.yandex.ru wss://portal-xiva.yandex.net https://yastatic.net https://home.yastatic.net
https://yandex.ru https://*.yandex.ru portal-xiva.yandex.net yastatic.net home.yastatic.net yandex.ru
*.yandex.ru *.yandex.net yandex.st;
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://suburban-widget.rasp.yandex.ru https://suburban-widget.rasp.yandex.net
https://yastatic.net https://home.yastatic.net https://mc.yandex.ru https://pass.yandex.ru yastatic.net
home.yastatic.net yandex.ru www.yandex.ru mc.yandex.ru suggest.yandex.ru clck.yandex.ru awaps.yandex.net;
default-src 'self' wss://portal-xiva.yandex.net portal-xiva.yandex.net;
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://yastatic.net https://home.yastatic.net yastatic.net home.yastatic.net;
frame-src 'self' https://yastatic.net https://yandex.ru https://*.yandex.ru wfarm.yandex.net yastatic.net
yandex.ru *.yandex.ru awaps.yandex.net;
report-uri https://csp.yandex.net/csp?from=big.ru&showid=22900.20964.1459066888.30083&h=n58&yandexuid=833832981443596954;
object-src *.yandex.net yastatic.net kiks.yandex.ru awaps.yandex.net storage.mds.yandex.net;
//csp in results
default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data: https://!*.yandex.net:* *.yandex.net:* https://!*.yandex.ru:*
*.yandex.ru:* https://yandex.ru:* yandex.ru:* https://yandex.st:* yandex.st:* yastatic.net https://yastatic.net
*.tns-counter.ru https://!*.tns-counter.ru https://video.khl.ru https://www.video.khl.ru https://1tv.ru
https://www.1tv.ru https://stream.1tv.ru https://www.stream.1tv.ru https://www.youtube.com https://video.kinopoisk.ru
https://pbs.twimg.com yandex.ua https://yandex.ua *.yandex.ua https://!*.yandex.ua;
report-uri https://csp.yandex.net/csp?from=web&reqid=1459037130208387-17346427857802980809255285-sas1-1677&yandexuid=833832981443596954&yandex_login=
//console.info('h.csp: ',h.csp)
cspState =1;
//ifr.src = xLocStorOrigin +'/googleSearchExtraButtons/saveYourLocalStorage.html?1'
else ifr = $e({
el: 'iframe',
at:{id: 'xLocStor'
,src: xLocStorOrigin + xLocSto[xLocStI].restHref},
cs: {display: 'none'},
on: {load: query},
apT: el || d.body
setTimeout(function(){cspState =2;},0);
if(!listenMsg) addEventListener('message', function(ev){
if(ev.origin == xLocStorOrigin){ // {"tok":"<value>"[,"err":"<txt>"],"h":...}
//console.log('from_io', JSON.parse(ev.data))
var resp = ev.data && ev.data[0] =='{' && JSON.parse(ev.data);
if(!resp) xCatch('bad_format', resp, h);
if(( qr = qrs[resp.tok] )){
qrI -= 1;
qr.cB(resp.prev, resp.undef);
var er = qr.err;
delete qrs[resp.tok];} // else ignore unsufficient token
if(resp.err && (!er || er(resp.err)) ) //individual or common error processing depends of er()
xCatch(resp.err, resp, h);
cspState =3;
h.cB && h.cB(setts, 1);
listenMsg =1;
//for tests: localStorage.googXButtons_dwmyh = JSON.stringify({h:[1,2,1,1,1]})
xCatch = function(er, resp, h){
if((errIMax -= 1) >=0)
console.error('tok:', resp && resp.tok ||'--','; err:', er,'; h:', h,'; respH:', resp && resp.h);
chkErrMax = function(){if(!errIMax) console.error('Too many err messages:', errNMax)}
,fileType ='PDF,DOC,docx,RTF,SWF,XLS,PPT,ODT,ODS,ODP,ODG'.split(',').map(function(x){return ' '+x+' '})
,$l ={ru:{
'search in PDF files':'поиск по документам PDF'
,'search in':'искать по'
,'from / to':'за период'
,'past':['за последний','за последние','за последнюю']
,'of userscript':'юзерскрипта'
,'reload page for effect':'перезагрузить страницу'
,'Interface language':'Язык интерфейса'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Меньше выбора в конце селектов'
'search in PDF files':'пошук по документах PDF'
,'search in':'шукати по'
,'from / to':'за період'
,'past':['за останній','за останні','за останню']
,'of userscript':'юзерскрипту'
,'reload page for effect':'перезавантажити сторінку'
,'Interface language':'Мова інтерфейсу'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Менше вибору в кінці селектів'
'search in PDF files':'пошук па дакументах PDF'
,'search in':'шукаць па'
,'from / to':'за перыяд'
,'past':['за апошні','за апошнія','за апошнюю']
,'of userscript':'юзерскрипта'
,'reload page for effect':'перазагрузіць старонку'
,'Interface language':'Мова інтэрфейсу'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Менш выбару ў канцы селект'
'search in PDF files':'la recherche dans les fichiers PDF'
,'search in':'rechercher dans'
,'from / to':'pour la période'
,'past':['le dernier','dans les derniers','dans les derniers']
,'of userscript':'de Userscript'
,'reload page for effect':'recharger la page pour effet'
,'Interface language':'Langue de l\'interface'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Moins de choix les longues listes'
,'Sites':'Les sites'
'search in PDF files':'Suche in PDF-Dateien'
,'search in':'Suche in'
,'from / to':'im Zeitraum'
,'of userscript':'von Userscript'
,'reload page for effect':'Seite neu laden'
,'Interface language':'Sprache'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Weniger Auswahl in langen Listen'
'search in PDF files':'búsqueda en archivos PDF'
,'search in':'busca en'
,'from / to':'para el período'
,'past':['el último','en los últimos','en los últimos']
,'of userscript':'de userscript'
,'reload page for effect':'página para efecto de recargar'
,'Interface language':'Idioma de interfaz'
,'Less positions at the end of selects':'Menos elección en listas largas'
}}; //if !lang, then no hints
addRules('.z-index-group_level_9{z-index: 11002}' //buttons above suggest
+'.lsbb .xButt,.search2__button >.siteList, .search2__button .mini-suggest__button:not([role="button"]):not(.websearch-button){'
+'z-index: 11002; width: 34px; height:17px; padding: 0 2px; line-height:14px; font-size:14px;'
+'border:1px solid transparent; border-radius: 1px; background-color: rgba(214, 188, 76, 0.92); color:#fff; opacity:.6}'
+'.search2__button >.siteList{width:31px; height:auto; padding: 1px 0 2px; text-align:center; font-weight: bold;'
+'background-color: rgba(228, 189, 17, 0.7);} .search2__button >.siteList .lsb{font-weight: normal; color:#ece3dd}'
+'.search2__button >.siteList .list.blockImp{display:block!important}'
+'.search2__button >.siteList:after{display:block; border-left:3px solid rgba(228, 189, 17, 0.7); border-top:8px solid transparent;'
+' border-bottom:9px solid transparent; content:""; position: absolute; left:32px; top:0; height:2px;}'
+'.search2__button .mini-suggest__button:hover,.search2__button .xButt:hover{opacity:.85; color:#6f6e69;}'
+'.search2__button .xButt:not(.sett):hover{background-color: rgba(226, 194, 27, 0.47);}'
+'.search2__button .xButt .mini-suggest__button:hover{background-color: #e4d68c}'
+'.siteList .xButt{display: block} .siteList .xButt .txt{padding: 0 2px 0 1px;} .siteList .sett .txt{background-color: #e2c043}'
+'.siteList .settIn{display: none; width: 250px; padding: 2px 4px; text-align: left; border:1px solid #dacb97;'
+'background-color: rgba(239, 235, 217, 0.94); color: #653} .siteList .settIn hr{margin:2px 0}'
+'.sbibtd .sfsbc .nojsb, .siteList .sett:hover .settIn, .siteList .settIn.changed,'
+'.siteList .settIn.changed .reload{display: block}.siteList .settIn .reload, .siteList.hiddn{display: none}'
+'.select .button.button_checked_yes, .select .button.button_checked_yes .button__text{background-color: rgba(245, 226, 140, 0.7)}'
+'.search2__button >.button_size_ws-head:first-child{width: 80px; line-height: 36px; height: 36px; padding:0; font-size: 16px; border:0; background:transparent}');
var ff; (ff=function(CSPolicy){xLocStor({do:'get', key:'sett', val:setts, csp: CSPolicy, cB: function(prev,undef){
S = prev || setts;
S.dwmyh = S.dwmyh || setts.dwmyh; //temp. transitional expr.
console.timeStamp = function(){};
CS({t:120, i:8, m: 1.6
,c: function(){
return d && $q('.mini-suggest__button'); // $q('.suggest2-form__button');
o: function(dat){
var lang = S.lang != null && S.lang || setts.lang
,sites = S.sites && (S.sites.length && S.sites[0] || S.sites.length >1) && S.sites
|| typeof sites =='string'&& [sites] || !S.sites && setts.sites || null;
var strSites = sites && sites.join('\n').replace(/^\n/,'\n\n') ||''
,$L = $l[lang] || $l.ru; //default template of lang
if(!lang || !$l[lang] || lang =='en') for(var l in $L){ //replace 'en' lang for default or substitution
if($L[l] instanceof Array) for(var l2 in $L[l])
$L[l][l2] = l;
$L[l] = l;
var $LSettings = $L['Settings'];
if(sites && sites.length)
var mainPg = /\/search\?/.test(lh)
,inputSearch = $q('.mini-suggest .mini-suggest__input') || $q('.input__control') //trueth place for 1 of 2 pages
,buttSearch = dat
,ua = lang=='ua', by = lang=='by',de = lang=='de'
,buttS ={
site:{url:'site:'+ S.sites[0], txt:$L['search in']+' '+ S.sites[0], one:'day'} //you may comment this line
,'.. : ..':{url:'', txt:$L['from / to']}
,'1D':{url:'&tbs=qdr:d', txt:$L['past'][de?0:ua?2:1] +' '+ $L['day'], one:'day', up:13,lett:'D',itrv:1}
,'1W':{url:'&tbs=qdr:w', txt:$L['past'][ua||by?0:2] +' '+ $L['week'], one:'week', up:14,lett:'W',itrv:7}
,'1M':{url:'&tbs=qdr:m', txt:$L['past'][0] +' '+ $L['month'], one:'month', up:20,lett:'M',itrv:30.5}
,'1Y':{url:'&tbs=qdr:y', txt:$L['past'][de?1:0] +' '+ $L['year'], one:'year', up:10,lett:'Y',itrv:365.24}
//,'1H':{url:'&tbs=qdr:h', txt:$L['past'][ua||de||by?2:0] +' '+ $L['hour'], one:'hour', up:23,lett:'H',itrv:1/24}
//,DOC:{url:'&mime=doc', txt:$L['search in PDF files'].replace(/PDF/,'DOC'), up: fileType.length}
,PDF:{url:'&mime=pdf', txt:$L['search in PDF files'], up: fileType.length}
}, ii = 0, iD = -1;
!sites && delete buttS.site;
buttSearch.parentNode.style.position ='relative';
if(buttSearch && top == self) for(var i in buttS) if(i !='site'|| S.sites){ //buttons under search input line
if(i.length ==2) iD++; else iD=-1;
var bI = buttS[i], titl
,Gesch = ({m:'letzter',f:'letzte',n:'letztes'})['m,f,m,n,f'.split(',')[iD]]
,hint = function(j){return (j+1) +' '+ (j % 10 || j==10 ? $L[bI.one +'s'][j % 10 <4 && (j/10|0)!=1 ?0:1] : $L[bI.one]) }
,butt2 = $e({clone: i =='site'|| i.length ==2 || i=='PDF'
? $e({cl: 'siteList', cs: {cursor:'default'}, at: {site: S.sites[0], date: bI.url} })
: i !='.. : ..'|| mainPg ? buttSearch : $e({cl: 'siteList hiddn'})
,atRemove: ['id', 'name','role']
,at: {value: iD !=-1 && S.dwmyh[iD] !=1 ? S.dwmyh[iD] + bI.lett : i
,innerHTML: '<span class=txt onclick=this.parentNode.click();return!1 title="' +(titl = lang || i=='site'|| i=='.. : ..'
? (iD==-1 || S.dwmyh[iD]==1 ? bI.txt : $L['past'][1] +' '+ hint(S.dwmyh[iD]-1)).replace(/letztes/,Gesch) :'')+'">'
+(iD !=-1 && S.dwmyh[iD] !=1 ? S.dwmyh[iD] + bI.lett : i) +'</span>'
,title: titl}
,cs: {position: 'absolute', top: '33px', left: (-127 + 37 * (ii++ - (ii >2 && !mainPg))) +'px'}
,on: {click: (function(bI, i, iD){
return /PDF|DOC|site/.test(i)
? function(ev){
var doc, t = ev.target
,dat = (t.getAttribute('date')||t.parentNode.getAttribute('date')||'').replace(/^&\w+=/,'').toLowerCase();
if(t.className =='defa')
saveLocStor('','','remove'); $pd(ev);
if(((t.getAttribute('site') ==null && t.parentNode.getAttribute('site') ==null)
|| t.getAttribute('site')==$LSettings || t.parentNode.getAttribute('site')==$LSettings)
&& !/PDF|DOC/.test(t.getAttribute('value'))) return;
inputSearch.value = inputSearch.value.replace(/ site\:[\w.]*$/ig,'') +(/site/.test(i)
?' site:'+ (t.getAttribute('site') || t.parentNode.getAttribute('site')||''):'');
//console.log('clic:',i,dat,bI,ev, t.className, inputSearch.value, ev.currentTarget, buttSearch.form)
if(/PDF|DOC/.test(i)){ // check selection of types in the page (?)
if(doc = $q('select[name="mime"]')){
var opts = Array.prototype.slice.call(doc).reduce(function(memo, el, i){
memo[el.value] = el; return memo;},{});
var opt = opts[dat];
opt.selected = opt.selected ?'':'selected';
$e({el: buttSearch.form, ap: $e({el: $q('input[name="mime"]')||'input'
,at:{type:'hidden', name:'mime', value: dat}}) });}
//console.log('clic2:', /xButt|txt/.test(t.className) && i !='site', opt, opts)
if(/xButt|txt/.test(t.className) && !(i=='site' && !(/list/.test(t.parentNode.className)
|| /list/.test(t.parentNode.parentNode.className)))) buttSearch.click();
}: !bI.url ? function(ev){ //from-to date
var el = $q('#cdrlnk'), o;
el && el.dispatchEvent(((o = d.createEvent('Events')).initEvent('click', !0, !1), o));
}: function(ev){ //past interval
var val = (ev.target.getAttribute('value')||ev.target.parentNode.getAttribute('value')).replace(/\D/g,'')
,dat = ev.target.getAttribute('date')||ev.target.parentNode.getAttribute('date')
,daysAgo = buttS['1'+ ((dat.match(/:(\w)/) ||[])[1] ||'d').toUpperCase()].itrv * val
,date = function(d){
d = new Date(+new Date() - d * 86400000);
return (d.getDate()>9?'':'0') + d.getDate() +'.'+ (d.getMonth()>8?'':'0')
+(d.getMonth()+1) +'.'+ d.getFullYear();
//TODO select multi and save it to S and load to href
location.href = '/search?text='+ encodeURIComponent(inputSearch.value)
+('&from_date_full='+ date(daysAgo) +'&to_date_full='+ date(-1) || bI.url);
//+(/[&?]tbm=/.test(lh) ? '&'+/tbm=[^&]*/.exec(lh)[0]:''); //TODO saving fileType of page
S.dwmyh[iD] = +val;
})(bI, i, iD),
mouseover: i =='site' || i.length ==2 || i=='PDF'? (function(bI,i){return function(ev){
$q('.list', ev.currentTarget).style.display ='block';
$q('.list', ev.currentTarget).classList.add('blockImp');
}})(bI,i) :'',
mouseout: i =='site' || i.length ==2 || i=='PDF'? (function(bI,i){return function(ev){
var t = ev.currentTarget;
if(ev.relatedTarget && /^<option/i.test(ev.relatedTarget.innerHTML)){
($q('.settIn')||{classList: {add:function(){}}}).classList.add('changed'); return;}
bI.ww = setTimeout(function(){
$q('.list',t).style.display ='none';
$q('.list', t).classList.remove('blockImp');
}, 570);
}})(bI,i) :'',
change: saveLocStor
,apT: buttSearch.parentNode
bI.el = butt2;
if(i =='site' || i.length ==2 || i =='PDF'){ //dropdown lists under some buttons
var siteList = $e({cl:'list',cs:{display:'none'}, apT: butt2}), arr =[];
for(var j =0; j <= bI.up -1 -(i=='1W'&& S.lastHoursLess ?4:0) -(i=='1M'&& S.lastHoursLess ?9:0); j++)
if(i!='PDF' &&(i !='1H' || !S.lastHoursLess || j < 8 || j % 2 ))
//console.log(S.sites,i, S.dwmyh);
var list = i == 'site' ? sites||[] : i =='1D'&& !sites ? arr.concat([$LSettings])
: i=='PDF' ? fileType : arr;
for(var j in list) if(j !=0 || iD !=-1 && S.dwmyh[iD] !=1)
var sI = list[j]
,butt3 = $e({clone: sI==$LSettings
? $e({cl: 'sett lsb'})
: buttSearch
,at:{value: sI
,site: sI
,date: bI.url.replace(/doc$/, sI.replace(/ /g,'').toLowerCase())
,title: sI==$LSettings || !lang ?'':(/site|PDF/.test(i) ? $L['search in'] +' '+ sI.replace(/ /g,'')
: j==0 ? bI.txt : $L['past'][1] +' '+ sI).replace(/letztes/,Gesch)
,innerHTML:'<span class=txt>'+ sI +'</span>'+ (sI != $LSettings &&!(!S.sites && i =='1H')
?'':'<div class="settIn">'
+$LSettings +' '+ $L['of userscript'] +'<br/>"Yandex Extra Buttons"<hr/>'
+$L['Interface language'] +': <select class="lang" style="width:70px">'
+(function(){var s='<option'+ (lang=='en'?' selected':'') +'>en</option>';
for(var i in $l)
s+='<option'+ (lang==i ?' selected':'') +'>'+ i +'</option>';
return s +'<option value="" '+ (lang==''?'selected':'') +'>en w/o hints</option>'})()
+'<input type="checkbox" class="less" id="hoursLess" '+ (S.lastHoursLess ?'checked':'') +'/>'
+'<label for="hoursLess" id="hoursLessL">'+ $L['Less positions at the end of selects'] +'</label><br>'
+'<i><a href="#" class="defa" style="float: right">Default settings</a></i>'
+$L.Sites +': <br><textarea class="sites" style="width:97%" rows=8>'
+ strSites +'</textarea><br>'
+'<a class="reload" href=# onclick="location.reload();return!1">'
+ $L['reload page for effect'] +'</a>'
,cs: {position: sI != $LSettings ?'static':'absolute',display:'block', width:'auto', height: sI != $LSettings ?'18px':'16px'
,margin:'2px 0 -1px -13px', padding:0, textAlign:'left', fontWeight:'normal', opacity:1}
,on:{click: function(ev){
var less = $q('#hoursLess'), t = ev.target;
if(less && /hoursLess/.test(t.id)){
less.outerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" class="less" id="hoursLess"'
+(less.getAttribute('checked')!=null ?'':' checked="checked"')+'/>';
,apT: siteList
siteList.style.height ='auto'; siteList.style.textAlign ='center';
}, el: d.body});})(); setTimeout(function(){/*console.log('S1 ', cspState);*/if(cspState <3) ff('CSPolicyFrame');},2000);
var saveLocStor = function(ev, val, do2){ var aaa,aab,aac, t = ev && ev.target.form || document.documentElement || document.body;
xLocStor({do: do2 ||'set', key:'sett'
, val:{lang: (aaa=d.querySelectorAll('.lang', t))[aaa.length-1].value
,sites: (aab=d.querySelectorAll('.sites', t))[aab.length-1].value.replace(/^[ \t]*|[ \n\t]*$/g,'')
,lastHoursLess: (aac=d.querySelectorAll('.less', t))[aac.length-1].checked
,dwmyh: S.dwmyh || setts.dwmyh
,cB: function(prev){
console.info('Settings are saved. prev=', prev);}
$q('.siteList .settIn').classList.add('changed');
})({ //write "lang:''," to remove hints; 'en' for English hints (fr - Français, es - espagnol), 'ru' for Russian
lang:''|| (navigator.languages && navigator.languages[1] || navigator.language.substr(0,2)) //='' if hide hints, or 2 letters from $l{}
,sites: [ //=array or one site in string
,'smashingmagazine.com','engadget.com'] //write your favorite sites
,lastHoursLess: 1 //=boolean - not show odd some values of hours after 8 h
,dwmyh: [1,1,1,1,1] //=array of numbers - current vals of days, weeks, months, years, hours