scrobbler for Bandcamp, based on GM Scrobbler for script
< Rückmeldungen auf GM Scrobbler for Bandcamp
Hi! Which browser are you using? Which exact version of TamperMonkey do you have now?
In this instance, Chrome.
TamperMonkey is at 5.1.0 released March 15th '24.
Damn, I'm really sorry, but I couldn't reproduce it, works fine on my end, so I have no idea what's going on.
My Chrome version Version 123.0.6312.86
TamperMonkey also 5.1.0
Does the green/gray circle on the top right of the page appear at all?
Hey, no worries, I appreciate all the time and energy you have put into this script.
Unfortunately, no, the green/grey circle on the top right does not appear. When I click on the TamperMonkey extension, while on a BandCamp album page, it reads as "No script is running" under the green checked Enabled.
I am running Chrome 125.0.6382.3
Hm, that's messed up. Does the developer console have any errors mentioning userscripts when on some band/album page?
Not that I can see. I'm a noob when it comes to this, so I may be missing something.
Yeah, it's old code from back when I could barely code, so it's not very clean :D Still, I don't think that's what's causing the issue, but try replacing everything in the editor with this, should fix the errors. Not sure if it will start loading though, as even the unfixed code works on my end.
// ==UserScript==
// @name GM Scrobbler for Bandcamp
// @namespace Rimantas Galvonas
// @description scrobbler for Bandcamp, based on GM Scrobbler for script
// @match https://**
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @version 1.17
// @grant none
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==
jQuery("#propOpenWrapper").append("<div id='scrobblerdiv' style='position:absolute; right:20px; top:20px; z-index:999'><div id='togglescrobbling' style='width:20px; height:20px; border-radius:10px; border: 1px solid black; background-color:rgb(43, 177, 43); line-height:20px; text-align:center;'></div></div>");
var started = false;
var playingflag = false;
var scrobbledflag = false;
var scrobblingenabled = '';
var elapsed = 0;
var startedplaying = '';
var info = [];
function getUrlParameter(sParam) {
var sPageURL =;
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) {
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) {
return sParameterName[1];
function authentication() {
if (!$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') && !$.cookie('gettingsessionkey')) {
$.cookie('gettingsessionkey', 'true');
window.location.replace("" + window.location.href);
if (!$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') && $.cookie('gettingsessionkey')) {
let token = getUrlParameter('token');
let signing = hex_md5('api_key208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29methodauth.getSessiontoken' + token + '995a6768f1c7d5d5a1242cc11c6ea8ce') + '';
$.get("" + token + "&api_key=208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29&api_sig=" + signing, function(data) {
let $xml = $(data)
let key = $xml.find('key').text();
$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey', key, {
expires: 10000,
path: '/',
domain: ''
jQuery("#togglescrobbling").click(function() {
if (scrobblingenabled == 1) {
} else {
jQuery(".jp-pause").click(function() {
playingflag = false;
function startthething() {
info = gettrackdata();
startedplaying = Math.round(+new Date() / 1000);
function toggleScrobbling(bool) {
if (bool == 1) {
jQuery("#togglescrobbling").css('background-color', 'rgb(43, 177, 43)');
} else {
jQuery("#togglescrobbling").css('background-color', 'rgb(180, 180, 180)');
scrobblingenabled = bool;
$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerenabled', bool, {
expires: 10000,
path: '/',
domain: ''
function checkScrobblingCookie() {
if (!$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerenabled')) {
$.cookie('bandcampscrobblerenabled', 1, {
expires: 10000,
path: '/',
domain: ''
return 1;
} else {
return $.cookie('bandcampscrobblerenabled');
function gettrackdata() {
let track = jQuery('.track_info').find('span .title').text().trim();
if (track.length < 1) {
track = jQuery('h2.trackTitle').first().text().trim();
let artist = jQuery('span[itemprop="byArtist"]').text().trim();
if (artist == '') {
artist = jQuery('#name-section h3 span:last-of-type a').text().trim()
let duration = jQuery('.time_total').text();
let tt = duration.split(":");
let sec = tt[0] * 60 + tt[1] * 1;
let result = [];
result["track"] = track;
result["artist"] = artist;
result["duration"] = sec;
return result;
function updatenowplaying() {
let signing = hex_md5('api_key208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29artist' + info["artist"] + 'methodtrack.updateNowPlayingsk' + $.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') + 'track' + info["track"] + '995a6768f1c7d5d5a1242cc11c6ea8ce') + '';
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: 'method=track.updateNowPlaying' +
'&artist=' + info["artist"] +
'&track=' + info["track"] +
'&api_key=208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29' +
'&sk=' + $.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') +
'&api_sig=' + signing,
success: function(data) {
//console.log("Now playing updated.");
error: function(code, message) {
console.log("Now playing update failed.");
let xmlDoc = jQuery.parseXML(code['responseText']);
let $xml = $(xmlDoc);
let errorcode = $xml.find('error').attr('code');
if (errorcode == 9) {
$.removeCookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey', {
path: '/',
domain: ''
function scrobble() {
let signing = hex_md5('api_key208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29artist' + info["artist"] + 'methodtrack.scrobblesk' + $.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') + 'timestamp' + startedplaying + 'track' + info["track"] + '995a6768f1c7d5d5a1242cc11c6ea8ce') + '';
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: 'method=track.scrobble' +
'&artist=' + info["artist"] +
'&track=' + info["track"] +
'×tamp=' + startedplaying +
'&api_key=208364636e71f518eac93a4580f7ca29' +
'&sk=' + $.cookie('bandcampscrobblerlastfmkey') +
'&api_sig=' + signing,
success: function(data) {
jQuery('#togglescrobbling').html('✔').attr('title', 'Scrobbled');
error: function(code, message) {
console.log("Scrobbling failed.");
jQuery('#togglescrobbling').html('✗').attr('title', 'Scrobbling failed');
function tick() {
window.setInterval(function() {
if (started == false && jQuery('.playbutton').hasClass('playing')) {
started = true;
if (jQuery('.playbutton').hasClass('playing')) {
playingflag = true;
} else {
playingflag = false;
if (playingflag == true) {
if (info["duration"] > 30 && (elapsed > (info['duration'] / 2) || elapsed > 240) && scrobbledflag == false && scrobblingenabled == 1) {
scrobbledflag = true;
let info_last = gettrackdata();
if (info_last["track"] != info["track"] || info_last["artist"] != info["artist"] || info_last["duration"] != info["duration"]) {
info = info_last;
scrobbledflag = false;
elapsed = 0;
startedplaying = Math.round(+new Date() / 1000);
}, 1000);
I don't know what changed but it is working again!
Oh nice! Glad to hear that
I love this script. Unfortunately it seems to have stopped working with the most recent TamperMonkey update. I have reinstalled it twice to no avail. Hopefully this will be corrected soon.