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Simple YouTube Channel Subscriptions Filter-IN

You have like 200 channel subscriptions but only really follow a few? put them on the 'matchList' variable and other channels will not be visible on the quick list.

< Rückmeldungen aufSimple YouTube Channel Subscriptions Filter-IN


Veröffentlicht: 02.10.2016

Additional Feature

Is there a possibility to modify this code and get it to hide videos in the subscription list which have a certain title? or titles containing specific words?


Veröffentlicht: 03.11.2016
Is there a possibility to modify this code and get it to hide videos in the subscription list which have a certain title? or titles containing specific words?


If you're running Firefox you can use this:

Veröffentlicht: 05.11.2016
Bearbeitet: 05.11.2016

@"Zander Minchin"
here: ?

this one:
already shrinks the watched ones.

The filtering used can be tweaked to match what you want. And it would certainly be a combination of that shrinker with this script custom list. I just updated the shrinker to work again. This mix sounds interesting, not sure when I could do it tho, anyone willing to try to do it, feel free too :)

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