Kanka Atomic Entity Editor
Allows entity pages to respond to a small number of new hotkeys with single-field edits, such as tagging or setting location.
These hotkeys may be customized in the userscript easily.
- Label
Opens a popup auto-suggest against the campaign's tags.
Selecting a tag applies it to the current entity. If the tag is already present, it removes it instead.
Does not support creating new tags.
- Move to Location
Opens a popup auto-suggest against the campaign's locations.
Selecting a location sets the current entity's location to that value.
Multiple Locations - not yet supported
There is additional complexity when the entity type supports multiple locations,
and this is not currently working.
Planned Features [not yet implemented]
- Help
Opens a modal showing the keys and actions, similar to this content.
- Edit Type
Opens a popup allowing input of Type text with the standard typeahead.
- Edit Parent
Opens a popup auto-suggest against the same entity type.