// ==UserScript==
// @name 豆瓣随机漫步者 - 手气不错 - 拯救选择困难症!
// @version
// @namespace Black Rabbit
// @author Black Rabbit
// @description 豆瓣随机漫步者脚本,为电影、读书、音乐的wish、do、collect添加了随机按钮和高亮显示,节省决策资源,拯救选择困难症!目前仅适配栅格视图,列表视图待适配。
// @match http*://book.douban.com/*
// @match http*://movie.douban.com/*
// @match http*://music.douban.com/*
// @match http*://*.douban.com/mine*
// @match http*://*.douban.com/people/*/wish*
// @match http*://*.douban.com/people/*/do*
// @match http*://*.douban.com/people/*/collect*
// @match http*://search.douban.com/book/*
// @match http*://search.douban.com/movie/*
// @match http*://search.douban.com/music/*
// @icon https://img1.doubanio.com/favicon.ico
// @original_icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=douban.com
// @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/476110
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_log
// ==/UserScript==
// Domain and Type Process
var domain = window.location.hostname;
var url = window.location.href;
var hlcolor;
//var imdbid = 2543698;
var type;
var cat;
// Type Decide
function judgetype(){
var bookkw = ["book.douban", "search.douban.com/book"];
var moviekw = ["movie.douban", "search.douban.com/movie"];
var musickw = ["music.douban", "search.douban.com/music"];
if (bookkw.some(function (substring) {
return url.includes(substring);
})) { return "book" }
else if (moviekw.some(function (substring) { // includes keyword then run
return url.includes(substring);
})) { return "movie" }
else if (musickw.some(function (substring) { // includes keyword then run
return url.includes(substring);
})) { return "music" }
// Handle type, cat, highlight color
if (judgetype()=="book"){ type = "book" ; cat = "1001" ; hlcolor = "rgb(40,153,160)"; }//rgb(38,143,149) rgb(234,161,100)
else if (judgetype()=="movie") { type = "movie" ; cat = "1002" ; hlcolor = "rgb(0,144,217)"; if(url.includes("typerank?type_name")){moviepick();}} //rgb(40,156,229)
else if (judgetype()=="music"){ type = "music" ; cat = "1003" ; hlcolor = "rgb(249,92,68)";} //rgb(250,128,0)
// Try get newest imdbid
// (function() {
// var imdburl = "https://www.imdb.com/pressroom/stats/";
// GM_xmlhttpRequest({
// method: "GET",
// url: imdburl,
// onload: function(response) {
// // Parse the response text as HTML
// var parser = new DOMParser();
// var doc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
// // Find the <li> element that contains the text "Titles w/ Primary Image:"
// var li = doc.querySelector("li:contains('Titles w/ Primary Image:')");
// // Get the text content of the <li> element
// var text = li.textContent;
// // Extract the number from the text and remove the commas
// var number = text.replace("Titles w/ Primary Image: ", "").replace(/,/g, "");
// // Convert the number to a numeric value
// number = Number(number);
// // Store the number in a variable for later use
// imdbid = number;
// }
// });
// //console.log("imdbid = " + imdbid);
// GM_log("imdbid = " + imdbid);
// //console.log("imdbid = 111");
// GM_log("imdbid = 111");
// })();
// ADD Big Button
(function () {
var input = $("div.inp-btn");
var button = $('<button class="feelinglucky"></button>');
"width": "83px",
"height": "33px",
"border": "none",
"background-color": hlcolor,
"border-radius": "4px",
"font-size": "12px",
"color": "white",
"display": "inline-block",
"vertical-align": "top"
button.hover(function() {
$( this ).css("opacity","0.88");
}, function() {
$( this ).css("opacity","1");
button.text("🎲 随机漫步");
button.on("click", function () {
//var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * imdbid ) + 1; // roll a random imdb subject
//var rdimdb = roll.toString().padStart(7, '0');
//window.open("https://" + domain + "/subject/" + randomsj + "/", "_self");
//window.open("https://search.douban.com/"+ type +"/subject_search?search_text=tt" + rdimdb + "&cat=" + cat , "_self");
var rdlink;
if (judgetype()=="book"){ }//rgb(38,143,149) rgb(234,161,100)
else if (judgetype()=="movie") {
var list = {
"纪录片": 1,
"传记": 2,
"犯罪": 3,
"历史": 4,
"动作": 5,
"情色": 6,
"歌舞": 7,
"儿童": 8,
"悬疑": 10,
"剧情": 11,
"灾难": 12,
"爱情": 13,
"音乐": 14,
"冒险": 15,
"奇幻": 16,
"科幻": 17,
"运动": 18,
"惊悚": 19,
"恐怖": 20,
"战争": 22,
"短片": 23,
"喜剧": 24,
"动画": 25,
"同性": 26,
"西部": 27,
"家庭": 28,
"武侠片": 29,
"古装": 30,
"黑色电影": 31
var index = Math.floor(Math.random () * 29);
var keys = Object.keys(list);
var key = keys[index];
var value = list[key];
var rdrange = (Math.floor(Math.random () * 19) + 2 )*5; //2~20 *5
rdlink = "https://movie.douban.com/typerank?type_name=" + key + "&type=" + value + "&interval_id="+ rdrange +":"+ (rdrange-10) + "&action=#rd";
else if (judgetype()=="music"){ } //rgb(250,128,0)
if (url.includes("typerank?type_name")){
window.open(rdlink, "_self");
} else if (judgetype()=="movie"){
return false;
$("span.operator-count").after(button.clone(true).css({"vertical-align":"middle","height": "26px"}).text("🎲 再来一次"));
// Movie RANDOM Picking Process
function moviepick(){
var hash = window.location.hash;
// 如果有 #
if (hash && hash.slice(1)==="rd") {
//var span = $("span.operator-count");
//var spantxt = span.text();
// 创建一个 MutationObserver 对象,传入一个回调函数
var already = false;
var span = $("span.operator-count").get(0);
var mlp = $("div.movie-list-panel.pictext").get(0);
var spantxt;
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
// 遍历 mutations 数组,检查每个变化记录
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
// 如果变化类型是 characterData 或者 childList,说明 span 元素的文本发生了变化
if (!already && (mutation.type === "characterData" || mutation.type === "childList")) {
already = true;
// 获取 span 元素的文本,并赋值给变量 spantxt
//spantxt = mutation.target.textContent;
spantxt = span.textContent;
// 在控制台中输出 spantxt 的值
var sjcount = Number(spantxt.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""));
var div = $("div.movie-list-item").first();
var ranknum = Number(div.find("span.rank-num").text());
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random () * sjcount);
var rdsj = ranknum + roll;
console.log("spantxt= "+ spantxt);
console.log("sjcount= "+ sjcount);
console.log("roll= "+ roll);
checkAndScroll("div.movie-list-panel.pictext","div.movie-list-item", roll);
observer.observe(mlp, { characterData: true, childList: true }); //span
//findTarget("div.movie-list-panel.pictext","div.movie-list-item", roll);
function scrollToBottom () {
// 使用 jQuery 的 animate 方法,把页面滚动到底部,时间为 100 毫秒
$("html, body").animate ( { scrollTop: $(document).height () }, 100);
// 定义一个函数,用来寻找目标元素
function findTarget (panel, item, num) {
// 使用 jQuery 的选择器,找到 class 为 movie-list-panel pictext 的 div 元素,并赋值给变量 panel
var p = $(panel);
// 在 panel 元素中,找到 class 包含 movie-list-item 的 div 元素,并赋值给变量 items
var items = p.find(item);
// 判断 items 元素的长度是否大于等于 100,如果是,说明已经出现了第 100 个 movie-list-item 的元素
if (items.length >= num) {
// 在 items 元素中,找到第 100 个 div 元素,并赋值给变量 target
var target = items.eq(num);
// 返回 true,表示找到了目标元素
console.log("Found: " + num);
var element = target.get(0);
//element.style.border = "5px solid yellow"; // 添加一个 5px 的边框
element.style.setProperty("border", "5px solid "+ hlcolor, "important"); // 添加一个带有!important标记的5px边框
element.style.setProperty("border-radius", "8px");
behavior: "smooth", // 平滑滚动
block: "center", // 垂直方向居中对齐
inline: "center" // 水平方向居中对齐
return true;
} else {
// 返回 false,表示没有找到目标元素
console.log("Not found");
return false;
// 定义一个函数,用来检查是否找到目标元素,如果没有,就继续滚动
function checkAndScroll(panel, item, num) {
// 调用 findTarget 函数,开始寻找目标元素,并把结果赋值给变量 found
var found = findTarget(panel, item, num);
// 如果 found 是 false,说明没有找到目标元素
if (!found) {
// 调用 scrollToBottom 函数,滚动到页面底部
scrollToBottom ();
// 使用 setTimeout 方法,在 2000 毫秒后再次调用 checkAndScroll 函数,继续检查和滚动
setTimeout ( (function(){checkAndScroll(panel, item, num);}), 800);
return false;
// TUNE the Annual position
(function () {
var anltarget = $("fieldset");
if (judgetype()=="book"){
$(".bookannual").attr("style","margin-left:200px !important; top:-11px;");
else if (judgetype()=="movie") {
$(".movieannual").attr("style","margin-left:200px !important; top:-11px;");
else if (judgetype()=="music"){
$(".musicannual").attr("style","margin-left:270px !important; top:-11px;");
(function () {
var type = $('.types span:last-child');
var txing = $('<span><a href="/typerank?type_name=同性&type=26&interval_id=100:90&action=">同性</a></span>');
if (url.includes("type=26")) {
$('#wrapper #content h1').text($("#wrapper #content h1").text() + " 同性");
// grid-view list-view Process
var urlkw = ["/wish", "/do", "/collect", "/mine?"];
if (urlkw.some(function (substring) { // includes keyword then run
return url.includes(substring);
})) {
// Get link reference
var pageslc;
var href;
var range = 15;
var paginator = document.getElementsByClassName("paginator");
var pexist = Array.from(paginator).find(function(element) {
return element.className === "paginator";
if (pexist) {
pageslc = pexist.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
href = pageslc.href;
} else { // paginator is not exist
href = window.location.href.split("#")[0]; // use default url
// calculate max PAGE nums
var sjnumspan = document.getElementsByClassName ("subject-num")[0];
var parts = sjnumspan.textContent.split ("/");
var total = Number(parts[1].trim());
if (total <= 15) {
range = total;
var pagemax = Math.ceil (total / 15);
//var pagemax = Number(document.getElementsByClassName("thispage")[0].getAttribute("data-total-page")) || sjnum;
// Function: Add fixed RANDOM links in Grid mode
(function() {
'use strict';
if (domain.includes("book.douban")){
$('div.opt-bar.clearfix').after('<div class="nicetry" style="width:675px; height:24px ;"><a id="random" href="#" style="float: right; margin-right: 0px;">🎲 手气不错! </a></div>');
else {
$('div.opt-bar.mb30.clearfix').after('<div class="nicetry" style="width:675px; height:24px ;"><a id="random" href="#" style="float: right; margin-right: 0px;">🎲 手气不错! </a></div>');
$('div.grid-view > div.item.comment-item:first-child').css({"padding-top":"20px","border-top-width":"1px","border-top-style":"dashed","border-top-color":"rgb(221,221,221)","margin-top":"5px"});
//$('div.mode').after('<div class="nicetry" style="width:200px; height:21px ;"><a id="random" href="#" style="float: right; margin-right: 0px;">🎲 手气不错! </a></div>');
click: function () {
return false;//阻止默认行为
// $('#random').after('<span class="gray-dot">·</span>');
// Function: Locate to RANDOM subject then highlight it -- according the #num at the end of Url
var hash = window.location.hash;
// 如果有 #
if (hash) {
// 去掉 # 号并转换为数字
var index = Number(hash.slice(1));
// 如果是有效的数字
if (index >= 1 && index <= 15) {
// 根据 CSS 选择器获取特定的元素
var element;
if (domain.includes("book.douban")){
var interest = document.getElementsByClassName("interest-list")[0];
var icount = interest.children.length;
if (icount<15) { index = index % icount + 1; }
element = document.querySelector(
"ul.interest-list > li.subject-item:nth-child(" + (index) + ")"
} else {
var grid = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-view")[0];
var count = grid.children.length;
if (count<15) { index = index % count + 1; } // % 求余
element = document.querySelector(
"div.grid-view > div.item.comment-item:nth-child(" + (index) + ")"
// 如果找到元素
if (element) {
// 给元素添加一个样式类
//element.style.border = "5px solid yellow"; // 添加一个 5px 的黄色边框
element.style.setProperty("border", "5px solid "+ hlcolor, "important"); // 添加一个带有!important标记的5px黄色边框
element.style.setProperty("border-radius", "8px");
if (domain.includes("book.douban")){
$('li.highlighted > div.info > div.short-note > div.opt-l > a.d_link').after('<a id="again" href="#" style="float: right; margin-right: 0px;">🎲 再来一次! </a>');
} else {
$('div.highlighted > div.info > ul > li > span.date').after('<a id="again" href="#" style="float: right; margin-right: 10px;">🎲 再来一次! </a>');
click: function () {
return false;
// 让元素滚动到可视区域
behavior: "smooth", // 平滑滚动
block: "center", // 垂直方向居中对齐
inline: "center" // 水平方向居中对齐
// Function: wish do collect random method
function amble(){
var randomsj = Math.floor(Math.random() * total ) + 1; // 根据 total 生成一个随机项目 1 ~ total
var pg = Math.floor(randomsj / 15) * 15; // 随机项目位于第几页 0 ~ pagemax-1
var sj = randomsj % 15 + 1; // randomsj / 15 的余数,显示在 pg 的第 1 ~ 15 项
var oldHref = location.href.split("#")[0]; // storage opening href
var newHref = href.replace(/start=\d+/, "start=" + pg); // 替换 start 参数
window.open(newHref + "#" + sj,"_self");
//location.replace(newHref + "#" + sj);
if (total<=15 || newHref==oldHref){
// Function: Add RANDOM links in List mode