Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)

Lås højreklik op, fjern begrænsninger for kopiering, klipning, tekstvalg, højreklikmenu, tekstkopiering, tekstvalg, højreklik på billede osv. Forbedrede funktioner: Vælg teksten af hyperlink ved hjælp af Alt-tasten.

< Feedback on Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 13.06.2023

[new request]

I cannot copy after selecting the text, I'm using "alt text selection."

Posted: 13.06.2023


Posted: 13.06.2023
Edited: 13.06.2023

Thanks for reporting.

Fixed. Please change to REVIEW:GOOD if it works for you.

(The related code is changed and upgraded to work for such cases.)

Posted: 14.06.2023

good jobs 👍

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