The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

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Posted: 24.10.2017

Can't see "updates only" mode any more (no items shown)

Not sure what happened, but TART stopped highlighting the updated entries. It counted the total, but when I click on show updates only, NOTHING showed up. Any one else have this issue, or is it just me? I know there were additional reviews (3 since last night), but I don't know where. :D

Posted: 24.10.2017

Hi Kasey -- yes, I'm getting that, too. But, it is an Amazon problem that occurs from time to time. Note that at the bottom of the TART results table, it will probably show a different Upvote total from the Helpful Vote total shown on your initial Amazon page. The TART total is based on what it found when examining the Amazon review pages; TART can not find the new upvotes. Amazon's data has an internal conflict.

Posted: 24.10.2017

TART cannot update because the votes are NOT registering on the specific reviews. I have a new total of 13 new votes, and I did take the time to go through every written review. However I noticed that Amazon has NOT changed any total votes on any specific product review. Therefore, we have no way to tract any new upvotes, and/or any downvotes either.

I hope that this is NOT a new development in Amazon's review system, because 'zero' feedback is completely useless to me.

Posted: 24.10.2017

Jaxson, this is not a new Amazon error situation. It has cleared up in the past. If the Top Reviewer Forum still existed, you could find some posts about these "phantom possies."

Posted: 24.10.2017

Ah, so the TOTAL upvotes is updating, but not the upvotes on the individual reviews? Interesting.

I've seen phases where total updated, but the new review that hadn't shown up, and so on. So I can see such problems happening.

Is there a way to calculate a "running total", then print an error message when it doesn't match up with the total number of reviews?

Posted: 24.10.2017
Is there a way to calculate a "running total", then print an error message when it doesn't match up with the total number of reviews?

No. Even if you manually inspect every review (as Jaxson noted), you won't get any more info than TART is already including.

Posted: 25.10.2017

As Feared - Yes, it seems that this is a new development.

TART is no longer functioning.

We only have our original profile page, the 'see all reviews' option is no longer there.

Furthermore, I am unable to click on any reviews on my profile page.
No votes are listed, neither positive nor negative on any listed review that is on the profile page.

The other situation is that only the first first lines of the review is visible,
and there is not a way to read my entire written and posted review, unless
I copy and paste the title in the search bar for the specific product.

Then there entails a whole hunt through each page of reviews (under the product) to find my specific one.

If I'm mistaken in any way, please advise...any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: 25.10.2017

I'm still using the Public Reviews Written by You page:

And, I just ran TART on it.

I think you're having an odd problem. Overall, it's either going to get better, or it's going to get worse.

Posted: 25.10.2017

More discoveries:

By 'unlocking' the profile for others to see, I can then click on a review to see the entire review. At the end of the review, the 'helpful' votes are visible.

Unfortunately, I still can't find any way to see the negative votes on any of my reviews.

Another Floyd, is there any way to circumvent any of these obstacles, or is this just too complicated to gather all the data that TART was able to previously collect for our imformation?

Posted: 25.10.2017

Just give it time. Still think it will get back to normal.

Posted: 26.10.2017

Sure hope so. I'm kinda thinking workarounds, but even saving an old copy to be compared against the current version doesn't really help that much if the individual review's "helpful vote" count isn't updating. Argh. (I have 1300+ reviews)

Posted: 27.10.2017

We may be partially back. The counts are still not matching up, but I did get ONE update. (1320 reviews, 1577 helpful votes, but only 1569 upvotes in the table) Maybe give it another 24-48 hours... (keep fingers crossed)

Posted: 27.10.2017

Kasey, Thank you for your update. Although I too have been receiving some updates with the votes, the unaccounted votes are still escalating. These unaccounted votes continue to total more and more each day.

Posted: 27.10.2017

No additional votes are registered since last night. It's showing 1578 votes this morning, but TART count remained at 1569. The ranking did update though.

Posted: 27.10.2017

Since the trouble began, I did have ONE upvote that showed up in the TART results, along with another 3 that have not.

Posted: 27.10.2017

I now have had 2 helpful votes show up one after the other in the TART list, with now 9 helpful votes that show up on my profile but not in TART.

Also, my ranking on my profile is now much better than my ranking on my list of Public Reviews Written by You. But the ranking on the public reviews page changed today to be a little better than before.

Very strange what is happening. I guess we just wait and see, as Floyd says.

Posted: 28.10.2017

1581 votes now, but TART total only shows 1570. (sigh)

Posted: 28.10.2017

Kasey, my unaccounted votes are still escalating too. Currently, the total of these phantom votes is 24.

The Amazon system may be going through a major 'overhaul', the number of purged accounts in the top 10,000 amounted to another 130 today.

One comment under the purged list stated that the number could be up to
250 for the past two days.

I think that it may take awhile for things to settle down and straighten out.

Немного все конечно запутанно написано, но разобраться можно, если конечно приложить усилий. Особенно про скрипты игровых сайтов заинтересовало

Posted: 19.12.2020
Edited: 23.12.2020

А если заинтересовало, то нужно обязательно попробовать. Именно таким образом я и поступил в свое время! Но! Сделал ошибку и повелся на рекламу и обещание больших бонусов и в итоге получил только негативный опыт, потому как попал на обманщиков. Но это то же опыт. Однако теперь выбираю только такие как здесь где меня уж точно не обманут. Уже проверено не раз.

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