Google Search Extra Buttons

Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page

< Feedback on Google Search Extra Buttons


Posted: 07. 12. 2018
Edited: 07. 12. 2018

Enter is broken on Safari

Hi spmbt, your script is indispensible, thanks.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem in Safari with the last couple of versions (I am trying on Safari v12.0.1, 13606. that comes with MacOSX 10.13.6, TamperMonkey v4.7.44). On a google results page (i.e. not on the main page), after typing the query, when I press ENTER or RETURN the 3rd extra button ("from/to") is triggered and the "Customised date range" popup window shows up, instead of posting the request.

Posted: 07. 12. 2018
Edited: 07. 12. 2018

Thanks, this problem was with Chrome/Chromium but I solve it by adding new button with name "Srch". In the version 35.2018.12.62 I hide this button by style "display: none".

May you (or anybody) make experiment (or 2)?

1) To change in line 399:

display: ii < S.hiddenEdgeLeft || startPg && ii==2 ?'none':'block'


visibility: ii < S.hiddenEdgeLeft || startPg && ii==2 ?'hidden':'visible'.

2) If not works, alternative is change in line 601:

hiddenEdgeLeft: 0 to hiddenEdgeLeft: -1 (will be appear 1 extra unnesessary button "Srch").

3) Believable temporary solution - use version 35.2018.12.5

Feedback behavior to me in the Safari, please.

Posted: 07. 12. 2018
Edited: 07. 12. 2018

The problem in Safari is solved with either of your 2 suggestions ! But the second one unhides an additional button on the left ("Srch"), so I kept the first solution (i.e. I changed line 399).

By the way, on Mac it was just Safari with the problem (Vivaldi, Chromium, and Firefox were ok).

Many thanks for your quick answer and fix and keep up the good work !

Posted: 07. 12. 2018

Thanks, I will update new version of script now.

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