Tento skript by neměl být instalován přímo. Jedná se o knihovnu, kterou by měly jiné skripty využívat pomocí meta příkazu // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/514792/1474150/Gaueie.js
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// This will not change automatically.
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defer: false, color: '#000000'
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setupWatermark(); setupDropdown(); setupStatusPanel(); loadWidgetBot();
/* Main Functions */
function setupMain(){
function spoofQuestion() {
const phrases = [ "🔥 Get good, get [Khanware](https://github.com/Niximkk/khanware/)!", "🤍 Made by [@im.nix](https://e-z.bio/sounix).", "☄️ By github.com/Niximkk/khanware/ " ];
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = async function (input, init) {
let body;
if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
else if (init && init.body) body = init.body;
const originalResponse = await originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
const clonedResponse = originalResponse.clone();
try {
const responseBody = await clonedResponse.text();
let responseObj = JSON.parse(responseBody);
if (features.questionSpoof && responseObj?.data?.assessmentItem?.item?.itemData) {
let itemData = JSON.parse(responseObj.data.assessmentItem.item.itemData);
if(itemData.question.content[0] === itemData.question.content[0].toUpperCase()){
itemData.answerArea = { "calculator": false, "chi2Table": false, "periodicTable": false, "tTable": false, "zTable": false }
itemData.question.content = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)] + `[[☃ radio 1]]`;
itemData.question.widgets = { "radio 1": { options: { choices: [ { content: "Resposta correta.", correct: true }, { content: "Resposta incorreta.", correct: false } ] } } };
responseObj.data.assessmentItem.item.itemData = JSON.stringify(itemData);
sendToast("🔓 Questão exploitada.", 1000);
return new Response(JSON.stringify(responseObj), { status: originalResponse.status, statusText: originalResponse.statusText, headers: originalResponse.headers });
} catch (e) { }
return originalResponse;
function spoofVideo() {
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = async function (input, init) {
let body;
if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
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if (features.videoSpoof && body && body.includes('"operationName":"updateUserVideoProgress"')) {
try {
let bodyObj = JSON.parse(body);
if (bodyObj.variables && bodyObj.variables.input) {
const durationSeconds = bodyObj.variables.input.durationSeconds;
bodyObj.variables.input.secondsWatched = durationSeconds;
bodyObj.variables.input.lastSecondWatched = durationSeconds;
body = JSON.stringify(bodyObj);
if (input instanceof Request) { input = new Request(input, { body: body }); }
else init.body = body;
sendToast("🔓 Vídeo exploitado.", 1000)
} catch (e) { }
return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
function minuteFarm() {
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = async function (input, init = {}) {
let body;
if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
else if (init.body) body = init.body;
if (features.minuteFarmer && body && input.url.includes("mark_conversions")) {
try {
if (body.includes("termination_event")) { sendToast("🚫 Limitador de tempo bloqueado.", 1000); return; }
} catch (e) { }
return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
function spoofUser() {
plppdo.on('domChanged', () => {
const pfpElement = document.querySelector('.avatar-pic');
const nicknameElement = document.querySelector('.user-deets.editable h2');
if (nicknameElement) nicknameElement.textContent = featureConfigs.customUsername || user.nickname;
if (featureConfigs.customPfp && pfpElement) { Object.assign(pfpElement, { src: featureConfigs.customPfp, alt: "Not an image URL"} );pfpElement.style.borderRadius="50%"}
function answerRevealer() {
const originalParse = JSON.parse;
JSON.parse = function (e, t) {
let body = originalParse(e, t);
try {
if (body?.data) {
Object.keys(body.data).forEach(key => {
const data = body.data[key];
if (features.showAnswers && key === "assessmentItem" && data?.item) {
const itemData = JSON.parse(data.item.itemData);
if (itemData.question && itemData.question.widgets && itemData.question.content[0] === itemData.question.content[0].toUpperCase()) {
Object.keys(itemData.question.widgets).forEach(widgetKey => {
const widget = itemData.question.widgets[widgetKey];
if (widget.options && widget.options.choices) {
widget.options.choices.forEach(choice => {
if (choice.correct) {
choice.content = "✅ " + choice.content;
sendToast("🔓 Respostas reveladas.", 1000);
data.item.itemData = JSON.stringify(itemData);
} catch (e) { }
return body;
function rgbLogo() {
plppdo.on('domChanged', () => {
const khanLogo = document.querySelector('svg._1rt6g9t').querySelector('path:nth-last-of-type(2)');
const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
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styleElement.textContent = `
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0% { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }
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100% { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }
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if(khanLogo.getAttribute('data-darkreader-inline-fill')!=null) khanLogo.removeAttribute('data-darkreader-inline-fill');
khanLogo.style.animation = 'colorShift 5s infinite';
function changeBannerText() {
const phrases = [ "[🌿] Non Skeetless dude.", "[🌿] Khanware on top.", "[🌿] Nix said hello!", "[🌿] God i wish i had Khanware.", "[🌿] Get good get Khanware!", "[🌿] the old khanware.space" ];
setInterval(() => {
const greeting = document.querySelector('.stp-animated-banner h2');
if (greeting&&features.customBanner) greeting.textContent = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)];
}, 3000);
async function autoAnswer() {
const baseClasses = ["_1tuo6xk", "_ssxvf9l", "_1f0fvyce", "_rz7ls7u", "_1yok8f4", "_1e5cuk2a"];
while (true) {
const classToCheck = [...baseClasses];
if (features.nextRecomendation) { device.mobile ? classToCheck.push("_ixuggsz") : classToCheck.push("_1kkrg8oi"); }
if (features.repeatQuestion) classToCheck.push("_1abyu0ga");
classToCheck.forEach(async (q) => {
const element = document.getElementsByClassName(q)[0];
if(element&&element.textContent=='Mostrar resumo') { sendToast("🎉 Exercício concluido!", 3000); playAudio('https://r2.e-z.host/4d0a0bea-60f8-44d6-9e74-3032a64a9f32/4x5g14gj.wav'); }
await delay(featureConfigs.autoAnswerDelay*750);
spoofQuestion(); spoofVideo(); answerRevealer(); minuteFarm(); spoofUser(); rgbLogo(); changeBannerText(); autoAnswer();
/* Inject */
if (!/^https?:\/\/pt\.khanacademy\.org/.test(window.location.href)) { alert("❌ Khanware Failed to Injected!\n\nVocê precisa executar o Khanware no site do Khan Academy! (https://pt.khanacademy.org/)"); window.location.href = "https://pt.khanacademy.org/";};
loadScript('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adryd325/oneko.js/refs/heads/main/oneko.js', 'onekoJs')
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onekoEl.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adryd325/oneko.js/main/oneko.gif')";
onekoEl.style.display = "none";
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loadScript('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/toastify-js', 'toastifyPlugin')
.then(async () => {
sendToast("🌿 Khanware injetado com sucesso!");
await delay(500);
sendToast(`⭐ Bem vindo(a) de volta: ${user.nickname}`);
loadedPlugins.forEach(plugin => sendToast(`🪝 ${plugin} Loaded!`, 2000, 'top') );
// Thank you to everyone who has purchased access to my cheat as of 10/28/24.