Google Chrome Webstore Dark and Gray v.1

Dark and Gray flavour + more infos in a glance

/* ==UserStyle==
@name        Google Chrome Webstore Dark and Gray v.1
@version     1.00
@author      decembre
@description Dark and Gray flavour + more infos in a glance
@license     unlicense
==/UserStyle== */

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

/* ==== 0-Google Chrome Webstore Dark and Gray v.1 - TEST TRESH ==== */

/* === SUPP === */
div[role="dialog"][aria-labelledby="promo-header"] ,
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.O-j-gb a ,
.S-pb-qa .O-j,
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float: right !important;
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border-left: 1px solid red !important;
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.C-b-p-j-D-gi {
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.C-b-p-j-kk-dk {

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border-left: 2px solid red !important;

.C-b-Nb-sb .C-b-p-j {
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.h-C-b-i-k {
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background-color: tan !important;
.tuK82 {
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pre[class$="-mb"] {
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.C-b-p-j-Oa-ArRF3d-mb::before {
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/* FLEX */

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position: absolute !important;
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z-index: 0 !important;
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border-bottom: 1px solid red !important;
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.C-b > div.h-ja-sb {
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transition: all ease 0.7s !important;
background-color: #222 !important;
.C-b > div.h-ja-sb:hover {
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transition: all ease 0.7s !important;
background-color: #111 !important;
.C-b > div.h-ja-sb .ja-sb-o {
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color: red !important;
border-top: 1px solid red !important;
.C-b > div.h-ja-sb .ja-sb {
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.ja-sb-i.i-k {
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.a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile > a.a-u {
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border: 1px solid gray !important;

.a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile > a.a-u:visited {
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border: 1px solid red !important;

.v-b.e-f-b-x .v-b-n {
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.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha {
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.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha  .ja-ha-De {
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height: 170px !important;
padding: 5px 5px  !important;
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.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha  .ja-ha-De > div > .a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile .a-U-d{
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.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha  .ja-ha-De > div > .a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile > a.a-u {
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.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha  .ja-ha-De .a-d-Ec {
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/* HOVER */
.h-l-d-x.U-d-l  {
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margin: 0 !important;
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/*     border: 1px solid green !important; */
.h-l-d-x.U-d-l a {
display: inline-block !important;
height: 170px  !important;
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margin: 4px 0 0 0px !important;
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/* background-color: green !important; */
/*     border: 1px solid yellow !important; */
.h-l-d-x.U-d-l a > div ,
.h-l-d-x.U-d-l a > .d-l-pa.Aj-ha-Ze {
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margin: 2px 0 0 2px !important;
/*     border: 1px solid blue !important; */
background-color: #111 !important;

/* COLOR === */

.t-e-f  ,
.f-rd ,
.F-f-k ,
.F-ia-k ,
body ,
html {
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.S-pb-qa .F-k ,
.e-f-pa {
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.HWJfBb ,
.h-a-x ,
.F-x ,
.F-n-J ,
.e-f-b-j  {
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.d-l-pa.Aj-ha-Ze ,
.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha .ja-ha-De > div > .a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile .a-U-d  > div ,
.h-e-f-b-Qe ,
.C-b-p-j ,
.h-C-b-i-k {
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.C-b-p-j-kk-dk.Ka-Ia-j ,
.e-f-o ,
.a-u.h-l-Ac ,
.ja-ha-Va ,
.C-b > div.h-ja-sb {
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.v-b-E-be-Eb>div:nth-child(odd) ,
.ba-fb > div:nth-child(odd){
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border-bottom: 1px solid red !important;
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.ba-fb > div:nth-child(odd) .Fg-b-ob-fb ,
.ba-fb > div:nth-child(odd) .Fg-b-ob-fb > div > div{
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border-bottom: 1px solid red !important;
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.ba-fb > div:nth-child(even) .Fg-b-ob-fb > div > div ,
.ba-fb > div:nth-child(even) .Fg-b-ob-fb{
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/* LINK / TEXT */

/* body {
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} */

.n-j-Z-ea-u ,
.n-j-Z-K-o-w ,
a.n-j-O-xb-M-u ,
.d-l-pa ,
.d-l-pa.Aj-ha-Ze ,
.ha-Va-bf-hf .ja-ha .ja-ha-De > div > .a-d.webstore-test-wall-tile .a-U-d  > div .a-U-d-w-va-k > div ,
.v-b-E-x-bc-k > div ,
.z-J-F .ba-Eb-ba ,
.tNOBCb-b-WsjYwc ,
.QTrzJf-fb ,
.tNOBCb-b-MnozTc ,
.e-f-b-L ,
.C-b-p-D-R ,
.Fogikc ,
.C-b-p-j-kk-dk ,
.tuK82 ,
.e-f-b.g-b-Fa ,
h1 ,
h2 ,
.e-f-Ln {
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pre[class$="-mb"] ,
.C-b-p-j-Pb {
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pre:not([class$="-mb"]) {
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.e-f-Sa-L {
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.xgYtHe .g-s-OAU7Vd .h-e-f-b-Qe ,
.xgYtHe .g-s-OAU7Vd {
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.xgYtHe .g-s-OAU7Vd {
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/* ==== END ==== */