// ==UserScript==
// @name 快速解析
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.0.0
// @license MIT
// @description The interface is collected by the network and not captured by the user The oil monkey script written by Vue is easy to understand. The interface is collected by the network and not crawled by yourself
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// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
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{ name: "ckmov", url: "https://www.ckmov.vip/api.php?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "playerjy/B站",
url: "https://jx.playerjy.com/?url=",
showType: 3,
name: "ccyjjd",
url: "https://ckmov.ccyjjd.com/ckmov/?url=",
showType: 1,
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{ name: "诺诺", url: "https://www.ckmov.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
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{ name: "解析la", url: "https://api.jiexi.la/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "MUTV", url: "https://jiexi.janan.net/jiexi/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "MAO", url: "https://www.mtosz.com/m3u8.php?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "老板",
url: "https://vip.laobandq.com/jiexi.php?url=",
showType: 1,
name: "盘古",
url: "https://www.pangujiexi.cc/jiexi.php?url=",
showType: 1,
{ name: "盖世", url: "https://www.gai4.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "小蒋", url: "https://www.kpezp.cn/jlexi.php?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "YiTV", url: "https://jiexi.us/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "星空", url: "http://60jx.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "0523", url: "https://go.yh0523.cn/y.cy?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "17云",
url: "https://www.1717yun.com/jx/ty.php?url=",
showType: 1,
{ name: "4K", url: "https://jx.4kdv.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "云析",
url: "https://jx.yparse.com/index.php?url=",
showType: 1,
{ name: "8090", url: "https://www.8090g.cn/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "江湖", url: "https://api.jhdyw.vip/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "诺讯", url: "https://www.nxflv.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "PM",
url: "https://www.playm3u8.cn/jiexi.php?url=",
showType: 1,
{ name: "奇米", url: "https://qimihe.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "思云", url: "https://jx.ap2p.cn/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "听乐", url: "https://jx.dj6u.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "aijx", url: "https://jiexi.t7g.cn/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "52", url: "https://vip.52jiexi.top/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "黑米", url: "https://www.myxin.top/jx/api/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "豪华啦", url: "https://api.lhh.la/vip/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "凉城", url: "https://jx.mw0.cc/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "33t", url: "https://www.33tn.cn/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "180", url: "https://jx.000180.top/jx/?url=", showType: 1 },
name: "无名",
url: "https://www.administratorw.com/video.php?url=",
showType: 1,
{ name: "黑云", url: "https://jiexi.380k.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "九八", url: "https://jx.youyitv.com/?url=", showType: 1 },
{ name: "听乐(B站)", url: "https://jx.dj6u.com/?url=", showType: 2 },
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