Greasy Fork is available in English.

TMDB with IMDB, Letterboxd, RottenTomatoes, Metacritic & MyAnimeList ratings

It adds IMDB, RottenTomatoes, Metacritic, MyAnimeList & Awards/Nominations to TMDB

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v2.6.3 03. 09. 2022

    fix for debugging message

  • v2.6.2 02. 09. 2022

    temporary fix for Jikan research api

  • v2.6.1 02. 09. 2022
    • added handling of RT upper/lower case wrong titles
  • v2.6 27. 07. 2022

    updated jikan MAL api from v3 to v4

  • v2.5.2 06. 07. 2022

    bugfix about if-else logic in RT movies api

  • v2.5.1 29. 06. 2022

    fixed a json parameter in RT api

  • v2.5 09. 06. 2022
    • added fallback from api 1.0 to api 2.0 in case of missing title in RottenTomatoes
    • added more error handling if case of missing title in RottenTomatoes
  • v2.4.1 20. 05. 2022

    fix missing "runtime" tag in DOM

  • v2.4 20. 05. 2022

    passing api from 2.0 to 1.0, it is more accurate

  • v2.3.2 20. 03. 2022

    fix RT api call limit

  • v2.3.1 19. 03. 2022

    FIX: sometimes RT uses content titles with wrong spaces (I added a trim to prevent it)

  • v2.3 17. 03. 2022

    extended links on ratings, reviews and title info for all providers

  • v2.2.4 16. 03. 2022

    fix a label

  • v2.2.3 16. 03. 2022

    fix classes changed by imdb for: awards, score and number of votes

  • v2.2.2 22. 02. 2022


  • v2.2.1 21. 02. 2022


  • v2.2 20. 02. 2022
    • added "loading" icon during scraping/apisearch
    • improved algorithm (name <-> year error fallback) for rottentomatoes missing api entries
  • v2.1 19. 02. 2022
    • style fixes
  • v2.0 19. 02. 2022
    • style fixes
    • added Rotten Tomatoes User Ratings
  • v1.1 15. 01. 2022

    added the new DOM for awards by imdb

  • v1.0.1 02. 09. 2021
  • v1.0.1 30. 08. 2021

    fix awards filter bug

  • v1.0 29. 08. 2021

Zobrazit všechny verze skriptu