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< Feedback on Automail

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 27. 09. 2020

I am having some issues using the script on FireFox, and I believe only are these problems present in FireFox, as my friends who do use other operating systems seem to have no problems. The main issues are duplication of certain elements, I will attach examples of these that I have found. For the completed scores, this is prevalent in any location where completed scores have been added by the script. The Make 3x3 function on lists also just doesn't do anything, nor do the arrows by it.
I have also noticed that sometimes when I click on an anime from relations, it seems to not actually change the page, then making the entire page seize up, all links unclickable, etc, until I refresh the page.

Posted: 28. 09. 2020

All the duplication issues are very clear signs that you have two instances of Automail installed at the same time. The script doesn't do well then, and you should uninstal one of them (Boneless, and the firefox addon are both also automail instances, you have to pick just one).

"Make 3x3" isn't very intuitive. After you click on it, you can start clicking list entries.

The arrows below it are for the tag index for custom tags. Since you don't have any, there's no such list. I should probably hide them in that case.

Will have to investigate that last one.

Posted: 28. 09. 2020
Edited: 28. 09. 2020

Alright, thank you for the reply, I will try to see if I can uninstall one of them, though I only see one installed.

Posted: 28. 09. 2020

Alright, I figured out that I actually had two different script programs installed, and for some reason it installed to both, the last issue I wrote about is still happening, though.

Posted: 28. 09. 2020

Would help for debugging to have an example page where clicking on relations freezes the page.

Posted: 29. 09. 2020

It happens with everything, I think you have to click on a relation, and then click on the show you were on previously, and then it breaks for me, it's something with going back to one you were already on before.

Posted: 14. 10. 2020

Just wanted to say, it's still happening, and the problem might be even worse than I thought, because it seems to happen going from one page to a relation sometimes, rather than just from one page, to a relation, and then back to the original. I have recorded a GIF of this and will link it below:
As you can see, when changing pages, some of the information changes but others do not, the bar at the top listing home, anime list, etc disappears. All, or at least nearly all, links on the page become unclickable, or moreso, they are clickable, but clicking them doesn't seem to change any information that's displayed on the page, though the url in the bar changes.

Also, unrelated, while I have you here, are there any intentions / is it actually possible to add a feature that shows perhaps a colored dot or something on a show wherever it is listed (like for instance, on a staff page), that shows if you have it on completed, watching, paused, etc? It's something I would definitely find helpful.

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