ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Feedback on ppixiv for Pixiv

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 24. 01. 2023
Edited: 24. 01. 2023

The latest version of ppixiv seems to have unfortunately broken a few essential features that the older versions had. I've attached two screenshots of the bugs I've encountered so far. I'm using Firefox 109.0.1 as my internet browser and Violentmonkey as my userscript extension. I haven't seen any glaring errors in the console that could point to these problems.

1) When viewing images, the artist name is no longer shown in the UI box when hovering over it.
2) Artist avatars are now completely gone, which means I can no longer follow artists since the drop-down menu which was accessible by clicking on the artist avatar is unavailable. I've put a red rectangle to show where the artist avatar used to be in older versions.

Posted: 24. 01. 2023

I've found another bug. The image viewing UI box still shows up on artist pages when your mouse is near the top right corner of the page. It seems to show info of the last image you viewed. I'm assuming this isn't supposed to be displayed or is supposed to be hidden on artist pages until you click on an image to view it.

Posted: 24. 01. 2023
Edited: 24. 01. 2023

(Please use all-ages pages for screenshots - you should be able to delete them by editing the post)

Can you check your adblock fliters? Somebody a while back had problems with a filter that was blocking things with names like "follow-icon".

I've seen the image hover sticking around a couple times, but it's rare and been a bit hard to reproduce. I'll take a look and see if I can track it down.

Posted: 24. 01. 2023

r213 should fix the hover, which was a Firefox-specific problem (different from the one I was seeing in Chrome--still looking for that one).

Posted: 24. 01. 2023
Edited: 24. 01. 2023

Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'm able to edit the posts anymore, I'm sorry if the artists I used were a little NSFW lol.

You were right, it was my ad blocker that was causing some elements to not appear. Thank you for that suggestion as well as the quick r213 fix! I'll turn off my ad blocker on Pixiv from now on. I'm also experiencing an issue where #no-ppixiv is not being applied to the URL when you first go onto the site, which causes the entire page to be black. Manually entering #no-ppixiv to the end of the URL is a current workaround to this though, so its not too bad.

Posted: 24. 01. 2023

Do you see any errors when that happens? I'd like to fix it (if it happens to a new user they won't know how to work around it and they'll just uninstall and never try it again). It should activate by default unless you've turned on "disabled by default" in settings.

Posted: 25. 01. 2023

I can't seem to replicate it now lol, it looks like the problem has fixed itself. When it happens again I'll check the console and let you know what I find.

Posted: 25. 01. 2023

Thanks, nothing makes a first-time user give up like getting a blank screen :)

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