WME Place Harmonizer

Harmonizes, formats, and locks a selected place

< Feedback on WME Place Harmonizer

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 01. 05. 2017

Too many requests (HTTP 429)

It appears that using Google sheets to store country defaults isn't scaling as expected. I'm in the USA yet WMEPH fails to initialize fully due to a 429 response on the Venezuela sheet.
I've also seen 429 responses on other country sheets.

Could you a short-term cache (perhaps 1-2 hours) so that these sheets don't have to be reloaded every time a PL is opened?

Posted: 10. 11. 2017

Kevin, first off sorry for the late response. Those are Toolbox sheets, not WMEPH. Though we've been considering caching for WMEPH, as well. Just makes sense :smile:

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