Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v4.2.3 29. 02. 2024

    [netflix] download multiple subs with the same language code

  • v4.2.2 07. 12. 2022 [netflix] typo, too much Python
  • v4.2.1 07. 12. 2022 [netflix] fix subs url grabbing
  • v4.2.0 09. 05. 2022 [netflix] add preferred locale override Netflix seems to be limiting "force all subs" usage so you need to set a preferred locale to see subs from other languages.
  • v4.1.0 03. 10. 2021 [netflix subs] fix menu position, [netflix] improve menu, [netflix] add batch downloading back (improved)
  • v4.0.2 12. 09. 2021 [netflix subs] improve menu position
  • v4.0.1 10. 09. 2021 [netflix subs] fix title detection for trailers
  • v4.0.0 08. 09. 2021 [netflix subs] rewrite for new Netflix design
  • v3.5.0 19. 04. 2021 [netflix subs] add ep title to filename (opt-in)
  • v3.4.5 17. 02. 2021 [netflix subs] improve manifest search
  • v3.4.4 25. 11. 2020 [netflix subs] improve title detection
  • v3.4.3 25. 11. 2020 [netflix subs] you can use square brackets in lang filter (like "en[cc]")
  • v3.4.2 26. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] change Promise.any to .race Promise.any is not supported in some browsers
  • v3.4.1 23. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] improve ID detection... again
  • v3.4.0 23. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] fix whitespaces, [netflix subs] add sub format selection
  • v3.3.1 23. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] fix zip title when downloading 1 ep
  • v3.3.0 23. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] stop download on progress bar click
  • v3.2.3 15. 09. 2020 [netflix subs] improve ID detection
  • v3.2.2 25. 04. 2020 [netflix subs] fix the script
  • v3.2.1 22. 02. 2020 [netflix subs] delete keys from localStorage when set to default values
  • v3.2.0 22. 02. 2020 [netflix subs] add menu for lang selection
  • v3.1.0 06. 02. 2020 [netflix subs] add progress bar
  • v3.0.12 02. 02. 2020 [netflix subs] fix 0 bytes subs
  • v3.0.11 02. 02. 2020 [netflix subs] fix downloading for some movies
  • v3.0.10 15. 01. 2020 [netflix subs] fix for new api
  • v3.0.9 06. 12. 2019 [netflix subs] force Netflix to show all available subs
  • v3.0.8 06. 12. 2019 [netflix subs] fix those filenames properly this time
  • v3.0.7 06. 12. 2019 [netflix subs] fix subs filename for some series
  • v3.0.6 06. 12. 2019 [netflix subs] fix for new api
  • v3.0.5 18. 01. 2019 [netflix subs] allow trailer subs to be downloaded
  • v3.0.4 07. 01. 2019 [netflix subs] switch from rawgit to jsdelivr
  • v3.0.2 05. 01. 2019 [netflix subs] fix downloading wrong subs
  • v3.0.1 04. 01. 2019 [netflix subs] forgot to add include
  • v3.0.0 04. 01. 2019 [netflix subs] script rewrite
  • v2.2.1 22. 11. 2018 [netflix subs] fix title getting function
  • v2.2.0 25. 11. 2017 [netflix subs] fix 'null' title for image subs also: update JSZip switch from Blob to Array Buffer for image subs skip mimetype when downloading single file small cosmetic changes
  • v2.1.0 24. 11. 2017 [netflix subs] fix download, improve sub detection
  • v2.0.4 07. 11. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v2.0.2 06. 11. 2017 Imported from URL
  • v2.0.1 03. 11. 2017 small fix when downloading all subs in image format
  • v2.0 03. 11. 2017 update libraries, add settings, support image based images, move download buttons
  • v1.11 10. 10. 2017 make it work with movies again
  • v1.10 09. 10. 2017 revert last "fix"
  • v1.9 09. 10. 2017 small fix, forgot to remove 1 line
  • v1.8 09. 10. 2017
  • v1.8 09. 10. 2017 updated to work with new Netflix player
  • v1.7 18. 07. 2017 fix: wait for elements with title, ep and sub info
  • v1.6 10. 06. 2017 catch some errors
  • v1.5 24. 04. 2017 fix for movies
  • v1.4 23. 01. 2017 update xhrHijacker library version

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