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Google Favicons

Adds favicons to Google search results.

// ==UserScript==
// @name	Google Favicons
// @description	Adds favicons to Google search results.
// @include*/search*
// @version	1.12
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @icon
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

 * [+] CSS INFO
 * #res img.favicon = Normal Results Favicon Position
 * div.action-menu img.favicon = Normal Results Hide Incorrect Sub Google Favicons
 * div#res div#search div#ires div.g div.rc div.r h3 = Normal Results Adjust Title for Favicon room
 * #res div.gG0TJc img.favicon, #res div.card-section a.RTNUJf img.favicon = News Tab Favicon Position
 * #res div.card-section a.RTNUJf img.favicon = News Tab Sub Results Favicon Size
 * #res .g div.rc div.r a = Normal Results
 * #res div.gG0TJc a = News Tab Header Results
 * #res div.card-section a.RTNUJf = News Tab Sub Results


	(typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined' ? GM_addStyle : function addStyle(css) {
		var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
		var style = document.createElement("style");
		style.type = "text/css";
	})("#res img.favicon {\
        border: none;\
        margin-left: 1px;\
        position: absolute;\
        margin-top: 1px;\
        z-index: 9;\
		div.action-menu img.favicon {\
        display: none;\
		div#res div#search div#ires div.g div.rc div.r h3 {\
        text-indent: 26px;\
		#res div.gG0TJc img.favicon, #res div.card-section a.RTNUJf img.favicon {\
        position: relative;\
        vertical-align: middle;\
        margin-left: 0px;\
        margin-top: 0px;\
        margin-right: 7px;\
        top: -2px;\
		#res div.card-section a.RTNUJf img.favicon {\
        width: 0.9em;\
        height: 0.9em;\
        padding-bottom: 0px;\
        vertical-align: sub;\

	var FAVICON_GRABBER = ''; // ''
var QUERY = '#res .g div.rc div.r a, #res div.gG0TJc a, #res div.card-section a.RTNUJf';

 * @param {NodeList} links
function add_favicons_to(links) {
	for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
		if (links[i].firstChild.className != 'favicon') {
			var host = links[i].href.replace(/.*https?:\/\//, '').replace(/\/.*$/,'');
			var img = document.createElement('IMG');
			img.src = FAVICON_GRABBER + host;
			img.width = '16';
			img.height = '16';
			img.className = 'favicon';
			links[i].insertBefore(img, links[i].firstChild);


 * Debounce function from
function debounce(fn, timeout, invokeAsap, context) {
	if (arguments.length == 3 && typeof invokeAsap != 'boolean') {
		context = invokeAsap;
		invokeAsap = false;
	var timer;
	return function() {
		var args = arguments;
		if(invokeAsap && !timer) {
			fn.apply(context, args);
		timer = setTimeout(function() {
			if(!invokeAsap) {
				fn.apply(context, args);
			timer = null;
		}, timeout);

document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', debounce(function handleNewFavicons(event){
		if ( != 'favicon') {
	}, 500)
, false);
