Replace Text On Webpages

Replaces text on websites. Now supports wildcards in search queries. Won't replace text in certain tags like links and code blocks

< Feedback on Replace Text On Webpages


Posted: 03. 02. 2016

Replace text with formatted text?

I modified this script to only run on so I could use these replacements:

    '/' : '<b>/</b>',
    '|' : '<span style="color:#ccc;">|</span>',

But it didn't work as expected; it showed the code inline instead of making the / bold and the | light grey. I wanted to do this to make pairing tags on Ao3 more easy to parse. Is there any way I make this thing happen?

Posted: 24. 02. 2016

Hello phidari, I came here by chance and stumbled across your very tricky request.

It's not possible to inject literal html-code into a page as the control characters (like <>) will alway be converted to it's desciptive character-form (e.g.: < will become <). And characters like / and | are even more delicate to handle.

You need a script that creates valid html-elements into which your replace-text get's inserted. This local script can't achive it and you'd need one that can style single words like highlighter-scripts.

I have found one: Highlight BadWords ... and could alter the top sequence to fit your special needs.
If you give it a try please exchange the according script-part by the below one.

good success ~ Vivre :smile:

    //	Colors for the word lists
    addGlobalStyle('span.bad1 { font-weight: bold;  background-color: red; } ' +
		   'span.bad2 { color:#cccccc;  background-color: green; } ' +
		   'span.bad3 { background-color: #FFE681; } ');

    //	Very bad words = bad1

    //	kind of bad words = bad2

    //	not really bad words = bad3

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