MAL Status to Episodes Focus

Moves focus to "Episodes Watched" after you selected "Status"

// ==UserScript==
// @name        MAL Status to Episodes Focus
// @namespace   MAL
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @include     **
// @description Moves focus to "Episodes Watched" after you selected "Status"
// @version     1.0.2
// ==/UserScript==

function xpath(query, object) {
    if(!object) var object = document;
    return document.evaluate(query, object, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

selectStatus = xpath("//select[@id='status'] | //select[@id='myinfo_status']");

episodesWatched = xpath("//input[@id='completedEpsID'] | //input[@id='myinfo_watchedeps'] | //input[@id='chap_read'] | //input[@id='myinfo_chapters']");
episodesWatchedSnap = episodesWatched.snapshotItem(0);

selectStatus.snapshotItem(0).addEventListener('change', function() {
    episodesWatchedSnap.setSelectionRange(0, episodesWatchedSnap.value.length);
}, false);