// ==UserScript==
// @name 好医生-视频一键到底与自动答题
// @namespace https://github.com/houziyu/cme-haoyisheng-helper
// @version 1.5.4
// @description 提供好医生CME继续医学教育平台的视频倍速与一键看完, 并且支持考试一键完成, 现已支持: 北京健康在线-好医生继续医学教育(包含河北地区)、北京市继续医学教育必修课培训2024(北京市全员必修课培训)。原作者为limkim。目前已经将代码删除,不在维护。我已将代码进行fork,在发布上来,不知道什么时候会不能用。如果不能用我将尝试修复,但是不一定能修好,且用且珍惜。
// @author limkim
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@11
// @match *://cme.haoyisheng.com/cme/polyv.jsp*
// @match *://cme.haoyisheng.com/cme/study2.jsp*
// @match *://cme.haoyisheng.com/cme/exam.jsp*
// @match *://cme.haoyisheng.com/cme/examQuizFail.jsp*
// @match *://bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com/qypx/bj/polyv.jsp*
// @match *://bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com/qypx/bj/cc.jsp*
// @match *://bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com/qypx/bj/exam.jsp*
// @match *://bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com/qypx/bj/examQuizFail.jsp*
// @match *://www.cmechina.net/cme/polyv.jsp*
// @match *://www.cmechina.net/cme/study2.jsp*
// @match *://www.cmechina.net/cme/exam.jsp*
// @match *://www.cmechina.net/cme/examQuizFail.jsp*
// @match *://hb.cmechina.net/cme/polyv.jsp*
// @match *://hb.cmechina.net/cme/study2.jsp*
// @match *://hb.cmechina.net/cme/exam.jsp*
// @match *://hb.cmechina.net/cme/examQuizFail.jsp*
// @license MIT
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/houziyu/cme-haoyisheng-helper/main/favicon.ico
// @run-at document-end
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_notification
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow.document, 'querySelector', {
value: unsafeWindow.document.querySelector,
writable: false,
(function () {
'use strict';
* 动态添加样式
* code from https://github.com/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant/
function addStyle(id, tag, css, element) {
tag = tag || 'style';
element = element || 'body';
let doc = document, styleDom = doc.getElementById(id);
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style.rel = 'stylesheet';
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addStyle('swal-pub-style', 'style', '.swal2-container{z-index:1999;}' + GM_getResourceText('Swal'));
// /**
// * 获取本地存储的正确答案对象
// * @deprecated 由于题目顺序会变化, 现在已废弃, 不再存储答案
// */
// const getAnswerObject = () => {
// const answerObject = localStorage.getItem('right_answer_obj') || '{}';
// return JSON.parse(answerObject);
// };
const buttonCssText = 'position: absolute;z-index: 99;top: -50px;right: 0;padding:10px;cursor:pointer;background-color: #3087d9;color: #fff;box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12);';
function getUrlParams(name) {
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
return urlSearchParams.get(name);
function getLastUrlPath() {
const pathList = window.location.pathname.split('/');
return pathList[pathList.length - 1];
// 用来区分当前在哪个页面
const lastPath = getLastUrlPath();
// 得到试卷ID, 来定义广播频道名称
const examId = `${getUrlParams('course_id')}_${getUrlParams('paper_id')}`;
* 创建广播通信频道
* Generated By Microsoft Copilot
// Create a unique channel name
const channelName = `NoMoreExam_${examId}`;
// Send a message to the other tab
function sendMessageToOtherTab(message) {
const channel = new BroadcastChannel(channelName);
// Listen for messages from other tabs
function setupMessageListener(handler) {
const channel = new BroadcastChannel(channelName);
channel.onmessage = (event) => {
const receivedMessage = event.data;
// 获取单选题的下一个选项
function getNextChoice(str, questionIndex) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(0) + 1;
if (code === 70) {
alert(`全部遍历但未找到第${questionIndex + 1}题的正确答案, 请确定是使用脚本按钮开始答题! 请关闭此页面重新开始考试`);
return 'A';
return String.fromCharCode(code);
// 循环组合以获取多选题下一个选项
function getNextMultipleChoice(str, questionIndex) {
const dic = ['ABCDE', 'BCDE', 'ACDE', 'ABDE', 'ABCE', 'ABCD', 'CDE', 'BDE', 'BCE', 'BCD', 'ADE', 'ACE', 'ACD', 'ABE', 'ABD', 'ABC', 'DE', 'CE', 'CD', 'BE', 'BD', 'BC', 'AE', 'AD', 'AC', 'AB', 'E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A'];
const index = dic.indexOf(str);
if (index === dic.length - 1) {
alert(`全部遍历但未找到第${questionIndex + 1}题的正确答案, 请确定是使用脚本按钮开始答题! 请关闭此页面重新开始考试`);
return dic[0];
return dic[index + 1];
// 考试结果页面进行遍历, 得到正确答案
if (lastPath === ('examQuizFail.jsp')) {
// 北京全员培训
if (location.host === 'bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com') {
const error_order = getUrlParams('error_order');
// 获取当前选的答案
const nowAnswerStr = window.location.search.split('ansList=')[1].split('&')[0]; // A,A,A,A,A
const nowAnswerList = nowAnswerStr.split(',');
let currentQuestionIndex = 0;
const answersList = document.querySelectorAll('.answer_list h3');
let finished = true;
for (let i = 0; i < answersList.length; i++) {
currentQuestionIndex = i;
if (answersList[i].className.includes('cuo')) {
finished = false;
if (nowAnswerList[i].length === 1) {
nowAnswerList[i] = getNextChoice(nowAnswerList[i], currentQuestionIndex);
} else {
nowAnswerList[i] = getNextMultipleChoice(nowAnswerList[i], currentQuestionIndex);
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(nowAnswerStr, nowAnswerList.join(','));
if (finished) {
// 考试页面填写初始答案和正确答案, 并提交
if (lastPath === ('exam.jsp')) {
// 北京全员培训
const isBjsqypx = location.host === 'bjsqypx.haoyisheng.com';
// 所有题目列表
const questionsList = isBjsqypx ? document.querySelectorAll('.kaoshi dl') : document.querySelectorAll('.exam_list li');
const submitBtn = isBjsqypx ? document.querySelector('.but_box .btn1') : document.querySelector('#tjkj');
const nowAnswerObjList = [];
// 遍历题目自动选择答案
const autoSelectAnswer = answerArray => {
const indexMap = {
'A': 0,
'B': 1,
'C': 2,
'D': 3,
'E': 4
for (let i = 0; i < questionsList.length; i++) {
const answer = answerArray[i];
const optionsList = questionsList[i].querySelectorAll('p');
// 单选直接选择
if (questionsList[i].querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]').length > 0) {
const index = indexMap[answer] || 0;
const answerItem = optionsList[index];
// 根据答案选项定位到勾选框
const input = answerItem.children[0];
nowAnswerObjList[i] = {
type: 1,
value: input.value
input.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
for (let i = 0; i < optionsList.length; i++) {
const answerItem = optionsList[i];
nowAnswerObjList[i] = {
type: 2,
value: answer
const input = answerItem.children[0];
if (answer.includes(input.value) && !input.checked) {
input.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
const messageHandler = message => {
// 得到正确答案返回后, 直接填写并提交
// 最终答题时移除target=_blank属性
submitBtn.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
const qypxMessageHandler = message => {
const errorOrderList = message.split(',');
errorOrderList.forEach(order => {
const index = parseInt(order, 10) - 1;
const answer = nowAnswerObjList[index].value;
nowAnswerObjList[index].value = nowAnswerObjList[index].type === 1 ? getNextChoice(answer) : getNextMultipleChoice(answer);
autoSelectAnswer(nowAnswerObjList.map(item => item.value));
document.querySelector('form').setAttribute('target', '_blank');
submitBtn.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
// 设置广播消息监听器
setupMessageListener(isBjsqypx ? qypxMessageHandler : messageHandler);
// 控件
const examSkipButton = document.createElement('button');
examSkipButton.innerText = '考试? 拿来吧你!';
examSkipButton.id = 'exam_skip_btn';
examSkipButton.style.cssText = buttonCssText;
examSkipButton.style.top = '55px';
examSkipButton.style.right = '150px';
examSkipButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// 多选全选, 单选选A
const answersArray = new Array(questionsList.length).fill('ABCDE');
document.querySelector('form').setAttribute('target', '_blank');
submitBtn.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
if (isBjsqypx) {
examSkipButton.style.top = '0px';
examSkipButton.style.right = '50px';
examSkipButton.style.border = 'none';
} else {
if (localStorage.getItem('script_auto_exam') === 'true') {
examSkipButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
// 视频跳过
setTimeout(() => {
let fuckingPlayer = null;
let timer = setInterval(() => {
if (document.querySelector(".main") !== null) {
document.querySelector('.main').style.marginTop = '40px';
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const video = document.querySelector('.pv-video') || document.querySelector('video');
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const videoSkipButton = document.createElement('button');
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const playRateCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
const checkboxContainer = document.createElement('div');
const videoCheckboxLabel = document.createElement('label');
const videoCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
const examCheckboxLabel = document.createElement('label');
const examCheckbox = document.createElement('input');
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checkboxContainer.style.cssText = containerCssText;
// 跳过按钮
videoSkipButton.innerText = '看视频? 拿来吧你!';
videoSkipButton.style.cssText = buttonCssText;
// 自动看完
videoCheckboxLabel.innerText = '自动看完:';
videoCheckboxLabel.style.cssText = labelCssText;
videoCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
videoCheckbox.style.cssText = controllerCssText;
// 自动开考
examCheckboxLabel.innerText = '进入考试后自动开考:';
examCheckboxLabel.style.cssText = labelCssText;
examCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
examCheckbox.style.cssText = controllerCssText;
// 倍速
selecterLabel.innerText = '倍速:';
selecterLabel.style.cssText = labelCssText;
playRateSelecter.style.cssText = controllerCssText;
playRateSelecter.style.border = '1px solid #000';
playRateCheckbox.type = 'checkbox';
playRateCheckbox.style.cssText = controllerCssText;
// 倍速选择器初始化选项
for (let i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = i;
option.label = i;
playRateSelecter.addEventListener('change', () => {
localStorage.setItem('play_back_rate', playRateSelecter.value);
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video.playbackRate = parseInt(playRateSelecter.value);
playRateCheckbox.addEventListener('change', e => {
const value = e.target.checked;
localStorage.setItem('play_back_rate_enable', JSON.stringify(value));
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video.playbackRate = parseInt(playRateSelecter.value);
} else {
video.playbackRate = 1;
videoCheckbox.addEventListener('change', e => {
const autoValue = e.target.checked;
localStorage.setItem('script_auto_skip', JSON.stringify(autoValue));
examCheckbox.addEventListener('change', e => {
const autoValue = e.target.checked;
localStorage.setItem('script_auto_exam', JSON.stringify(autoValue));
videoSkipButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (fuckingPlayer) {
fuckingPlayer.jumpToTime(fuckingPlayer.getDuration() - 0.5);
} else {
video.volume = 0;
video.playbackRate = parseInt(playRateSelecter.value);
video.currentTime = video.duration;
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videoSkipButton.style.top = '-45px';
videoSkipButton.style.border = 'none';
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document.querySelector('.ccH5playerBox').style.overflow = 'visible';
checkboxContainer.append(examCheckboxLabel, examCheckbox, videoCheckboxLabel, videoCheckbox, selecterLabel, playRateCheckbox, playRateSelecter);
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//绕过 F12 禁用
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function initPlayer() {
const localNoticeSkip = localStorage.getItem('swal_notice_skip');
if (unsafeWindow.player && unsafeWindow.player.params) {
unsafeWindow.player.params.rate_allow_change = true;
fuckingPlayer = unsafeWindow.player;
} else if (unsafeWindow.cc_js_Player && unsafeWindow.cc_js_Player.params) {
unsafeWindow.cc_js_Player.params.rate_allow_change = true;
fuckingPlayer = unsafeWindow.cc_js_Player;
if (fuckingPlayer) {
!localNoticeSkip && Swal.fire({
title: "播放器获取成功",
text: "倍速与一键看完功能已正常!",
icon: "success"
localStorage.setItem('swal_notice_skip', 'true');
} else {
title: "播放器获取失败",
text: "似乎网站未被正确兼容? 功能可能不正常",
icon: "question"
if (document.querySelector('.main')) {
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// 仅适用chromium
/* -------------- 根据本地存储, 对各项值预处理 -------------- */
if (localStorage.getItem('script_auto_skip') === 'true') {
videoCheckbox.checked = true;
videoSkipButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
if (localStorage.getItem('script_auto_exam') === 'true') {
examCheckbox.checked = true;
const localRate = localStorage.getItem('play_back_rate');
const palyRateEnable = localStorage.getItem('play_back_rate_enable');
if (!localRate) {
let rate = parseInt(localRate);
if (!isNaN(rate) && rate >= 1 && rate <= 15) {
playRateSelecter.value = localRate;
} else {
playRateSelecter.value = '10';
rate = 10;
if (palyRateEnable === 'true') {
playRateCheckbox.checked = true;
video.playbackRate = rate;
}, 1500);