Deezer Artist Dumper

Adds the feature to add all songs by an artist to a playlist

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Deezer Artist Dumper
// @namespace
// @version      1.4.5
// @description  Adds the feature to add all songs by an artist to a playlist
// @author       Bababoiiiii
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

function set_css() {
    const css = `
.main_btn {
    display: inline-flex;
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    min-height: var(--tempo-sizes-size-xl);
    justify-content: center;
    border-radius: 50%;
    fill: currentcolor;
.main_btn:hover, .regex_btns:hover, .my_textarea:hover {
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    fill: currentcolor;
} svg path {
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    display: none;
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    color: currentcolor;

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    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    color: var(--tempo-colors-text-neutral-secondary-default);
    padding: 5px;
    resize: vertical;
    overflow-y: auto;
.my_textarea:hover, .my_dropdown:hover, .searchbar:hover, .regex_input:hover, .min_song_length_input:hover {
    border-color: var(--tempo-colors-text-neutral-secondary-default) !important;

.options_div {
    padding: 5px;
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 0.75fr) minmax(0, 0.16fr) minmax(0, 0.09fr);
    box-sizing: border-box;
    border: 1px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
.options_div .song_type_options_div {
    padding: 5px;
    display: grid;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 0.12fr) minmax(0, 0.2fr) minmax(0, 0.18fr) minmax(0, 0.24fr) minmax(0, 0.26fr);
.options_div .song_type_options_div input {
    margin-left: 5px;

.my_dropdown {
    font-size: 14px;
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-neutral-secondary-default);
    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    border-radius: 4px;

.min_song_length_input {
    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-neutral-secondary-default);
    padding: 5px;
    margin-left: 5px;

.searchbar {
    width: 100%;
    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    border-radius: 6px;
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-neutral-secondary-default);
    margin-top: 5px;
    padding: 8px 11px;

.new_playlist_btn {
    width: 100%;
    display: inline-flex;
    align-items: center;
.new_playlist_btn span {
    color: var(--tempo-colors-text-accent-primary-default);
    padding-right: 5px;
.new_playlist_btn span svg path {
    fill: var(--tempo-colors-text-accent-primary-default);

.playlist_ul {
    width: 100%;
    height: 200px;
    overflow: auto;
    position: relative;
    top: 6px;
.playlist_ul button {
    width: 100%;
    padding: 12px 16px;
    text-align: left;
.playlist_ul button:hover {
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-bg-contrast);
.playlist_ul button[selected=""] {
    background-color: #463554a1;

.action_btn {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-accent-primary-default);
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    padding: 10px;
.action_btn:hover {
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-accent-primary-hovered);

.regex_parent_group {
    border-bottom: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
.regex_dropdown_toggle_btn {
    width: 80%;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 8px 15px;
.regex_dropdown_toggle_btn::before {
    content: "▶";
} .regex_dropdown_toggle_btn::before {
    content: "▼";
} .regex_dropdown_menu {
    max-height: 150px;

.regex_btns {
    border-radius: 50%;
    font-size: 25px;
    min-width: 30px;

.regex_dropdown_menu {
    overflow-x: scroll;
    overflow: auto;
    max-height: 0;
    transition: max-height 0.3s ease;
.regex_dropdown_item {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 0.32fr) minmax(0, 0.1fr) minmax(0, 0.14fr) minmax(0, 0.11fr) minmax(0, 0.08fr) minmax(0, 0.085fr) minmax(0, 0.1fr) minmax(0, 0.06fr); /* This adds up 0.985, the 0.015 are used for the scaling of the trashcan on hover */
    box-sizing: border-box;
    border-bottom: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    padding: 4px 2px;

.regex_dropdown_item select {
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-neutral-secondary-default);
    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    border-radius: 4px;
.regex_dropdown_item .regex_input {
    color: var(--color-text-secondary);
    border: 0.5px solid var(--tempo-colors-divider-neutral-primary-default);
    border-radius: 6px;
    background-color: var(--tempo-colors-background-neutral-secondary-default);
    padding: 2px 4px;
    margin-right: 3px;
.regex_dropdown_item .regex_input.error {
   background-color: #f0404040;
.regex_dropdown_item .applies_for_checkbox {
    transform: scale(0.5);
.regex_delete_btn {
    font-size: 18px;
    scale: 1.1;
.regex_delete_btn:hover {
    scale: 1.2;
.regex_dropdown_item span {
    margin-left: 3px;

// data stuff

async function get_user_data() {
    const r = await fetch("", {
        "body": "{}",
        "method": "POST",
    if (!r.ok) {
        return null;
    const resp = await r.json();

    return resp;

async function get_auth_token() {
    const r = await fetch("", {
        "method": "POST",
        "credentials": "include"
    const resp = await r.json();
    return resp.jwt;

function get_api_token() {
    return user_data.results.checkForm;

function get_user_id() {
    return user_data.results.USER.USER_ID;

function get_current_artist_id() {
    return location.pathname.split("/artist/")[1].split("/", 1)[0];

function get_current_artist_name() {
    return document.querySelector("meta[itemprop='name']").content

function get_playlists() {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("PLAYLISTS_"+get_user_id())).data;

function get_config() {
    const config = GM_getValue("artist_dumper_config", { // default settings
        toggles: {
            ep: true,
            singles: true,
            album: true,
            featured: true,
            duplicates: false
        order: 0, // 0 = RELEASE_DATE, 1 = RANK
        min_length: 60,
        regexes: [
                str: String.raw`(\(|- )(((super )?slowed(( *&| *\+| *,) *reverb)?)|(sped up)|(reverb)|(8d audio)|(speed))( version)?\)? *$`, //
                flags: "i",
                type: 0, // 0 = blacklist, 1 = whitelist
                for_artist: "-1", // -1 = every artist, any other number is artist id
                applies_to: {
                    song: true,
                    artist: false,
                    album: true
    return typeof(config) === "string" ? JSON.parse(config) : config; // backwards compatibility for when the config was stored as a string

function set_config() {
    GM_setValue("artist_dumper_config", config);

async function get_all_songs(auth_token, artist_id, regexes) {
    async function get_all_albums() {
        async function request_albums(last_song, roles, types) {
            const r = await fetch("", {
                "headers": {
                    "authorization": "Bearer "+auth_token,
                    "Content-Type": "application/json"
                "body": JSON.stringify({
                    "operationName": "ArtistDiscographyByType",
                    "variables": {
                        "artistId": artist_id,
                        "nb": 500,
                        "cursor": last_song,
                        "subType": null,
                        "roles": roles,
                        "order": config.order === 0 ? "RELEASE_DATE" : "RANK",
                        "types": types
                    "query": "query ArtistDiscographyByType($artistId: String!, $nb: Int!, $roles: [ContributorRoles!]!, $types: [AlbumTypeInput!]!, $subType: AlbumSubTypeInput, $cursor: String, $order: AlbumOrder) {\n  artist(artistId: $artistId) {\n    albums(\n      after: $cursor\n      first: $nb\n      onlyCanonical: true\n      roles: $roles\n      types: $types\n      subType: $subType\n      order: $order\n    ) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          ...AlbumBase\n        }\n      }\n      pageInfo {\n        hasNextPage\n        endCursor\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nfragment AlbumBase on Album {\n  id\n  displayTitle\n}"
                "method": "POST",
            const resp = await r.json();

        async function get_albums(last_song) { // everything is an album
            let roles = ["MAIN"];
            let types = [];

            if (config.toggles.featured && config.toggles.ep && && config.toggles.album) { // everything is ticked
                types.push("EP", "SINGLES", "ALBUM");
                return await request_albums(last_song, roles, types);

            let data = null

            if (config.toggles.ep) types.push("EP");
            if ( types.push("SINGLES");
            if (config.toggles.album) types.push("ALBUM");
            // types.length must be < 3 if featured was ticked
            if (types.length > 0) data = await request_albums(last_song, roles, types);

            if (config.toggles.featured) { // featured is ticked, but maybe there are other options (not all though) ticked as well, but as featured gets every type, we need to get the other types seperately
                roles = ["FEATURED"];
                types = ["EP", "SINGLES", "ALBUM"];
                if (data !== null) { // if other types where ticked, we append the featured songs, the data object is still from the normal search though, so if there are more featured songs, we won't get them (there shouldnt be more than 500 though)
                    data.artist.albums.edges.push( ...(await request_albums(last_song, roles, types)).artist.albums.edges );
                } else { // only featured was ticked
                    data = await request_albums(last_song, roles, types);

            return data;

        const albums = [];

        let data = await get_albums(null);
        for (let album of data.artist.albums.edges) {
            // filter album titles here
            if (does_string_match(album.node.displayTitle, regexes.whitelist.album, true) &&
                !does_string_match(album.node.displayTitle, regexes.blacklist.album, false)) {
                albums.push([, album.node.displayTitle]);
            } else {
      `Album ${album.node.displayTitle} is blacklisted`);
        // could prob do it better recursively
        // this is a bit broken if not everything is ticked as we sometimes send 2 requests for featured and everything else.
        // the main data is from everything else, the featured songs just get appended.
        // so the nextpage/cursor attributes are from the non featured songs, meaning if there are more featured songs (which shouldnt happen), we will miss them.
        while (data.artist.albums.pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
            data = await get_albums(data.artist.albums.pageInfo.endCursor);
            for (let album of data.artist.albums.edges) {
                if (does_string_match(album.node.displayTitle, regexes.whitelist.album, true) &&
                    !does_string_match(album.node.displayTitle, regexes.blacklist.album, false)) {
                    albums.push([, album.node.displayTitle]);
                } else {
          `Album ${album.node.displayTitle} is blacklisted`);
        return albums;

    async function get_all_songs_from_album(album_id) {
        const r = await fetch(""+get_api_token(), {
            "body": JSON.stringify({
                "alb_id": album_id,
                "start": 0,
                "nb": 500
            "method": "POST",
            "credentials": "include"
        const resp = await r.json();

        const album_songs = [];

        for (let album_song of {
            const song_title = `${album_song.SNG_TITLE} ${album_song.VERSION}`.trim();

            // if we dont want duplicates but the artist released the song multiple times as different songs
            if (!config.toggles.duplicates && songs_isrc[album_song.ISRC]) {
      `Song ${song_title} is re-released`);

            // if song is blacklisted or not whitelisted
            if (!does_string_match(song_title,, true) || does_string_match(song_title,, false)) {
      `Song ${song_title} is blacklisted`);

            if (album_song.ARTISTS.every( (artist) => artist.ART_ID !== artist_id) ) {
      `Song ${song_title} doesn't feature artist`);

            // if a contributor is blacklisted or not whitelisted
            if (album_song.ARTISTS.some( (artist) => (
                !does_string_match(artist.ART_NAME, regexes.whitelist.artist, true) ||
                does_string_match(artist.ART_NAME, regexes.blacklist.artist, false)
            ))) {
      `Song ${song_title} features a blacklisted artist`);

            if (Number(album_song.DURATION) < config.min_length) {
      `Song ${song_title} is too short`);

            // finally add the song
            if (!config.toggles.duplicates) {
                (songs_isrc[album_song.ISRC] ||= [song_title, []])[1].push(album_song.SNG_ID);

            album_songs.push([album_song.SNG_ID, song_title]);


        return album_songs;

    // get all songs from albums asynchronous, 10 at a time to avoid ratelimits
    const albums = await get_all_albums();
    const songs_isrc = {};
    const songs = {};

    for (let i = 0; i < albums.length; i += 10) {
        const chunk = albums.slice(i, i + 10);
        let album_promises = album => {
  "Getting songs for " + album[1]);
            const album_songs = await get_all_songs_from_album(album[0]);
            for (let song of album_songs) {
                songs[song[0]] = song[1];

        await Promise.all(album_promises);

    for (let last_dump_song_id of last_dump_song_ids) {
        if (songs[last_dump_song_id] !== undefined) {
  `Song ${songs[last_dump_song_id]} appeared in a previous dump`);
            // if the song is found here, we won't delete it, we will mark is as deleted and handle it later in the other checks
            // thats because if we delete this, the check if the song is in the playlist will be skipped = fails altough the song may be in the playlist
            // if that check fails, we check for the ISRC which isnt designed to handle songs which may be in the playlist
            // that check will always succeed, since the isrc list contains every song
            // this will result in every song which was removed due to a dump getting flagged by the isrc check
            // this results in the isrc logging every song which was in a dump to be re-released
            songs[last_dump_song_id] = null;
    return [songs, songs_isrc];


async function create_playlist(songs, artist_name) {
    const time = new Date()
    const formatted_time = time.toLocaleDateString();
    const r = await fetch(""+get_api_token(), {
        "body": JSON.stringify({
            "title": artist_name,
            "description": `A playlist containing all of ${artist_name} songs as of ${formatted_time}.`,
            "songs": => [s]),
            "status": 1
        "method": "POST",
    const resp = await r.json();
    return resp;


async function add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, songs) {
    const r = await fetch(""+get_api_token(), {
        "body": JSON.stringify({
            "playlist_id": playlist_id,
            "songs": => [s, 0]),
            "offset": -1,
            "ctxt": {
                "id": null,
                "t": null,
        "method": "POST",
        "credentials": "include"
    const resp = await r.json();
    return resp;

async function update_playlist_picture_to_current_artist(playlist_id) {
    const img_url = document.querySelector("#page_naboo_artist > div.container > div > div > div > img").src
    let r = await fetch(img_url);
    const img_blob = await r.blob();
    const form_data = new FormData();
    form_data.append("image", img_blob, "img.jpg")

    r = await fetch(`${user_data.results.SESSION_ID}&id=${playlist_id}&resize=1&directory=playlist&type=picture&referer=FR&file=img.jpg`, {
        "body": form_data,
        "method": "POST",
    const resp = await r.json()
    return resp;

async function get_songs_in_playlist(playlist_id) {
    const r = await fetch(""+get_api_token(), {
        "body": JSON.stringify({
            "playlist_id": playlist_id,
            "start": 0,
            "nb": 2000
        "method": "POST",
        "credentials": "include"
    const resp = await r.json()
    return resp;

function validate_regex(regex_str, flags) {
    try {
        return RegExp(regex_str, flags);
    } catch (e) {
        return null;
function does_string_match(str, regexes, return_if_empty) {
    return regexes.length === 0 ? return_if_empty : regexes.some(regex => regex.test(str));
function parse_regexes() {
    const regexes = {
        blacklist: {
            song: [],
            artist: [],
            album: []
        whitelist: {
            song: [],
            artist: [],
            album: []
    const curr_artist_id = get_current_artist_id();
    for (let regex of config.regexes) {
        if (regex.str.trim() === "" || (regex.for_artist !== "-1" && regex.for_artist !== curr_artist_id )) {


        const regex_exp = validate_regex(regex.str, regex.flags);
        if (!regex_exp) {
            artdump_log.error(`Regex "${regex.str}" with flags "${regex.flags}" is not valid, exiting`);
            return null;

        for (let applies_to of Object.entries(regex.applies_to)) {
            if (applies_to[1]) {
                console.log(`Regex "${regex_exp}" is valid (${["blacklist", "whitelist"][regex.type]}) (${applies_to[0]})`);
                regexes[["blacklist", "whitelist"][regex.type]][applies_to[0]].push(regex_exp);
        artdump_log.success("Regexes valid");

    return regexes;

function download_file(data, name) {
    const link = document.createElement('a'); = name;

    if (typeof(data) === "object") {
        data = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)
    const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/json' });
    link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    setTimeout(() =>;

async function submit(main_div) {
    const start_time =;

    const regexes = parse_regexes();
    if (!regexes) {

    download_btn?.remove(); // only remove if new data is there in case the user forgot to download from the last run

    const data = {
        artist_name: get_current_artist_name(),
        artist_id: get_current_artist_id(),
        regexes: config.regexes,
        song_ids: []
    download_btn = create_download_btn(data, new Date()); // reference to data not by value

    const auth_token = await get_auth_token();"Getting songs");
    const [songs, songs_isrc] = await get_all_songs(auth_token, data.artist_id, regexes);

    let text = "";

    const selected_playlist_id = selected_playlist.getAttribute("data-id");
    if (selected_playlist_id !== "-1") {
        const songs_already_in_playlist = await get_songs_in_playlist(selected_playlist_id);
        if (songs_already_in_playlist.error.length === 0) {
            for (let song_already_in_playlist of {
                if (songs[song_already_in_playlist.SNG_ID] === null) { // marked as found in dump, see last_dump checks in get_all_songs_from_album
                    delete songs[song_already_in_playlist.SNG_ID];

                if (songs[song_already_in_playlist.SNG_ID]) {
          `Song ${songs[song_already_in_playlist.SNG_ID]} is already in playlist`);
                    delete songs[song_already_in_playlist.SNG_ID];

                if (songs_isrc[song_already_in_playlist.ISRC]) {
          `Song ${songs_isrc[song_already_in_playlist.ISRC][0]} is re-released (found in playlist)`);
                    songs_isrc[song_already_in_playlist.ISRC][1].forEach(song_id => delete songs[song_id]);

    // most of the filtering done, now onto adding the songs_isrc

    for (let song of Object.entries(songs)) {
        if (song[1] !== null) { // the last songs which were present in a dump, but not in a playlist just don't get added to the data used from here
            text+=song[1]+", ";

    if (data.song_ids.length === 0) {"There are no songs to add, exiting");
    data.song_ids.reverse(); // the order we receive is fifo but we need filo (basically). doesnt matter rly tho as sorting playlist afterwards doesnt really work as we add all songs at the same time

    const artist_name = get_current_artist_name();
    if (selected_playlist.getAttribute("data-id") === "-1") {"Creating new playlist for "+artist_name);`Adding ${data.song_ids.length} songs (${text.substr(0, text.length-2)})`);

        let r = await create_playlist(data.song_ids, artist_name);
        if (r.error.length !== 0) {
            artdump_log.error("Failed to create playlist (see console)");
            console.error("Failed to create playlist", r.error);
        artdump_log.success("Created playlist with songs in it");

        r = await update_playlist_picture_to_current_artist(r.results)
        if (r.error.length !== 0) {
            artdump_log.error("Failed to add picture to playlist (see console)");
            console.error("Failed to add picture to playlist", r.error);

        artdump_log.success("Added picture to playlist");

    } else {"Adding songs to "+selected_playlist.textContent);`Adding ${data.song_ids.length} songs (${text.substr(0, text.length-2)})`);

        const r = await add_songs_to_playlist(selected_playlist.getAttribute("data-id"), data.song_ids);
        if (r.error.length !== 0) {
            console.error("Failed to add songs to playlist", r.error);
            if (r.error.ERROR_DATA_EXISTS !== undefined) {
                artdump_log.error("Failed to add songs as at least 1 song is already in playlist");
            } else {
                artdump_log.error("Failed to add songs to playlist (see console)");

        artdump_log.success("Added songs to playlist "+selected_playlist.textContent);
    }`Process took ${(} seconds.`);;


// more or less only visual stuff

class Artdump_log {
    static CONSOLE = "[Deezer Artist Dumper]";

    constructor(log_textarea) {
        this.INFO = "?";
        this.ERROR = "!";
        this.SUCCESS = "*";
        this.log_textarea = log_textarea;

    _log(type_prefix, ...args) {
        const time = new Date();
        this.log_textarea.value += `[${time.toLocaleTimeString()}] [${type_prefix}] ${args.join(" ")}\n`
        this.log_textarea.scrollTop = this.log_textarea.scrollHeight;

    clear() {
        this.log_textarea.value = "";

    info(...args) {
        this._log(this.INFO, ...args);

    error(...args) {
        this._log(this.ERROR, ...args);

    success(...args) {
        this._log(this.SUCCESS, ...args);

    static console(...args) {
        console.log(this.CONSOLE, ...args);

function change_selected_playlist(new_playlist) {
    if (new_playlist !== selected_playlist) {
        new_playlist.setAttribute("selected", "");
        selected_playlist = new_playlist;

function create_main_btn(main_div) {
    const li = document.createElement("li");
    const div = document.createElement("div");

    const main_btn = document.createElement("button");

    main_btn.className = "main_btn";
    main_btn.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="27px" height="27px">
            fill-rule="evenodd" d="M11.335 11.335V4h1.33v7.335H20v1.33h-7.335V20h-1.33v-7.335H4v-1.33h7.335Z" clip-rule="evenodd">


    let show = false;
    main_btn.onclick = () => {
        show = !show = show ? "block" : "none";
        main_btn.className = show ? "main_btn active": "main_btn";
    return li;

function create_main_div() {
    const main_div = document.createElement("div");
    main_div.className = "main_div";
    return main_div;

function create_regexes_dropdown() {
    function create_item(regex_ref) {
        const dropdown_item = document.createElement("div");
        dropdown_item.className = "regex_dropdown_item";

        const allowed_flags = ["d", "g", "i", "m", "s", "u", "v", "y"]
        const regex_input = document.createElement("input")
        regex_input.className = "regex_input";
        regex_input.placeholder = "Regex";
        regex_input.value = regex_ref.str;
        regex_input.oninput = () => {
            regex_ref.str = regex_input.value; // this will also update if its wrong, but this is better imo
            if (!validate_regex(regex_input.value)) {
            } else {
        regex_input.onchange = () => {

        const regex_flags_input = document.createElement("input")
        regex_flags_input.className = "regex_input";
        regex_flags_input.placeholder = "Flags";
        regex_flags_input.value = regex_ref.flags;
        regex_flags_input.oninput = () => {
            regex_ref.flags = regex_flags_input.value; // this will also update if its wrong, but this is better imo
            const flags = regex_flags_input.value.split("");
            if (!flags.every(e => allowed_flags.includes(e)) || new Set(flags).size !== flags.length) {
            } else {
        regex_flags_input.onchange = () => {

        const type_dropdown = document.createElement("select");
        type_dropdown.className = "my_dropdown";
        const blacklist_opt = document.createElement("option");
        blacklist_opt.textContent = "Block";
        const whitelist_opt = document.createElement("option");
        whitelist_opt.textContent = "Allow";
        type_dropdown.onchange = () => {
            regex_ref.type = type_dropdown.selectedIndex;
        type_dropdown.append(blacklist_opt, whitelist_opt);
        type_dropdown.selectedIndex = regex_ref.type;

        const for_artist_dropdown = document.createElement("select"); = "3px";
        for_artist_dropdown.className = "my_dropdown";
        const all_artists_opt = document.createElement("option");
        all_artists_opt.textContent = "Any Artist"; // "Any" and "This" are carefully chosen to be similar in length (not just amount of character but actualy length)
        const this_artist_opt = document.createElement("option");
        this_artist_opt.textContent = "This Artist";

        for_artist_dropdown.onchange = () => {
            regex_ref.for_artist = for_artist_dropdown.selectedIndex === 0 ? "-1" : curr_artist_id;
        for_artist_dropdown.append(all_artists_opt, this_artist_opt);
        for_artist_dropdown.selectedIndex = regex_ref.for_artist === "-1" ? 0 : 1;

        const applies_to_song_checkbox = document.createElement("input");
        applies_to_song_checkbox.type = "checkbox";
        applies_to_song_checkbox.className = "applies_for_checkbox";
        applies_to_song_checkbox.checked =;
        applies_to_song_checkbox.onclick = () => {
   = !;

        const applies_to_artist_checkbox = applies_to_song_checkbox.cloneNode();
        applies_to_artist_checkbox.checked = regex_ref.applies_to.artist;
        applies_to_artist_checkbox.onclick = () => {
            regex_ref.applies_to.artist = !regex_ref.applies_to.artist;

        const applies_to_album_checkbox = applies_to_song_checkbox.cloneNode();
        applies_to_album_checkbox.checked = regex_ref.applies_to.album;
        applies_to_album_checkbox.onclick = () => {
            regex_ref.applies_to.album = !regex_ref.applies_to.album;

        const delete_btn = document.createElement("button")
        delete_btn.textContent = "🗑";
        delete_btn.className = "regex_delete_btn";

        delete_btn.onclick = () => {
            config.regexes.splice(config.regexes.indexOf(regex_ref), 1);

        dropdown_item.append(regex_input, regex_flags_input, type_dropdown, for_artist_dropdown, applies_to_song_checkbox, applies_to_artist_checkbox, applies_to_album_checkbox, delete_btn);

        return dropdown_item;

    // create fundamental structure
    const dropdown = document.createElement("div");
    dropdown.className = "regex_dropdown";

    const dropdown_menu = document.createElement("div");
    dropdown_menu.className = "regex_dropdown_menu";

    // create the button to toggle and the button to create a new regex

    const dropdown_btn_and_create_new_btn_group = document.createElement("ul");
    dropdown_btn_and_create_new_btn_group.setAttribute("data-orientation", "horizontal");
    dropdown_btn_and_create_new_btn_group.className = "regex_parent_group";

    const dropdown_btn = document.createElement("button");
    dropdown_btn.textContent = " Regexes";
    dropdown_btn.title = "Use deezer_artist_dumper_config in console to get every regex and other stuff";
    dropdown_btn.className = "regex_dropdown_toggle_btn";
    dropdown_btn.onclick = () => {

    const create_new_btn = document.createElement("button");
    create_new_btn.className = "regex_btns";
    create_new_btn.textContent = "➕︎";
    create_new_btn.title = "Create new regex"
    create_new_btn.onclick = () => {
        const new_regex = {
            str: "",
            flags: "i",
            type: 0, // 0 = blacklist, 1 = whitelist
            for_artist: get_current_artist_id(),
            applies_to: {
                song: true,
                artist: false,
                album: false
        const new_item = create_item(config.regexes[config.regexes.length-1])

    const file_input = document.createElement("input");
    file_input.type = "file";
    file_input.multiple = true; = "none";
    file_input.onchange = (e) => {
        let all_regexes = [];
        const files =;

        const readers = [];
        for (let file of files) {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
            reader.onerror = e => {
                console.error("File reading error:", e);
            reader.onload = re => {
                let cfg_regexes;
                try {
                    cfg_regexes = JSON.parse(;
                } catch (e) {
                    artdump_log.error("Error parsing dump ";
                    console.error("Error parsing dump ", e);

        const wait_for_readers = setInterval(() => { // race condition but ig the file loading should always be quicker than the user pressing submit
            if (readers.every(v => v.result !== null)) {
                config.regexes = [ Set( [ ...config.regexes, ...all_regexes ].map(re => JSON.stringify(re)) ) ].map(re => JSON.parse(re)); // deduplicate

                // rebuild dropdown items
                while (dropdown_menu.childElementCount > 1) dropdown_menu.lastElementChild.remove();
                dropdown_menu.append( ...(config.regexes.filter( (regex) => (regex.for_artist === "-1" || regex.for_artist === curr_artist_id) ).map( (regex) => create_item(regex) ) ) );
        }, 10)

    const import_btn = document.createElement("button");
    import_btn.className = "regex_btns";
    import_btn.textContent = "⤓";
    import_btn.title = "Import regexes without removing existing ones";
    import_btn.onclick = () => {
        file_input.value = null;;

    const export_btn = document.createElement("button");
    export_btn.className = "regex_btns";
    export_btn.title = "Export regexes";
    export_btn.textContent = "⤒";
    export_btn.onclick = () => {
        const formatted_time = (new Date()).toLocaleString('sv-SE', {
            year: 'numeric',
            month: '2-digit',
            day: '2-digit',
            hour: '2-digit',
            minute: '2-digit',
            second: '2-digit'
        }).replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(':', '').replace(" ", "_");

        download_file(config.regexes, `artistdump_regexes_${formatted_time}.json`);

    dropdown_btn_and_create_new_btn_group.append(dropdown_btn, export_btn, import_btn, create_new_btn);

    // create headers
    const header_item = document.createElement("div");
    header_item.className = "regex_dropdown_item";

        ["Regex", "The regex used to filter"],
        ["Flags", "The regex flags"],
        ["Type", "Wether to use this regex to blacklist or whitelist"],
        ["For", "Apply this regex to the current artist or every artist"],
        ["Song", "Apply this regex to song names"],
        ["Artist", "Apply this regex to artist/contributer names"],
        ["Album", "Apply this regex to album names"]
    ].forEach( header => {
        const header_span = document.createElement("span");
        header_span.textContent = header[0];
        header_span.title = header[1];


    const curr_artist_id = get_current_artist_id();
    dropdown_menu.append( ...(config.regexes.filter( (regex) => (regex.for_artist === "-1" || regex.for_artist === curr_artist_id) ).map( (regex) => create_item(regex) ) ) );

    dropdown.append(dropdown_btn_and_create_new_btn_group, dropdown_menu)

    return dropdown;

function create_options() {
    const options_div = document.createElement("div");
    options_div.className = "options_div";

    const song_type_options = document.createElement("div");
    song_type_options.className = "song_type_options_div";
    const types = ["EP", "Singles", "Album", "Featured", "Duplicates"]
    let input, lbl;
    for (let type of types) {
        input = document.createElement("input");
        input.type = "checkbox";
        input.title = `Wether to include ${type} or not`

        lbl = document.createElement("label");
        lbl.textContent = type;

        type = type.toLowerCase();

        input.checked = config.toggles[type]
        input.onclick = () => {
            config.toggles[type] = !config.toggles[type];


    const opts = [document.createElement('option'), document.createElement('option')];
    opts[0].textContent = "Release Date";
    opts[1].textContent = "Popularity";

    const order_dropdown = document.createElement("select");
    order_dropdown.className = "my_dropdown";
    order_dropdown.title = "Order of songs. Does not really affect anything at the moment, as the songs get added all at once so deezer sorts them by their song id internally which is MOSTLY equal to release date, but can have exceptions.";
    order_dropdown.selectedIndex = config.order;
    order_dropdown.onchange = () => {
        config.order = order_dropdown.selectedIndex;

    const min_song_length_input = document.createElement("input");
    min_song_length_input.type = "number";
    min_song_length_input.className = "min_song_length_input";
    min_song_length_input.placeholder = "Min. Length";
    min_song_length_input.title = "Minimum Song Length in seconds";
    min_song_length_input.value = config.min_length;
    min_song_length_input.onchange = () => {
        config.min_length = Number(min_song_length_input.value);

    options_div.append(song_type_options, order_dropdown, min_song_length_input);

    return options_div;

function create_search_bar(playlists, playlist_ul) {
    const input = document.createElement("input")
    input.placeholder = "Search Playlist 🔎︎";
    input.className = "searchbar";
    input.oninput = (e) => {
        for (let playlist of playlists) {
            playlist_ul.querySelector(`button[data-id='${playlist.PLAYLIST_ID}']`).style.display = playlist.TITLE.toLowerCase().includes(input.value.toLowerCase()) ? "" : "none";
    return input;

function create_new_playlist_btn() {
    const new_playlist_btn = document.createElement("button");
    new_playlist_btn.type = "button";
    new_playlist_btn.className = "new_playlist_btn";
    new_playlist_btn.title = "(Recommended) Creates a new private playlist with the name and picture of the artist where the songs will be added to.";
    new_playlist_btn.setAttribute("data-id", "-1");

    const plus_sign_span = document.createElement("span");
    plus_sign_span.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" height="24px">
            fill-rule="evenodd" d="M11.335 11.335V4h1.33v7.335H20v1.33h-7.335V20h-1.33v-7.335H4v-1.33h7.335Z" clip-rule="evenodd">
    const text_span = document.createElement("span");
    text_span.textContent = "New Playlist";
    new_playlist_btn.append(plus_sign_span, text_span);

    new_playlist_btn.onclick = () => {
    return new_playlist_btn;

function create_playlists_btns(playlists, new_playlist_btn) {
    const playlist_ul = document.createElement("ul");
    playlist_ul.className = "playlist_ul";

    let playlist_li = document.createElement("li");

    let playlist, playlist_btn;
    for (playlist of playlists) {
        playlist_btn = document.createElement("button");
        playlist_btn.title = `Add the songs to ${playlist.TITLE}`
        playlist_btn.textContent = playlist.TITLE
        playlist_btn.onclick = (e) => {
        playlist_btn.setAttribute("data-id", playlist.PLAYLIST_ID);

        playlist_li = document.createElement("li");

    return playlist_ul;

function create_submit_btn(main_div) {
    const submit_btn = document.createElement("button");
    submit_btn.textContent = "Submit";
    submit_btn.className = "action_btn"; = "10px"; = "10px";
    submit_btn.title = "Starts the whole process. The settings (regex, checkboxes) will be saved locally for the next use."
    submit_btn.onclick = () => submit(main_div);

    return submit_btn;

function create_artdump_log_textarea() {
    const artdump_log_textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
    artdump_log_textarea.className = "my_textarea";
    artdump_log_textarea.placeholder = "Log (Click to Copy)";
    artdump_log_textarea.title = "Logs information about the process. Click to Copy.";
    artdump_log_textarea.readOnly = true;
    artdump_log_textarea.onmouseup = () => {
        if (window.getSelection().toString() === "") {

    return artdump_log_textarea;

function create_load_btn(data, time) {
    const file_input = document.createElement("input");
    file_input.type = "file";
    file_input.multiple = true; = "none";

    const load_btn = document.createElement("button");
    load_btn.textContent = "Load Dump";
    load_btn.className = "action_btn";
    load_btn.title = "Load data from an earlier dump."
    load_btn.onclick = () => {
        file_input.value = null;;

    file_input.onchange = (e) => {
        last_dump_song_ids = [];
        const files =;
        load_btn.textContent = "0 Dumps (Check JSON/console)";
        load_btn.title = "";

        const readers = [];
        for (let file of files) {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
            reader.onerror = e => {
                console.error("File reading error:", e);
            reader.onload = re => {
                let last_dump;
                try {
                    last_dump = JSON.parse(;
                } catch (e) {
                    artdump_log.error("Error parsing dump ";
                    console.error("Error parsing dump ", e);

                // last_dump_song_ids = [...last_dump_song_ids, ...last_dump.song_ids];
                const file_count = Number(load_btn.textContent.split(" ", 1)[0] ) + 1;
                load_btn.textContent = file_count.toString() + " Dump" + (file_count > 1 ? "s": "");
                load_btn.title +="\n";

        const wait_for_readers = setInterval(() => { // race condition but ig the file loading should always be quicker than the user pressing submit
            if (readers.every(v => v.result !== null)) {
                last_dump_song_ids = [ Set(last_dump_song_ids)]; // deduplicate
        }, 10)
    return load_btn;

function create_download_btn(data, time) {
    const download_btn = document.createElement("button");
    download_btn.textContent = "Download Dump";
    download_btn.className = "action_btn";
    download_btn.title = "Download data for this dump."; = "1px";
    download_btn.onclick = () => {
        const formatted_time = time.toLocaleString('sv-SE', {
            year: 'numeric',
            month: '2-digit',
            day: '2-digit',
            hour: '2-digit',
            minute: '2-digit',
            second: '2-digit'
        }).replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(':', '').replace(" ", "_");

        download_file(data, `artistdump_${get_current_artist_name().replaceAll(" ", "-")}_${formatted_time}.json`);

    return download_btn;

// globals
let config;
let user_data;
let last_dump_song_ids;
let selected_playlist;
let artdump_log;
let download_btn;
let last_path = location.pathname;

// url change stuff

function is_new_artist(target_path) {
    Artdump_log.console(`Navigated from ${last_path} to ${target_path}`);

    const last_id = last_path.split("/artist/")
    const target_id = target_path.split("/artist/");

    let is_new_artist = false;
    if (target_id.length > 1) { // current page is an artist
        if (last_id.length > 1) { // the last page was also an artist
            if (target_id[1].split("/", 1)[0] !== last_id[1].split("/", 1)[0]) { // the current and last artist arent the same
                is_new_artist = true;
        } else {
            is_new_artist = true;

    last_path = target_path;
    return is_new_artist;

window.history.pushState = new Proxy(window.history.pushState, {
    apply: (target, thisArg, argArray) => {
        if (is_new_artist(argArray[2])) {
        return target.apply(thisArg, argArray);
window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => {
    if (is_new_artist(location.pathname)) {

if (location.pathname.includes("/artist/")) {

async function artist_main() {
    if (!user_data) {
      user_data = await get_user_data();
    if (!user_data) {
        Artdump_log.console("Not logged in");

    const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
        for (let mutation of mutations) {
            if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
                let main_ul = document.querySelector("#page_naboo_artist > div.container > div > ul[role='group']");
                if (main_ul) {

    observer.observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true});

    function create(main_ul) {
        Artdump_log.console("Element found");
        if (document.querySelector(".main_btn") !== null) {

        config = get_config();
        unsafeWindow.deezer_artist_dumper_config = config;
        last_dump_song_ids = [];

        set_css(); = "relative";

        const main_div = create_main_div();
        const regex_dropdown = create_regexes_dropdown();
        const options_div = create_options();

        let new_playlist_btn = create_new_playlist_btn();
        new_playlist_btn.setAttribute("selected", "");
        selected_playlist = new_playlist_btn;

        const playlists = get_playlists()
        const playlist_ul = create_playlists_btns(playlists, new_playlist_btn);
        const search_bar = create_search_bar(playlists, playlist_ul);

        const submit_btn = create_submit_btn(main_div);
        const load_btn = create_load_btn();
        const artdump_log_textarea = create_artdump_log_textarea();
        artdump_log = new Artdump_log(artdump_log_textarea);
        const main_btn = create_main_btn(main_div);

        main_div.append(regex_dropdown, options_div, search_bar, playlist_ul, submit_btn, artdump_log_textarea, load_btn);
        main_ul.append(main_btn, main_div);