- // ==UserScript==
- // @run-at document-start
- // @name General URL Cleaner
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10096-general-url-cleaner
- // @description Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
- // @include https://www.newegg.com/*
- // @include https://www.newegg.ca/*
- // @include https://www.bing.com/*
- // @include https://www.youtube.com/*
- // @include https://www.imdb.com/*
- // @include https://www.facebook.com/*
- // @include https://disqus.com/embed/comments/*
- // @include /^https://(www|smile)\.amazon(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}/.*$/
- // @include /^https?://\w+\.google(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}/.*$/
- // @include /^https://[\w.]+\.ebay(desc)?(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}/.*$/
- // @include /^https://[\w\d.]*twitter.com/.*$/
- // @include /^https?://(www\.)?staticice\.com\.au/.*$/
- // @exclude https://apis.google.com/*
- // @exclude https://accounts.google.com/*
- // @exclude https://support.google.com/*
- // @exclude https://www.google.com/recaptcha/*
- // @exclude https://hangouts.google.com/webchat/*
- // @version 3.3
- // @license GPL version 3 or any later version; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- * Vars
- */
- var ebay = /\.ebay(desc)?(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}$/;
- var google = /\.google\.com?(\.\w{2,3})?$/;
- var amazon = /^(www|smile)\.amazon?\.com?(\.\w{2,3})?$/;
- var amazonAd = /\.amazon-adsystem\.com?(\.\w{2,3})?$/;
- var utmParams = /&utm_[^&]+/g;
- var neweggParams = /&(cm_sp|icid|ignorebbr)=[^&#]*/g;
- var imdbParams = /&(p\w_rd_\w+|ref_)=[^&#]*/g;
- var bingParams = /&(go|qs|form|FORM|filt|pq|s[cpk]|qpvt|cvid)=[^&#]*/g;
- var youtubeParams = /&(feature|src_vid|annotation_id|[gh]l)=[^&#]*/g;
- var ebayParams = /&(_(o?sacat|odkw|from|trksid|trkparms)|frcectupt|rt|epid|amp;[^=]+)=[^&#]*/g;
- var amazonParams = /&(url|ie|th|psc|p\w_rd_\w\w?|bbn|rw_html_to_wsrp|ref_?|_encoding|refRID)=[^&#]*/g;
- var googleParams = /&(sa(fe)?|ved|source(id)?|s?ei|tab|tbo|h[ls]|authuser|n?um|ie|aqs|as_qdr|bav|bi[wh]|bs|bvm|cad|channel|complete|cp|s?client|d[pc]r|e(ch|msg|s_sm)|g(fe|ws)_rd|gpsrc|noj|btnG|o[eq]|p(si|bx|f|q)|rct|rlz|site|spell|tbas|usg|xhr|gs_\w+)=[^&#]*/g;
- var youtubeRedir = /[?&]q=([^&]+)/;
- var genericRedir1 = /[?&](new|img)?u(rl)?=([^&]+)/i;
- var genericRedir2 = /[?&]\w*url=([^&]+)/i;
- let currHost = location.host;
- let currPath = location.pathname;
- let currSearch = location.search;
- /*
- * Main
- */
- if (currHost === 'www.bing.com') {
- cleanCurrParams(bingParams);
- cleanLinks(parserAll);
- return;
- }
- if (currHost === 'www.youtube.com') {
- if (currPath === '/redirect')
- cleanRedir(location, youtureRedir);
- if (currPath === '/watch')
- cleanCurrParams(youtubeParams);
- cleanLinks(parserYoutube);
- return;
- }
- if (currHost.endsWith('.newegg.com') || currHost.endsWith('.newegg.ca')) {
- cleanCurrParams(neweggParams);
- cleanLinks(parserNewegg);
- return;
- }
- if (currHost === 'www.imdb.com') {
- cleanCurrParams(imdbParams);
- cleanLinks(parserIMDB);
- onhashchange = deleteHash();
- return;
- }
- if (google.test(currHost)) {
- if (currPath === '/url' || currPath === '/imgres')
- cleanRedir(location, googleParams);
- if (!currSearch && !/[&#]q=/.test(location.hash))
- return;
- cleanCurrParams(googleParams);
- changeState(googleInstant);
- if (currSearch.includes('tbm=isch'))
- cleanLinksAlways(parserGoogleImages);
- else
- cleanLinks(parserGoogle);
- return;
- }
- if (ebay.test(currHost)) {
- if (currPath.includes('/itm/')) {
- let item = currPath.match(/\/\d{12}/);
- let origList = currSearch.replace(/\?.*&?(orig_cvip=[^&]+).*/, '?$1');
- setCurrUrl('/itm' + item + origList + location.hash);
- }
- else if (currPath.startsWith('/p/')) {
- if (currSearch.includes('iid='))
- setCurrUrl('/itm/' + currSearch.match(/[?&]iid=(\d{12})/).pop());
- else
- setCurrUrl(currPath);
- }
- cleanCurrParams(ebayParams);
- cleanLinks(parserEbay);
- onhashchange = deleteHash;
- return;
- }
- if (amazon.test(currHost)) {
- let item = location.pathname.match(/\/[A-Z\d]{10}(?=\/|$)/);
- if (currPath.includes('/dp/'))
- setCurrUrl('/dp' + item);
- else if (currPath.includes('/gp/product'))
- setCurrUrl('/gp/product' + item);
- else if (currSearch)
- cleanCurrParams(amazonParams);;
- cleanLinks(parserAmazon);
- onhashchange = deleteHash;
- return;
- }
- if (currHost.endsWith('staticice.com.au')) {
- cleanLinks(parserStaticice);
- return;
- }
- if (currHost=='twitter.com') {
- cleanLinks(parserTwitter);
- return;
- }
- if(currHost=='www.facebook.com') {
- cleanLinks(parserFacebook);
- return;
- }
- if (currHost=='disqus.com') {
- cleanLinks(parserDisqus);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Boilerplate functions
- */
- function setCurrUrl(url) {
- history.replaceState(null, null, url);
- }
- function cleanCurrParams(params) {
- let search = location.search.replace('?','?&').replace(params,'').replace('&','').replace(/\?$/,'');
- if (search.length<2)
- setCurrUrl(location.pathname);
- else
- setCurrUrl(search);
- }
- function deleteHash() {
- history.replaceState(null, null, ' ');
- }
- function observe(func) {
- new MutationObserver(func).observe(document, {childList:true, subtree:true});
- }
- // Clean links once, mark as cleaned, then ignore them
- function cleanLinks(linkParser) {
- observe(function() {
- for (let a of document.links) {
- if (a.cleaned)
- continue;
- if (a.protocol && a.protocol.startsWith('http'))
- linkParser(a);
- a.cleaned = 1;
- }
- });
- }
- // Always clean links
- function cleanLinksAlways(linkParser) {
- observe(function() {
- for (let a of document.links)
- if (a.protocol && a.protocol.startsWith('http'))
- linkParser(a);
- });
- }
- function googleInstant(url) {
- let parts = url.split('#');
- if (parts.length !== 2)
- return url;
- let hash = parts[1];
- if (hash === 'imgrc=_')
- return ' ';
- if (/(^|&)q=/.test(hash))
- return '?' + hash;
- return '#' + hash;
- }
- // Intercept & modify url passed into history.replaceState/pushState
- function changeState(mod) {
- history.realPushState = history.pushState;
- history.realReplaceState = history.replaceState;
- history.pushState = function() {
- history.realPushState(null, null, mod(arguments[2]));
- };
- history.replaceState = function() {
- history.realReplaceState(null, null, mod(arguments[2]));
- };
- }
- /*
- * Link parsing functions
- */
- function parserAll(a) {
- let host = a.host;
- let path = a.pathname;
- if (google.test(host)) {
- if (path === '/imgres' || path === '/url')
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- else
- cleanParams(a,googleParams);
- return;
- }
- if (host === 'www.youtube.com') {
- if (path === '/watch')
- cleanParams(a,youtubeParams);
- else if (path === '/redirect')
- cleanRedir(a,youtubeRedir);
- }
- if (a.host.endsWith('.bing.com'))
- cleanParams(a,bingParams);
- parserAmazon(a);
- parserEbay(a);
- parserNewegg(a);
- parserIMDB(a);
- cleanParams(a,utmParams);
- }
- function parserGoogle(a) {
- a.removeAttribute('onmousedown');
- parserAll(a);
- }
- function parserGoogleImages(a) {
- let jsaction = a.getAttribute('jsaction');
- if (jsaction && jsaction.includes('down:irc.rl'))
- a.removeAttribute('jsaction');
- a.removeAttribute('onmousedown');
- parserAll(a);
- }
- function parserYoutube(a) {
- parserAll(a);
- let text = a.innerText;
- let href = a.href;
- if (text === href || text.endsWith('...') && href.startsWith(text.slice(0,-3)))
- a.innerText = href;
- }
- function parserAmazon(a) {
- if (amazonAd.test(a.host))
- a.href = 'https:' + a.pathname.split('/https:').pop() + a.search;
- if (!amazon.test(a.host))
- return;
- if (a.pathname.includes('/picassoRedirect'))
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- if (a.pathname.includes('/dp/')) {
- a.pathname = '/dp' + a.pathname.match(/\/[A-Z\d]{10}(?=\/|$)/);
- a.search = '';
- }
- else if (a.pathname.includes('/gp/product')) {
- a.pathname = '/gp/product' + a.pathname.match(/\/[A-Z\d]{10}(?=\/|$)/);
- a.search = '';
- }
- else if (a.pathname.includes('/ref='))
- a.pathname = a.pathname.replace(/\/ref=[^\/]+/,'');
- cleanParams(a,amazonParams);
- }
- function parserEbay(a) {
- if (!ebay.test(a.host))
- return;
- if (a.pathname.includes('/itm/')) {
- a.pathname = '/itm' + a.pathname.match(/\/\d{12}/);
- a.search = '';
- }
- else if (a.pathname.startsWith('/p/') && a.search.includes('iid=')) {
- a.pathname = '/itm/' + a.search.match(/[?&]iid=(\d{12})/).pop();
- a.search = '';
- }
- else if (a.host.startsWith('pulsar.')) {
- a.pathname = '/itm/' + a.search.match(/%7B%22mecs%22%3A%22(\d{12})/).pop();
- a.host = location.host;
- a.search = '';
- }
- cleanParams(a,ebayParams);
- a.removeAttribute('data-navsrc-tracking');
- if (a.hash && a.pathname===location.pathname)
- a.href = a.hash;
- }
- function parserNewegg(a) {
- if (!a.host.endsWith('.newegg.com') && !a.host.endsWith('.newegg.ca'))
- return;
- if (!a.pathname.includes('/marketplace/'))
- cleanParams(a,neweggParams);
- }
- function parserIMDB(a) {
- if (a.host === 'www.imdb.com')
- cleanParams(a,imdbParams);
- }
- function parserTwitter(a) {
- if (a.host !== 't.co')
- return;
- let fake = 't.co' + a.pathname;
- let real = a.getAttribute('data-expanded-url');
- if (real) {
- a.href = real;
- a.removeAttribute('data-expanded-url');
- sessionStorage.setItem(fake, real);
- return;
- }
- if (!a.classList.contains('TwitterCard-container'))
- return;
- real = sessionStorage.getItem(fake);
- if (real)
- a.href = real;
- }
- function parserFacebook(a) {
- let onclick = a.getAttribute('onclick');
- if (!onclick || !onclick.startsWith('LinkshimAsyncLink'))
- return;
- if (a.host !== 'l.facebook.com')
- return;
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- a.removeAttribute('onclick');
- a.removeAttribute('onmouseover');
- }
- function parserDisqus(a) {
- if (a.host === 'disq.us' && a.pathname === '/url')
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- parserAll(a);
- }
- function parserStaticice(a) {
- if (a.host.endsWith('staticice.com.au')) {
- if (a.pathname.startsWith('/cgi-bin/www.'))
- a.href = 'http://'+a.pathname.slice(9);
- else if (a.pathname !== '/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi')
- return;
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- }
- if (a.host === 'www.clixgalore.com' && a.pathname === '/PSale.aspx')
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir2);
- if (a.host === 't.dgm-au.com' || a.host === 'www.kqzyfj.com')
- cleanRedir(a,genericRedir1);
- if (a.host === 't.cfjump.com')
- parserStaticiceTCF(a);
- cleanParams(a,utmParams);
- }
- function parserStaticiceTCF(a) {
- if (a.search) {
- cleanRedir(a, genericRedir1);
- return;
- }
- if (a.innerText.startsWith('$'))
- return;
- let siteText = a.parentNode;
- let itemLink = siteText.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild;
- if (itemLink.host !== 't.cfjump.com') {
- a.href = itemLink.origin;
- return;
- }
- let origin = 'https://' + siteText.innerText.split(/ +\| +/)[1];
- let itemPath = itemLink.pathname.match(/^\/t\/\d+\/\d+(\/.+)/).pop()
- a.href = origin;
- itemLink.href = origin + itemPath;
- }
- /*
- * URL string functions
- */
- function cleanRedir(a, param) {
- a.href = decodeURIComponent(a.search.match(param).pop());
- }
- function cleanParams(a, params) {
- if (a.search)
- a.search = a.search.replace('?','?&').replace(params,'').replace('&','').replace(/\?$/,'');
- if (a.hash)
- a.hash = a.hash.replace('#','#&').replace(params,'').replace('&','').replace(/#$/,'');
- }