Gaston's Diep stuff mod

This is a internal script for bigger project but it has its own custome theme auto upgrades/auto respawn as well as custom stats upgrades that can be request to be add to the builds list

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v2.8 31.07.2024

    Bug Fixes When Sending RT info

  • v2.7 30.07.2024
  • v2.7 30.07.2024
  • v2.6 02.07.2024

    Bug fixes?

  • v2.5 01.07.2024
  • v2.5 01.07.2024

    More fixcing :<

  • v2.5 01.07.2024

    Bug Fixes for nodejs

  • v2.4 30.05.2024