X to Twitter

Get our Twitter back from Elon.

< Отзив за X to Twitter

Отзив: Лошо - скриптът не работи

Публикуван на: 22.08.2023


Full disclosure: I'm biased, because I'm comparing this script to my script Twitter: bring back old name and logo.

Test results

Tested on Firefox on the desktop. Interface in English language.

What gets renamed/replaced correctly (✅), what doesn't (❌), and what kinda works, but incorrectly (🟡):

  • General
    • ✅ tab icon
    • tab name (e.g. ✅ 'Notifications / Twitter' and ❌ 'Jane Doe on Twitter: "hello"')
    • ✅ logo on the loading screen and logo in the header
  • Sending tweets
    • button to send tweets
    • ✅ "Post" → "Tweet"
    • 🟡 "Post all" gets incorrectly renamed to "Tweet", instead of "Tweet all"
    • ❌ Button "Reply" gets incorrectly renamed to "Tweet" (it has been called "Reply" looong before X)
    • ❌ placeholder "Add another tweet!" when tweeting several tweets at once
    • ❌ placeholder "Tweet your reply!" when replying (both inline and in a popup)
    • ❌ popup ("toast") message "Your tweet was sent."
  • Profile pages
    • ❌ counter of tweets on profile pages ("123 posts" → "123 tweets" and "14.2K posts" → "14.K tweets")
    • 🟡 tab "Posts" gets renamed to "Tweet", missing the "s"
  • Tweets in a timeline/profile/thread
    • ❌ tooltip of the retweet button ("Retweet" and "Undo retweet")
    • ✅/🟡 menu item "Retweet" in the dropdown for retweet button (see note about jumpy text below)
    • ❌ menu items in dropdown "More" under three dots button (top right corner)
    • ❌ menu items in dropdown "Share" under Share button (bottom right corner)
  • Timeline
    • ❌ Popup "pill" with "X, Y, Z posted" and "See new posts"
  • Individual tweet's page
    • ❌ retweets counter ("42 Reposts" → "42 Retweets")
    • ❌ "Post" → "Tweet" in the header
    • ❌ text in the header of the popup "Retweeted by"
  • Notifications page
    • ❌ mentions of tweets and retweets (e.g. "retweeted your tweet")

setInterval is not good

On the technical side, the approach with setInterval is not a good idea, because:

  1. The text "jumps", because the interval has to catch up to whatever Twitter's native JS is doing. Most noticeable on:
    • the dropdown (popup menu) of the "Retweet" button – the user sees the text "Repost"
    • when switching between tabs ("Tweets", "Replies", "Media", "Likes") on a user profile
  2. It wastes CPU. The script does something in the background all the time, even when the page is idle.
Публикуван на: 23.08.2023

At least the script works lmao

For page title, use https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/472074-twitter-x-title.

It works for all languages.

For title icon, if you want to have customization by yourself, use https://greasyfork.org/scripts/472034-twitter-x-icon
(of course you can customize it with the blue bird, see https://greasyfork.org/scripts/472071-twitter-x-icon-twitter-bird

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