Greasy Fork is available in English. Hide the "ExitIntent" popup

This script hides the "ExitIntent" popup that sometimes is shown when you want to exit from the current page of the site.

// ==UserScript==
// @name  Hide the "ExitIntent" popup
// @name:it Nasconde il popup "ExitIntent"
// @description    This script hides the "ExitIntent" popup that sometimes is shown when you want to exit from the current page of the site.
// @description:it Questo script nasconde il popup "ExitIntent" che a volte viene visualizzato quando si vuole uscire dalla pagina corrente del sito.
// @match          https://**
// @grant          none
//// @run-at         document-start
// @version        1.0.8
// @author         Cyrano68
// @license        MIT
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

    "use strict";

    function console_log(text)
        //let now = new Date().toISOString();
        let now = new Date().toLocaleString();
        console.log(`${now} ${text}`);

    console_log("==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: HELLO! Loading script...");

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded);
    window.addEventListener("load", onWindowLoaded);


    function onDOMContentLoaded()
        console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onDOMContentLoaded - document.readyState=${document.readyState}`);
        // DO NOTHING!

    function onWindowLoaded()
        console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onWindowLoaded - document.readyState=${document.readyState}`);
        // DO NOTHING!

    function onMutationList(mutationList, observer)
        //console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - mutationList.length=${mutationList.length}`);
        mutationList.forEach((mutation, i) =>
            //console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - mutation[${i}] - mutation.type=${mutation.type}`);
            if (mutation.type === "childList")
                let addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
                if (addedNodes.length > 0)
                    //console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - mutation[${i}] - addedNodes.length=${addedNodes.length}`);
                    addedNodes.forEach((addedNode, j) =>
                        let searchedDiv = searchVisibleNode(addedNode, "div#adagio-overlay-try-buy");
                        if (searchedDiv !== null)
                            //console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - searchedDiv.outerHTML='${searchedDiv.outerHTML}'`);

                            let parentElement = searchedDiv.parentElement;
                            console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - parentElement='${parentElement}'`);

                   = "none";  // Hide node.
                   = "scroll";  // Show vertical scrollbar.
                            console_log(`==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: onMutationList - 'adagio-overlay-try-buy' - mutation[${i}], addedNode[${j}] - searchedDiv.tagName='${searchedDiv.tagName}','${}' ---> HIDDEN`);

    function searchVisibleNode(node, selector)
        let parentElement = node.parentElement;
        return (parentElement === null ? null : parentElement.querySelector(`${selector}:not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([style*=\"display: none\"])`));

    function createMutationObserver()
        console_log("==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: createMutationObserver");

        // SEE:
        const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;

        // Create an observer instance linked to the callback function.
        const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutationList);

        // Options for the observer (which mutations to observe).
        const config = {subtree: true, childList: true};

        // Start observing the target node for configured mutations.
        observer.observe(document, config);

    console_log("==> Repubblica_it_HideExitIntentPopup: Script loaded");