Appends versatile search links bar to linkbar
Това са всички версии на скрипта. Покажи само тези версии, където кодът е променен.
+ added Album of the Year searches to default preset
+ added ascii mataname variants (no diacritics)
+ ArtistInfo preset (artist profile page only)
* update to Bandcamp presets: narrowed search query to return only items of relevant type
+ added search preset for Rate Your Music
+ added SoundCloud + Traxsource to default sites (factory reset of search definitions is required to apply)
! bug fixed in release type extraction* added label and cat№ search metavalues for requests
! fixed failing album year extraction from page
* fixed VA / Compilations searches (force patterns reset to apply on existing install)
+ added preset for Wikipedia
+ extedned to music request page