Urban Dead Revived

A suite of UI enhancements for Urban Dead

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A suite of user interface enhancements for Urban Dead that:

  • Provides the capability to extend the contact book and in game name coloring feature beyond the 150 player limit by providing a wiki page (in JSON format) to download contacts from. This design will be reworked to allow multiple contact books so you can use your friends or those made public by other groups. The intention behind this is primarily to help combat zerging, alt abuse and help out those who like to track PKing but no longer have the Rogue's Gallery. It is kind of primative right now but will be enhanced as time goes on.
  • Adds a refresh button to reload the map tab without using the browser refresh button and risking resending an action that uses AP. I'm also going to add the refresh button to a few more pages (that count toward the IP hit limit) when in tab mode in the next update.
  • Renames zombies in the game text if they are in your contact book, so instead of just seeing that "A zombie said something" and having to check their link, you'll be able to see which of your horde said what.
  • Adds an underline under all visible instances of a character's profile link when hovering over any one of them.

Experimental features that still need some bugs smashed out of them with a big stick:

  • The organisation of pages into tabs with iframes to prevent unnecessary API usage when moving between pages like Contacts, City, Skills and Settings. One major benefit to this is that controlling the iframe source prevents wasting AP by accidentally doubling up on an action POST when the tab is restored from hibernation in mobile browsers.
  • Tabs for accessing the wiki NecroTech buildings map and the Revive Points page. Hopefully this will make it a little easier for players to provide updates and that will encourage more people to do so. You can't edit the wiki from within the game tab but if you click on them it'll automatically open in a new tab to allow that.
  • Keeping a collapsible, scrollable history of game messages and radio transmissions (all content that shows next to the map in dot points) saved to your browser's localStorage which can be cleared with an in-game button. If it is collapsed and then there are game messages found, it will auto open. Keeping old updates can help with cross referencing player profiles with zombie names. Your browser's localStorage can hold game text for multiple player accounts separately and they can persist in browser storage after logout.
  • Adding viewport meta tags and moves links to provide a better mobile experience with responsive styles.
  • When in tab mode the settings page form buttons are replaced with background calls using fetch to save on page reloads. All Revived options are automatically saved locally when they are toggled.

Please leave feedback on my wiki talk page: https://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/User_talk:Avarice77