Sort by the italicized 'total' price on a Discogs release page instead of pre-shipping price
هنا كل إصدارات هذا البرنامج النصي. إظهار الإصدارات حيث تغيير الكود فقط.
Support Prev/Next links when not using extension to add infinite scrolling
Chrome extension added to description
Work on /sell/ and /seller/ pages
Strip all periods and commas from prices as there are always 2 decimal places anyway (fixes sorting of items >= $1,000)
Fix for different language URLs, treat commas in prices like periods
Treat the 'In Cart' btn like the 'Add to Cart' btn
Tweak description
Update name
Add preview image
Only push unavailable items to bottom in ascending order
Link to script in namespace
Errant spaces
Sort unavailable listings to the bottom
Greasyfork namespace