wow roblox 2012 thats crazy bro

< Feedback on ROBLOX 2012

مراجعة: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 19-08-2022

First of all. Its good but there is an bunch of problems you need to fix. You need to move the sponsor and trade bring back the profile picture in this theme you need to bring back genre and other features too and fix the arrow in the games and hide the big ol game thumbmail when your mouse is over it all game thumbnails need to be square too. Also fix the other stuff in ur other themes

Posted: 23-08-2022

thats too much how is he gonna make it..

Lego Savantمؤلف
Posted: 23-08-2022

you cant get squarer than a square

genres were removed you cant just add that back

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