تجاوز الجميع الروابط المختصرة

تجاوز جميع مواقع الروابط المختصرة يتخطى تلقائيًا أدوات تقصير الروابط المزعجة ، مباشرة إلى وجهتك

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مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 24-11-2022

Hello Sir, I see that in pingit.im the script works very fine it passes the google captcha, I mean I don't even have to do the recaptcha because the script passes to the next page very good.

Is this possible to do in other sites, like Adbull and others? It will be great and I will be appreciate ^^

Best regards

Posted: 25-11-2022
Edited: 25-11-2022

It is possible bypass this shortlink



Bottom element in console is

href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwil2pTxzaT7AhVgQfEDHQo8Ch4QFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffinance.diudemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fdetails%2Fid%2Fgerman_modal_verbs&usg=AOvVaw1JIYFiAUQrqG0TKTYCOP2C" id="next" name="submit" class="blog_btn plz_wait" style="display: inline-block;">click here<

In the bottom page appears this:



Posted: 25-11-2022
Edited: 25-11-2022

This link have a problem:


many times when goes to the blog to wait until it breaks the Shortlink says please update

https://bas.nurul-huda.or.id/ (say please update in here)


Posted: 25-11-2022

Hello Sir, I see that in pingit.im the script works very fine it passes the google captcha, I mean I don't even have to do the recaptcha because the script passes to the next page very good.

Is this possible to do in other sites, like Adbull and others? It will be great and I will be appreciate ^^

Best regards

That's bugs from pingit.im site , in my groups i share the tricks to bypass it more faster , please check your private messages or conversations , i will invite you to join my groups

This link have a problem:

Clear my blog cache and history to solve this issue

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